P. 31
PeoPle & Arts Wednesday 26 July 2017
‘Despacito’ singers veto Venezuelan leader’s campaign remix
By JORGE RUEDA rewrite. and a better future,” Fonsi
Associated Press “For the unity and peace said in a message posted
CARACAS, Venezuela of our country,” the remix to his Twitter account.
(AP) — There’s a new take begins. “The constituent as- “What can you expect
on the hit Latin pop song sembly moves forward.” from a person who has
“Despacito.” Fonsi and Daddy Yankee robbed the lives of so many
And this one is not garner- took to social media Mon- young people filled with
ing accolades from its pro- day to veto the new spin dreams?” Daddy Yankee
ducers. Venezuelan Presi- on their song, which re- said on Twitter, along an
dent Nicolas Maduro pre- cently became an even image picturing a news
miered a remix of the song bigger hit with a remix fea- story about Maduro’s take
by Puerto Rican duo Luis turing Justin Bieber. on the song crossed out in
Fonsi and Daddy Yankee “My music is for everyone red. “That you illegally ap-
Sunday, transforming the to listen to and enjoy, not propriate a song (Despa-
record-setting single about to be used as propaganda cito) doesn’t compare with
a slow, romantic seduction that intends to manipulate the crime you commit and In this April 27, 2017 file photo, singers Luis Fonsi, left and Daddy
into a campaign jingle for the will of a people who are have committed in Ven- Yankee perform during the Latin Billboard Awards in Coral
his contested constitution screaming for their liberty ezuela.” Gables, Fla.
Associated Press
Novel takes energetic look at Maduro is pressing forward mix while dressed in match-
with his pledge to hold a ing T-shirts and baseball
life of ambitious news anchor July 30 election to select caps featuring campaign
slogans Sunday.
delegates to a special as-
sembly that will be tasked Maduro often sings and
By LINCEE RAY wardrobe and the respect with rewriting the troubled dances while giving force-
Associated Press she’s always wanted. nation’s constitution de- ful speeches aired on state
If anyone has the talent What Amanda didn’t ex- spite international outcry television.
to write an innovative nar- pect was a reality check on and a protest movement “Is that video approved?”
rative about the realities her willingness to substitute that has left at least 97 he asked after the song
of working at a popular integrity for ratings. With an dead. concluded.
cable-news station, it’s Ali- election year coming up, More than 7.5 million Ven- “Yes!” the crowd respond-
syn Camerota. As a cor- Amanda swells with pride ezuelans recently voted ed in unison.
respondent and anchor that FAIR News is the only in a symbolic referendum Panamanian singer Erika
for multiple major news morning show that tackles against the constituent as- Ender, who composed the
outlets throughout her ca- issues from both sides. sembly and the opposi- song with Fonsi, also gave
reer, Camerota’s experi- Unfortunately, the produc- tion has vowed to hold a thumbs down to the new
ence enables the reader ers have a different view- 48-hour strike in protest this recording.
to enjoy an eye-opening point. week. “To see a song that I co-
behind-the-scenes look Former Hollywood wild- Opposition leaders fear wrote used without permis-
at broadcast journalism in card presidential candi- Maduro will use the con- sion to promote campaigns
her debut novel, “Amanda date Victor Fluke is a right- This cover image released stitution rewrite to further tied to the regime that has
Wakes Up.” wing joke. He’s also ratings by Viking shows “Amanda consolidate his power and a country unhappy and
Amanda Gallo’s dream is gold. Amanda understands Wakes Up,” a novel by Alisyn silence any critical voices. suffering, far from making
to be a hard-hitting jour- her boss’ affinity for the ob- Camerota. Supporters of the president me happy, enrages me,”
nalist at a legitimate cable noxious man, but shouldn’t Associated Press swayed to the catchy re- she wrote on Instagram.q
news station. When media the left-wing candidate Amanda decides to take
mogul Benji Diggs notices also be allowed to have matters into her own hands.
her spunk and gumption, her voice heard on FAIR? As her personal life and President (bleep):
he invites Amanda to leave And why is her co-anchor, career begin to unravel
her local station to join the annoying yet incredibly around her, Amanda faces
him for a coveted morn- handsome Rob Lahr, inca- the biggest story of her life. TV sitcom bars use
ing co-anchor slot at FAIR pable of challenging any Will she do what she knows
News. In a matter of weeks, of the guests from Fluke’s is right in her heart? of Trump’s name
Amanda has the salary, the political party?
Or what is easy in order to
expand her career?
“Amanda Wakes Up” is an LOS ANGELES (AP) — Presi- tion have made the sound
energetic and sometimes dent Donald Trump’s name of his name, as she put it,
surprising look at the life of is off limits on the upcoming “so gross.” She said she and
an ambitious news anchor. season of Comedy Cen- Jacobson decided Trump
Readers’ loyalties will swing tral’s “Broad City.” has enough air time and
back and forth as different Series creators Ilana Glazer they didn’t want to share
characters’ perspectives and Abbi Jacobson said theirs with him.
are introduced into the sto- Tuesday that Trump’s name Glazer and Jacobson star
ry line. will be bleeped each time in “Broad City,” which re-
At its core, the novel offers it’s used in an episode — a turns for its fourth season
a lot of comedy, a touch move typically reserved for in September on Com-
of romance and a healthy expletives. edy Central. The series is
dose of what it means to Glazer told TV critics that about the freewheeling
weigh ambition against talking constantly about lives of two New York City
truth.q Trump and his administra- women.q