P. 30

                 Wednesday 26 July 2017
                                                                      Al Gore on ‘Inconvenient Sequel,’

                                                                      Trump, and the environment

                                                                      By JOHN CARUCCI              CNN  Legal  Analyst  Jeffrey  this  movie.  To  tell  people
                                                                      Associated Press             Toobin, who also attended  what  they  need  to  know,
                                                                      NEW YORK (AP) — Al Gore  the  premiere,  agrees  that  to show them that there is
                                                                      admits  he  was  frustrated  Gore  “had  done  pretty  hope  and  there  are  solu-
                                                                      upon hearing the news last  well  for  himself”  after  the  tions now, and inspire them
                                                                      month that President Trump  disputed  2000  presidential  to get involved,” Gore said.
                                                                      was pulling out of the Paris  election.                   Davis  Guggenheim  direct-
                                                                      Climate  Accord,  but  since  “Al Gore could have done  ed the first film to box office
                                                                      then  he’s  become  more  many  things  after  he  was  and  Oscar  glory,  bringing
                                                                      optimistic.                  not  inaugurated  in  2001,  climate  change  into  the
            This  image  released  by  Paramount  Pictures  shows  Al  Gore  in   Gore  worried  that  a  U.S.  but  what  he  did  was  be-  mainstream.  The  sequel,
            “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.”                 withdrawal from the treaty  come  the  leading  global  directed  by  Bonni  Cohen
                                                     Associated Press  would  compel  other  na-   spokesman for perhaps the  and Jon Shenk picks up the
                                                                      tions  to  opt  out  of  the  his-  most  important  scientific  conversation  with  more  of
                                                                      torical  pact  for  adopting  and  environmental  cause  a  battle  cry  for  saving  the
                                                                      clean energy solutions. But  of our lifetime, and he won  planet.
                                                                      that’s not what happened.    a  Nobel  Prize  in  the  bar-  Knowing  he  was  stepping
                                                                      “The  whole  rest  of  the  gain.  So  I  don’t  think  any-  into  big  shoes  for  this  film,
                                                                      world  has  redoubled  their  one could quarrel with how  Shenk  noted  the  impor-
                                                                      commitment.  And  in  this  Al Gore has decided to live  tance  of  his  predecessor’s
                                                                      country, the governors and  his life,” he said.           film.
                                                                      the  mayors  and  the  busi-  A  big  part  of  Gore’s  mis-  “An  Inconvenient  Truth”
                                                                      ness  leaders  have  all  said,  sion  depends  on  convinc-  was  one  of  the  most  suc-
                                                                      ‘We’re  still  in  the  agree-  ing  people  that  climate  cessful  documentaries  in
                                                                      ment,  and  we’re  gonna  change  is  not  a  hoax.  In-  history.  Not  only  did  it  do
                                                                      fill  the  gap.  We’re  gonna  stead,  it’s  based  on  sci-  fabulously  well  at  the  box
                                                                      meet the U.S. commitment,  ence that shows the global  office,  but  by  almost  any
                                                                      regardless of what Donald  mean  surface  tempera-        measure  it  put  the  words
                                                                      Trump does,” Gore told the  ture  continues  to  rise,  due  global  warming  and  cli-
                                                                      Associated Press last week  in  part  to  an  increase  in  mate crisis on the map for
                                                                      at  a  special  screening  for  greenhouse   gasses.   So  the  entire  world,”  Shenk
                                                                      “An  Inconvenient  Sequel:  while global warming is im-   said.
                                                                      Truth to Power.”             mune to politics, the topic  In  order  to  keep  the  infor-
                                                                      It  follows  the  2006  Oscar-  remains  a  partisan  issue  in  mation  timely,  producers
                                                                      winning documentary, “An  the  United  States.  That’s  changed  the  ending  from
                                                                      Inconvenient  Truth,”  and  something  the  former  vice  what audiences saw at the
                                                                      continues the conversation  president  blames  on  cor-   Sundance  Film  Festival  to
                                                                      of  finding  solutions  for  the  porate funding for political  reflect  Trump’s  announce-
                                                                      effects of climate change,  campaigns.                    ment  about  withdrawing
                                                                      including  an  emphasis  on  “The  truth  about  the  cli-  the  United  States  from  the
                                                                      renewable  energy.  Much  mate  crisis  is  still  inconve-  global  climate  agreement
                                                                      like  the  first  film,  Gore  is  nient  for  the  big  carbon  in time for the film’s limited
                                                                      front and center in leading  polluters,  and  the  politi-  release  on  July  28  and  its
                                                                      the discussion.              cians  that  they  support  wide release on Aug. 4.
                                                                      It’s been a remarkable sec-  with  their  big  campaign  Gore also said he’s recent-
                                                                      ond act for Gore since win-  contributions  and  lobby-   ly spoken to Hillary Clinton,
                                                                      ning the popular vote, but  ing activities are scared to  and that’s “She’s gonna be
                                                                      losing the Electoral College  cross them. That’s the main  fine.”
                                                                      in  the  2000  presidential  reason. They’ve spent a lot  Clinton  won  the  popular
                                                                      election.  There’s  no  ques-  of money trying to put out  vote,  but  lost  the  Electoral
                                                                      tion  that  Gore  was  dev-  false information about it,”  College  to  Trump,  just  as
                                                                      astated  from  the  loss,  but  Gore said.                Gore  lost  to  George  W.
                                                                      his stature as an important  Still,  he  remains  confident  Bush in 2000.
                                                                      voice  for  environmental  is-  that  the  problem  can  be  As  for  Trump’s  continued
                                                                      sues  has  proven  equally  fixed.                        attacks on the news media,
                                                                      successful,  as  he  amassed  “People are seeing through  Gore feels disheartened by
                                                                      a  Nobel  Prize,  Academy  this  now.  Two-thirds  of  the  them.
                                                                      Award,  an  Emmy,  and  American  people  want  “Well,  I  think  that’s  really
                                                                      a  Grammy  for  his  relent-  to  solve  this  big  time.  We  unfortunate.   We   need
                                                                      less  dedication  to  climate  are gonna solve it. We just  someone  who  will  unite  us
                                                                      change activism.             need to move faster on it,”  and not divide us. The press
                                                                      “I’m  under  no  illusion  that  Gore said.               obviously  plays  an  abso-
                                                                      there’s any position with as  Gore feels that change will  lutely  crucial  role  in  mak-
                                                                      much chance to do good  come from the “grass roots  ing  our  democracy  work.
                                                                      as  president  of  the  United  up.”  That’s  why  he  spends  If the press isn’t free to get
                                                                      States, but I’m very grateful  a great deal of time train-  out  there  and  tell  people
                                                                      to have found another way  ing climate activists around  what’s  going  on,  then  we
                                                                      to serve the public interests.  the globe.                can’t  make  the  changes
                                                                      I’m devoting my life to this  “We  need  to  get  more  we  need  to  know  about
                                                                      and hoping to make a big  people  involved.  That’s  and  then  change,”  Gore
                                                                      difference,” Gore said.      one of the real purposes of  said.q
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