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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 26 July 2017
            Barbara Sinatra, Frank’s 4th wife and philanthropist, dies

            By JOHN ROGERS               ried  her  husband  in  1976,  1986.
             Associated Press            when  he  was  60  and  she  “Frank  would  come  over
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Bar-  49. They remained wed un-    and  sit  and  read  to  the
            bara  Sinatra,  the  fourth  til his death at 82 in 1998.  kids,”  Thoresen  said  of  the
            wife  of  legendary  singer  It  was  her  third  marriage,  sometimes  volatile  enter-
            Frank Sinatra and a promi-   Sinatra’s  fourth  and  the  tainer.
            nent  children’s  advocate  most  enduring  union  for  “But the best way she used
            and    philanthropist   who  both.  She  met  Sinatra  Frank,”  he  added  with  a
            raised  millions  of  dollars  to  through  her  second  hus-  chuckle,  “was  she  would
            help  abused  youngsters,  band,  Zeppo  Marx  of  the  say,  ‘I  need  a  half-million
            died Tuesday. She was 90.    famous Marx Brothers com-    dollars for this, so you do a
            Sinatra  died  of  natural  edy team. The couple had  concert and I get half the
            causes  at  her  Rancho  Mi-  been  close  friends  and  money.’”
            rage,   California,   home  neighbors  with  Sinatra  in  She remained active at the
            surrounded  by  family  and  Rancho Mirage until she left  center until recently, push-
            friends,  said  John  Thore-  Marx for the singer in 1973.  ing for creation of the vid-
            sen, director of the Barbara  Frank  Sinatra,  then  single,  eo  program  just  last  year,
            Sinatra Children’s Center.   had  previously  been  mar-  raising funds and dropping   In this July 11, 1996 file photo Frank Sinatra and his wife Barbara
            With  her  husband’s  help,  ried  to  his  teenage  sweet-  by often to make sure the   arrive  at  Our  Lady  of  Malibu  church  to  renew  their  wedding
            she  founded  a  nonprofit  heart  Nancy  Sinatra,  the  children  had  what  they     vows on their 20th wedding anniversary in Malibu, Calif.
            center  in  Rancho  Mirage  mother  of  their  children  needed, Thoresen said.                                                 Associated Press
            in 1986 to provide therapy  Nancy,  Tina  and  the  late  Already  a  socialite  in  the  Bosworth,  Missouri,  she  re-  talking about as a 15-year-
            and other support to young  Frank  Jr.);  Ava  Gardner,  Palm  Springs  area  through  called  growing  up  poor  old  butcher’s  daughter,”
            victims  of  physical,  sexual  who died in 1990; and Mia  her marriage to Marx, Sina-  and friendless.             she said.
            and emotional abuse.         Farrow.  A  notorious  wom-  tra  mingled  with  such  ce-  She moved with her family  Her first marriage, to a Sina-
            In the years since, Thoresen  anizer throughout much of  lebrities  as  Dinah  Shore,  to  Wichita,  Kansas,  when  tra-style singer, was brief as
            said, more than 20,000 chil-  his life, Frank Sinatra didn’t  Marilyn  Monroe  and  Tony  she  was  10  and  to  Long  he  struggled  to  find  work.
            dren have been treated at  ask his fourth wife to marry  Curtis, raising money for nu-  Beach,  California,  at  18.  It  They  split  shortly  after  the
            the center and hundreds of  him  until  she  threatened  merous  charitable  causes  was  in  Wichita  where,  like  birth  of  her  son  and  she
            thousands more worldwide  to  leave  if  he  didn’t,  she  before establishing the chil-  millions  of  other  teenage  married Marx in 1959.
            through videos it provides.  recalled  in  her  2011  mem-  dren’s center.             girls in the 1940s, she fell in  She  is  survived  by  her  son,
            A  former  model  and  Las  oir, “Lady Blue Eyes: My Life  Those years were a far cry  love  with  a  voice  on  the  Robert  Oliver  Marx,  and  a
            Vegas  showgirl,  Barbara  With Frank Sinatra.”           from  earlier,  more  modest  radio.  “Frank  Sinatra  had  grand-daughter,   Carina
            Sinatra  was  a  prominent  Both    played    prominent  ones  she  described  in  her  always been part of my life  Blakeley Marx.
            Palm Springs socialite in her  roles at the children’s cen-  memoir.                   —  from  when  I  first  heard  Funeral  arrangements  are
            own  right  before  she  mar-  ter  after  she  founded  it  in  Born  Barbara  Blakely  in  the  singer  everybody  was  pending.q

