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A32    sports
                       Diasabra 21 Mei 2022

                        Interstatedaydream wins Black-Eyed Susan Stakes at Pimlico

            By STEVE GINSBURG                                                                                                   she showed up and ran a big
            Associated Press                                                                                                    race.”
            BALTIMORE (AP) — In-                                                                                                Interstatedaydream   broke
            terstatedaydream’s  owner                                                                                           sharply  from  the  ninth  post
            and trainer decided to skip                                                                                         and sat in second for most of
            the  Kentucky  Oaks  two                                                                                            the race before grabbing the
            weeks ago. That paid divi-                                                                                          lead at the top of the stretch.
            dends  at  the  Black-Eyed                                                                                          “We got six weeks in between
            Susan  Stakes  at  Pimlico                                                                                          races  here,”  owner  Stat-
            Race Course on Friday.                                                                                              ton  Flurry  said.  “Once  she
                                                                                                                                crossed the finish line at the
            With  jockey Florent  Geroux                                                                                        Ashland,  Brad  and  I  looked
            aboard,  the  well-rested  filly                                                                                    at each other and said, ‘Let’s
            was able to hold off race fa-                                                                                       point to the Black-Eyed Su-
            vorite Adare Manor down the                                                                                         san.’ That was our game plan,
            stretch and win the $250,000                                                                                        and here we are.”
            Grade 2 race by 1 ¼ lengths.                                                                                        Cox  acknowledged  Inter-
            In  her  previous  start,  Inter-                                                                                   statedaydream  “just  wasn’t
            statedaydream  tired  late  and                                                                                     ready” for the Oaks.
            finished  third  in  a  Grade  1                                                                                    “It  would  have  been  back  a
            stakes race last month at the                                                                                       little too quick, throwing too
            Ashland Stakes at Keeneland                                                                                         much  at  her  too  quick”  he
            in  Kentucky.  Geroux,  who                                                                                         said. “I thought this made the
            won his first Black-Eyed Su-                                                                                        most sense.”
            san in his fourth attempt, said
            he didn’t ride her much dif-  was primed and ready.”      the  Pimlico  crowd  expected  very shocked to see she was  Earlier on the card, First Cap-
            ferently this time but noticed   Interstatedaydream,   who  the  Kentucky-bred  bay  to  the price she was going into  tain,  with  Luis  Saez  aboard,
            she was calm throughout.     went off at 6-1, paid $14.20,  mount a challenge down the  the  gate.  She  wasn’t  getting  overtook  even-money  fa-
            “She  was  very  brave  down   $6.40 and $5.00. Adare Man-  stretch.                   a  lot  of  respect,  and  I  really  vorite  Vindictive  at  the  wire
            the lane,” Geroux said. “Very   or, ridden by John Velazquez,  But  Interstatedaydream  was  thought she fit well with this  to  win  the  $300,000  Grade
            pleased with the filly how she   returned  $4.40  and  $3.20,  having none of it.      group.                       3 Pimlico Special by a head.
            ran today. I think the connec-  while show horse Radio Days  Trainer Brad Cox said he was  “It  was  a  big  effort  and  I  That gave owner Bobby Flay
            tions  did  right  skipping  the   returned $7.60.        “just very proud” of the On-  thought  Florent  did  a  good  a  second  victory  of  Black-
            Oaks and other big races on   Despite  Adare  Manor  start-  tario-bred filly.         job  of  getting  a  good  early  Eyed  Susan  day  after  Pizza
            (Kentucky)  Derby  weekend   ing from the difficult 10 post  “She  stepped  up  and  ran  a  position. Her last two works  Bianca  won  the  $100,000
            and  train  for  this  one.  She   in the 13-filly affair, many in  huge  race,”  he  said.  “I  was  have  been  phenomenal  and  Hilltop.

