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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 7 November 2020

                           Protesters crying foul over vote counts stir safety concerns

            (AP)  -  Protesters  crying  foul  over  closely  and “We Love Trump.” Police cordoned off streets  threats. In a statement, Sabree said the decision was
            watched  vote  counts  rallied  outside  tabula-  leading  to  the  tabulation  center  and  maintained  made “in the interest of the safety of taxpayers and
            tion  centers  in  Phoenix  and  Detroit  Friday,  a close watch on the protest. Election officials in  our  staff”  and  because  of  “credible  information”
            responding  to  President  Donald  Trump's  several closely contested states expressed concern  received from the Wayne County Sheriff’s office.
            baseless  claims  of  widespread  fraud  in  the  about  threats  and  rhetoric  directed  at  workers
            race for the White House.                       counting votes.                                 Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, speaking
                                                                                                            on CNN, said her main concern was staff safety
            The protests came as elections officials in several  “I  can  tell  you  that  my  wife  and  my  mother  are  but that sheriff’s deputies were providing protec-
            states  where  counts  show  Democrat  Joe  Biden  very concerned for me,” Joe Gloria, the registrar  tion.  She  said  the  protesters  were  “causing  delay
            ahead said the anger vented outside their doors had  in Clark County, Nevada, which includes Las Ve-  and  disruption  and  preventing  those  employees
            left them worried about the safety of their workers.  gas, said Thursday. He said his staff was bolstering  from doing their job.”
                                                            security  and  tracking  vehicles  coming  and  going  During  a  Thursday  rally  in  Phoenix,  protesters
            Roughly 200 Trump supporters gathered for a third  from the election offices.                   paused to listen as Trump spoke from the White
            straight day Friday in front of the elections center  He said he and others would not be stopped from  House, where he repeated many of his groundless
            in downtown Phoenix, where hundreds of work-    “doing what our duty is and counting ballots.”  assertions of a rigged vote.
            ers are still processing and counting ballots.  While the protests have not been violent or partic-  They  whooped  and  clapped  when  the  president
                                                            ularly large, local officials said they were concerned  said, “We’re on track to win Arizona.” The Associ-
            “Arrest the poll workers,” the crowd chanted, de-  about the relentless accusations.            ated Press has called Arizona for Biden.
            manding that Trump's presidency be renewed for
            “four more years.” Sheriffs’ deputies kept protest-  Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel tweeted a  In Atlanta, roughly 100 chanting Trump support-
            ers in a “free speech” zone away from the entrance  plea Thursday to “stop making harassing & threat-  ers  gathered  outside  State  Farm  Arena  Thursday
            to the building. “When we start auditing some of  ening  calls”  to  her  staff.  “Asking  them  to  shove  as votes were being counted. Several Atlanta police
            these  voter  rolls,  their  fraud  may  actually  be  ex-  sharpies  in  uncomfortable  places  is  never  appro-  officers monitored the scene.
            posed,” conservative activist Charlie Kirk told the  priate & is a sad commentary on the state of our  Tom  Haas,  50,  who  said  he  was  visiting  Atlanta
            crowd, eliciting cheers.                        nation,”  wrote  Nessel,  a  Democrat,  referring  to  from Chicago on business, said he was convinced
            In Detroit, dozens of Trump supporters returned  a  false  conspiracy  theory  that  Trump  supporters  Trump  had  won  the  election.  “There’s  obvious
            Friday to the streets outside Detroit’s convention  were told to fill out ballots with Sharpie markers  voter fraud, and it’s coming out of the larger Dem-
            center, where election workers have counted bal-  instead of regular pens so that their votes wouldn’t  ocratic-run cities,” he said. “Atlanta is one of them.”
            lots.                                           be counted by the machines.
                                                                                                            “Our democracy is under attack,” he said, echoing
            “Stop the steal,” the protesters chanted. Some car-  The  county  treasurer  in  Detroit,  Eric  Sabree,  Trump’s language. “We’re losing America because
            ried signs that read, “Make Elections Fair Again,”  said Friday he had closed his office Friday due to  we’re losing a fair election for the nation.”

                             Bourdeaux flips suburban Atlanta district for Democrats

            (AP)  —  Democrat  Caro-                                  the  Republican’s  lackadaisi-  fied by declining coronavirus  tion. Handel, a former Geor-
            lyn Bourdeaux has flipped  Bourdeaux,  befitting  her  cal  approach  to  pandemic  cases.                          gia secretary of state, was the
            a  suburban  Atlanta  con-   background as a public policy  precautions,  while  McCor-                             incumbent in district, which
            gressional district, defeat-  professor and former budget  mick  bristled  at  having  his  Democrat   Lucy   McBath  covers parts of Cobb, Fulton
            ing  Republican  Rich  Mc-   director for the Georgia state  physician’s  expertise  called  was reelected Tuesday in the  and  DeKalb  counties  when
            Cormick.                     Senate, took a plan-heavy ap-  into question and said an ap-  neighboring  6th  District,  she lost to McBath.
                                         proach to her race. She barely  proach that emphasized eco-  defeating  Karen  Handel  in
            Counting of absentee ballots  paused after her 2018 loss to  nomic  reopening  was  justi-  a  rematch  of  the  2018  elec-
            and in-person votes cast early  Woodall,  winning  a  major-
            continued  long  past  Elec-  ity against a crowded Demo-
            tion  Night,  forcing  a  tense  cratic  field  that  smelled  op-
            wait before the race could be  portunity in the northeastern
            called. Bourdeaux had come  suburbs.
            close  to  winning  in  2018,
            falling  fewer  than  500  votes  McCormick,  backed  heavily
            short of defeating Republican  by  the  free-trade,  anti-regu-
            incumbent  Rob  Woodall  in  lation Club for Growth, also
            that race.                   posted  an  outright  victory
                                         against heavy primary oppo-
            Woodall  didn’t  seek  another  sition.  McCormick  sought
            term in the district northeast  to appeal to immigrants and
            of Atlanta.                  native-born  Americans  on
            Bourdeaux is a college profes-  a  platform  that  emphasized
            sor  who  previously  worked  growth  and  economic  op-
            in  government.  She  empha-  portunity, dismissing govern-
            sized  expanded  health  care  ment as a “necessary evil” in
            in  her  campaign  and  used  one debate.
            the  momentum  she  built
            two  years  ago  to  push  past  Bourdeaux  and  McCormick
            McCormick,  an  emergency  clashed  most  on  health  care
            room  physician  and  Marine  and the COVID-19 pandem-
            veteran making his first-ever  ic. The Democrat pushed for
            bid for office.              more  expansive  government
                                         support for health care, while
            It’s the first time a Democrat  McCormick called for dereg-
            has won the seat since Buddy  ulation and further loosening
            Darden  lost  to  Republican  of the rules under President
            Bob  Barr  in  the  1994  GOP  Barack  Obama’s  health  care
            takeover of the U.S. House,  overhaul.
            and  reflects  the  rapidly  di-
            versifying  population  of  the  Bourdeaux  lambasted  Mc-
            district.                    Cormick for what she called
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