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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 7 November 2020

                             EU slaps sanctions on Belarus leader, son and 13 others

            (AP)  —  The  European  Union  try  have  been  arrested.  The  offi-
            imposed sanctions Friday on the  cial  results  returned  Lukashenko
            president of Belarus and 14 oth-   to power with 80% of the vote and
            er officials over their roles in the  were widely seen as rigged, includ-
            security  crackdown  launched  ing by the EU. About 200 disabled
            during protests of the country's  people rallied in the capital Minsk
            contested  August  presidential  on Thursday.
                                               In its sanctions listing, the EU said
            EU headquarters said in a statement  that  President  Lukashenko  “is  re-
            that Belarusian President Alexander  sponsible for the violent repression
            Lukashenko  was  put  on  the  sanc-  by  the  State  apparatus  carried  out
            tions list along his son and national  before and after the 2020 presiden-
            security adviser, Viktor Lukashenko.  tial  election,  in  particular  with  the
            The sanctions ban listed individuals  dismissal  of  key  opposition  candi-
            from traveling within the European  dates, arbitrary arrests and ill-treat-
            Union and a freeze on their assets.  ment of peaceful demonstrators as
            EU  citizens  and  companies  also  well  as  intimidation  and  violence
            are forbidden from providing them  against journalists.”
            with funds.
                                               The  addition  of  Lukashenko  and
            Protests  have  rocked  Belarus  ever  his associates means that a total of
            since the Aug. 9 election, and more  59 Belarusian officials are subject to
            than  15,000  people  in  the  coun-  the EU sanctions.

                              Protester killed in southern Iraq as tensions flare again

            (AP)  —  Iraqi  security  tor and wounding several  some  of  the  protesters  tried  Square and in other southern  More  than  500  people  were
            forces opened fire during  others  as  tensions  flared  to  set  up  tents  in  a  public  cities  that  have  seen  major  killed  during  the  months-
            clashes  with  hundreds  of  once  again,  hospital  offi-  square,  a  week  after  similar,  protests throughout the past  long   protest   movement
            protesters in the southern  cials said.                   previously  erected  protest  year.                       that  began  in  October  2019
            city  of  Basra  on  Friday,                              tents  in  Basra  and  Baghdad                            in  Baghdad  and  across  the
            killing  one  demonstra-     The  clashes  erupted  after  had been removed.           The removal of the tents has  mainly Shiite south, many of
                                                                                                   led  to  tensions  and  protest-  them  demonstrators  shot  by
                                                                      Dozens of young Iraqis were  ers in Basra have been trying  Iraqi security forces.
                                                                      seen  running  away  in  panic  to erect them again, holding
                                                                      after  the  shots  were  fired  in  demonstrations in the city for  Despite  reaching  unprec-
                                                                      Basra. The slain protester was  the past three days. They are  edented numbers in late 2019
                                                                      identified as Omar al-Thiabi,  also  demanding  the  sacking  and  successfully  mounting
                                                                      a  29-year-old  unemployed  of the governor and an inves-  pressure  on  the  country's
                                                                      Iraqi.                       tigation into previous killings  elites,  the  anti-government
                                                                                                   of protesters.               protests  have  been  largely
                                                                      Last  Saturday,  Iraqi  forces                            dormant  in  the  wake  of  the
                                                                      cleared out sit-in tents from  The  hospital  officials  said  coronavirus  pandemic.  Ac-
                                                                      Baghdad's   central   Tahrir  seven   protesters   were  tivists also blamed the drop in
                                                                      Square that had been the epi-  wounded in Friday's clashes.  numbers on a violent crack-
                                                                      center  of  anti-government  They  spoke  on  condition  of  down by Iraqi security forces
                                                                      mass  protests  that  erupted  anonymity in line with regu-  and militia groups, as well as
                                                                      last year. They also removed  lations.                    kidnappings and targeted as-
                                                                      tents  in  Basra's  Bahriya                               sassinations.

                                 Friday prayers held in newly opened Athens mosque

            (AP)  —  Friday  prayers  community,  which  largely  issues that have to be solved,”  in Greece currently have been  nationwide, which will mean
            were held for the first time  consists of migrants and visi-  including  a  small  capacity,  restricted due to the corona-  churches  and  mosques  only
            in the Greek capital’s first  tors. Muslims in Athens had  “but this is a very solid start.”  virus pandemic. As of Satur-  can hold services without the
            state-sponsored  mosque,  been  using  informal  prayer                                day morning, lockdown-type  presence of the faithful.
            which  opened  this  week  rooms  set  up  in  places  such  Stamou  estimated  Athens’  measures are being imposed
            after years-long delays.     as  unused  stores  and  base-  Muslim population at around
                                         ments, which sometimes led  half a million people, and said
            The project to build a mosque  to tension and protests from  the new mosque’s capacity, at
            in Athens took about 14 years  other  local  residents.  Mem-  300 men and 50 women, was
            and was dogged by protests,  bers of the Muslim commu-    too small.
            political controversy and de-  nity  said  the  new  mosque,
            lays in this heavily Orthodox  while far from perfect, was at  “But  this  is  like  a  symbolic
            Christian  country.  Parlia-  least a start.              foundation  and  establish-
            ment  eventually  approved                                ment that is an official one,”
            construction in August 2016.  “All  this  time  we  have  been  Stamou said. It will not pro-
                                         praying underground. This is  vide  the  services  for  every-
            The  mosque,  located  in  a  a great day for us,” said Anna  body,  we  already  know  that.
            mainly industrial area of the  Stamou,  a  representative  of  But this is a good start.”
            capital, was intended to pro-  the  Muslim  Association  of
            vide an official place of wor-  Greece. She said the mosque  The  number  of  people  al-
            ship  for  the  city's  Muslim  had “many disadvantages and  lowed in all places of worship
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