                        Record 6 Latin Americans start off well at PGA Championship

            By DAVE SKRETTA              like,  ‘Oh,  there’s  Mito.’  He  I turned pro first, I got to the  become a force in the game’s  the world, so we come here
            AP Sports Writer             was impressive.”             Latin  American,  Korn  Ferry  biggest events.            and  we  just  support  each
            TULSA,  Okla.  (AP)  —  Pereira  stepped  away  from  (tours) first, so it was like we  As  soon  as  this  weekend,  in  other. Try to sometimes share
            Joaquin  Niemann  spent  the  game  for  a  while  before  were  all  trying  to  feed  each  fact.                 housing. So we have a really
            his  youth  growing  up  in  coming  back  to  it,  and  now  other.  And  then  when  he  Abraham  Ancer  of  Mexico,  good relationship.”
            Chile  trying  to  follow  he’s playing better than ever.  got  up  here  and  just  played  who  has  made  the  cut  in  Ancer has won a World Golf
            in  the  footsteps  of  Mito  He made four birdies during  amazing  golf,  you  just  see  all  four  majors  and  tied  for  Championship  event,  Vegas
            Pereira, who didn’t exact-   his round Thursday, includ-  how close it is to get here.”  eighth in last year’s PGA, also  is  a  three-time  winner  on
            ly make it easy the way he  ing  three  in  a  span  of  five  There is a rich history of Lat-  got off to a strong start with  tour,  and  Ortiz  and  Munoz
            kept  winning  prestigious  holes on the back side.       in  American  players  in  pro-  67  on  Thursday.  That  left  also have wins to their credit.
            amateur  golf  events  in  “It’s  nice  to  see  on  the  first  fessional  golf,  but  few  have  him in a tie for fourth behind  Niemann might be the hot-
            the U.S. and Scotland and  page two Chilean flags,” Nie-  contended in major champi-   McIlroy,  Will  Zalatoris  and  test of them all, winning the
            points in between.           mann  said,  “and  a  Mexican  onships. And only two, both  Tom Hoge.                  Genesis  Invitational  at  Riv-
                                         flag, too.”                  from  Argentina,  have  won:  “I felt like I played really, re-  iera in February and making
            Niemann  sure  did  a  nice  Niemann may not believe it,  Roberto De Vicenzo by two  ally  well  for  maybe  like,  a  the cut at the Masters to go
            job  following  Pereira’s  path  but Pereira admitted Thurs-  shots  over  Jack  Nicklaus  in  5-under round,” Ancer said,  along  with  his  2019  title  at
            in the opening round of the  day that he always knew who  the  1967  British  Open  at  “but  I’m  never  going  to  be  The Greenbrier.
            PGA Championship.            was chasing him growing up.  Hoylake, and Angel Cabrera,  asking  too  much  after  that.  “Definitely,  golf  in  Latin
            Two  of  a  record  six  Latin  “Yeah, I think it was mutual.  who won the U.S. Open  in  I  know  this  is  a  tough  golf  America  is  getting  bigger,”
            American players in the field,  We  both  kept  feeding  each  2007  and  the  Masters  two  course and it can go the other  he  said.  “I  think  everybody
            Neimann  and  Pereira  each  other,” he said of Niemann.  years later.                 way quickly.”                in  South  America  is  on  the
            shot rounds of 2-under 70 at  “Obviously he got here first.  Yet the latest crop could soon  It did for countryman Carlos  same page. I think everybody,
            Southern Hills, leaving them                                                           Ortiz,  who  opened  with  79.  all  the  young  players  seeing
            just three shots back of leader                                                        But  otherwise,  all  the  Latin  us up here playing on TV ev-
            Rory  McIlroy  heading  into                                                           Americans fared well.        ery week, I think it motivates
            Friday’s second round.                                                                 Sebastian Munoz of Colom-    a lot of the kids.
            “I  remember  when  I  was                                                             bia opened with 74, same as  “We didn’t have that in Chile
            probably 12, 13, and he was                                                            Tiger Woods, and Venezuela’s  back  in  the  day,”  Niemann
            probably a couple years older,                                                         Jhonattan Vegas shot 73, leav-  said. “We never see a profes-
            and he would win everything                                                            ing both ahead of PGA Tour  sional from Chile playing in
            in Chile,” Niemann recalled.                                                           player  of  the  year  Patrick  Chile.  We  obviously  have
            “He would come to the States                                                           Cantlay and four-time major  Camilo  (Villegas),  Jhonny
            and  play  the  Junior  World,                                                         winner Brooks Koepka.        from  Latin  America,  but
            and I think he won that, too.                                                          “We’re  basically  a  team,”  now  I  think  having  players
            For  me  and  all  my  friends                                                         Pereira  said  of  the  Latin  from all over the continent in
            that we, like, grew up playing                                                         American  contingent.  “We  South America is really good
            together, seeing Mito, it was                                                          come  from  another  part  of  for golf in our region.”
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