Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20201107
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Diasabra 7 November 2020
Armed men arrested near Philadelphia vote counting location
(AP) — Two armed men tip about their plans. A gun where police say they found charged with firearms of-
were arrested Thursday The men traveled to the city was found inside the vehicle, the men. It was adorned fenses. Their names have not
near the Philadelphia con- in a Hummer and did not police said. with an American flag and a been made public. They have
vention center where an have permits to carry the window sticker for the right- yet to be arraigned. Informa-
ongoing vote count could weapons in Pennsylvania, A silver Hummer with Vir- wing conspiracy theory QA- tion on lawyers who could
decide the presidential police said. They were ar- ginia license plates was non. comment on their behalf was
election, police said. rested after police received a parked Friday at the location Police said the men will be not immediately available.
Biden on cusp of presidency after gains in Pennsylvania
anyone else who chooses skewed heavily in Biden’s fa-
the president of the United vor after Trump spent months
States of America.” claiming without proof that
voting by mail would lead to
Trump showed no sign of widespread voter fraud.
giving up and was was back Mail ballots from across the
on Twitter around 2:30 a.m. state were overwhelmingly
Friday, insisting the “U.S. breaking in Biden’s direction.
Supreme Court should A final vote total may not be
decide!”Trump’s erroneous clear for days because the use
claims about the integrity of of mail-in ballots, which take
the election challenged Re- more time to process, has
publicans now faced with the surged as a result of the coro-
choice of whether to break navirus pandemic.
with a president who, though
his grip on his office grew The Trump campaign said it
tenuous, commanded sky- was confident the president
high approval ratings from would ultimately pull out
rank-and-file members of a victory in Arizona, where
the GOP. That was especially votes were also still being
true for those who are eyeing counted, including in Mari-
presidential runs of their own copa County, the state’s most
in 2024. populous area. The AP has
Maryland GOP Gov. Larry declared Biden the winner in
Hogan, a potential presiden- Arizona and said Thursday
tial hopeful who has often that it was monitoring the
criticized Trump, said un- vote count as it proceeded.
equivocally: “There is no
defense for the President’s “The Associated Press con-
comments tonight under- tinues to watch and analyze
mining our Democratic pro- vote count results from Ari-
cess. America is counting the zona as they come in,” said
votes, and we must respect Sally Buzbee, AP’s executive
(AP) — Democrat Joe dence in the vote. the results as we always have editor. “We will follow the
Biden was on the cusp of Biden was at his home in On Thursday, he advanced before.” facts in all cases.”
winning the presidency Wilmington, Delaware, as unsupported accusations of Trump's campaign was lodg-
on Friday as he opened up the vote count continued and voter fraud to falsely argue But others who are rumored ing legal challenges in several
narrow leads over Presi- aides said he would address that his rival was trying to to be considering a White states, though he faced long
dent Donald Trump in the the nation in primetime. seize power in an extraordi- House run of their own in odds. He would have to win
critical battlegrounds of Trump remained in the White nary effort by a sitting Amer- four years aligned them- multiple suits in multiple
Georgia and Pennsylva- House residence as more re- ican president to sow doubt selves with the incumbent, states in order to stop vote
nia. sults trickled in, expanding about the democratic process. including Sen. Josh Hawley, counts, since more than one
Biden’s lead in must-win “This is a case when they are R-Mo., who tweeted support state was undeclared.
Those put Biden in a stron- Pennsylvania. In the West trying to steal an election, for Trump’s claims, writing
ger position to capture the Wing, televisions remained they are trying to rig an elec- that “If last 24 hours have Some of the Trump team's
270 Electoral College votes tuned to the news amid trap- tion,” Trump said from the made anything clear, it’s that lawsuits only demand better
needed to take the White pings of normalcy, as report- podium of the White House we need new election integ- access for campaign observ-
House. The winner will lead ers lined up for coronavi- briefing room. rity laws NOW.” ers to locations where bal-
a country facing a historic rus tests and outdoor crews lots are being processed and
set of challenges, including a worked on the North Lawn The president pledged on Trump’s campaign engaged counted. A judge in Georgia
surging pandemic and deep on a mild, muggy fall day. Friday, in a statement, to in a flurry of legal activity to dismissed the campaign’s suit
political polarization. Trump's campaign, mean- pursue challenges "through try to improve the Republi- there less than 12 hours after
while, was quiet -- a dramatic every aspect of the law" but can president’s chances, say- it was filed. And a Michigan
The focus on Pennsylvania, difference from the day be- also suggested that his fight ing it would seek a recount in judge dismissed a Trump
where Biden led Trump by fore, when it held a morn- was “no longer about any Wisconsin and file lawsuits in lawsuit over whether enough
more than 9,000 votes, and ing conference call projecting single election.” Biden spent Pennsylvania, Michigan and GOP challengers had access
Georgia, where Biden led confidence and held a flurry Thursday trying to ease ten- Georgia. to handling of absentee bal-
by more than 1,500, came of hastily arranged press con- sions and project a more tra- lots
as Americans entered a third ferences announcing litiga- ditional image of presidential Judges in Georgia and Michi- Biden attorney Bob Bauer
full day after the election tion in key states. leadership. After participat- gan quickly dismissed Trump said the suits were legally
without knowing who will ing in a coronavirus briefing, campaign lawsuits there on “meritless.” Their only pur-
lead them for the next four With his pathway to reelec- he declared that “each ballot Thursday. pose, he said “is to create
years. The prolonged process tion appearing to greatly nar- must be counted.” In Pennsylvania, officials an opportunity for them to
added to the anxiety of a na- row, Trump was testing how “I ask everyone to stay calm. were not allowed to process message falsely about what’s
tion whose racial and cultural far he could go in using the The process is working,” mail-in ballots until Elec- taking place in the electoral
divides were inflamed during trappings of presidential Biden said. “It is the will tion Day under state law. process.”
the heated campaign. power to undermine confi- of the voters. No one, not It’s a form of voting that has