            ‘Jersey Boys’ nostalgia fades, but the ‘Hit Men’ play on

            By DAVID PORTER                                                                        ences,”  said  David  Filner,  his vocals on the Four Sea-
            Associated Press                                                                       vice  president  for  musical  sons  hit  “December  1963
            CRANFORD,  N.J.  (AP)  —                                                               operations  at  Artis_Naples,  (Oh What A Night), left the
            Five years ago, some musi-                                                             in Naples, Florida, which has  group  last  year.  Don  Cic-
            cians who had played with                                                              booked the Hit Men several  cone, also one of the Four
            Frankie  Valli  and  the  Four                                                         times. “They put on a great  Seasons in the ‘70s, helped
            Seasons  during  his  come-                                                            show, and they have a very  form the Hit Men and per-
            back in the 1970s rounded                                                              interesting  story  because  formed  with  them  until  his
            up  some  of  their  friends,                                                          they’ve been involved in so  death last year at age 70.
            slicked  back  what  hair                                                              many super groups.”          The  group  also  lost  Larry
            they  had  left  and  set  out                                                         Songs  from  some  of  those  Gates,  a  friend  of  Shap-
            on  a  tour  to  capitalize  on                                                        collaborations  form  the  iro’s  since  childhood  and
            the success of Broadway’s                                                              backbone  of  the  shows,  a  longtime  session  bassist
            “Jersey Boys.”                                                                         each accompanied with a  who  backed  Carole  King
            “It was kind of, ‘Let’s see if                                                         backstory.  Guitarist  Jimmy  and  numerous  others,  to
            this works. If not, we’ll have   In a photo taken Thursday, July 20, 2017, Jimmy Ryan of The Hit   Ryan, for example, recounts  multiple  myeloma  last  De-
            fun; it’ll be great, and we’ll   Men plays at the Axelrod Performing Arts Center in Deal Park,   how his interest in a female  cember.  His  replacement,
            try  it  a  couple  of  times,’”   N.J.                                                co-worker  at  a  Greenwich  Jeff  Ganz,  has  a  lengthy
            keyboardist  Lee  Shapiro                                             Associated Press  Village  record  store  was  musical  resume  that  in-
            said this week as the group  Along  the  way,  they’ve  perience and musicianship  thwarted because she was  cludes  playing  with  the
            prepared to play a show at  overcome  the  deaths  of  honed  while  touring  and  dating his boss. But the two  late,  legendary  blues  gui-
            the New Jersey shore.        two  group  members  and  recording with a who’s who  kept in touch and when the  tarist  Johnny  Winter  and
            Today,  the  Hit  Men  are  the  fading  of  the  “Jersey  of rock’s golden era. It’s a  co-worker,  Simon,  needed  disco  icons  The  Village
            showing no signs of slowing  Boys”   phenomenon       to  list that includes Elton John,  a  guitar  player  for  her  first  People.
            down.  They  have  played  carve  out  a  niche  in  the  Carly  Simon,  Todd  Rund-   album,  she  reached  out,  Drummer  Steve  Murphy
            hundreds  of  shows  across  lucrative pop music nostal-  gren, Journey, Cheap Trick,  beginning  a  musical  part-  and singer-keyboardist Rus-
            the country — including at  gia  universe.  “Jersey  Boys”  Rod Stewart, the Ramones,  nership  that  lasted  more  sell  Velasquez  knew  each
            President  Donald  Trump’s  is a jukebox musical chroni-  Lou  Reed,  Jim  Croce  and  than 20 years.               other from extensive vocal
            Mar-a-Lago  resort  —  and  cling Valli’s career.         Chicago.                     Shapiro  is  the  group’s  last  session  work  in  New  York
            have gigs booked through  The  calling  card  of  the  Hit  “It’s a type of music that’s  direct  link  to  Valli.  Drum-  doing  commercial  jingles
            next May.                    Men is their decades of ex-  very popular with our audi-  mer Gerry Polci, famous for  and other projects.q
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