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sports Diasabra 21 Mei 2022
Rojas hits 3 home runs, Dbacks outslug Cubs in HR derby 10-6
By MATT CARLSON Rojas and Peralta tagged Kyle kins outside Wrigley Field
Associated Press Hendricks (2-4) with Ari- before the game. The metal
CHICAGO (AP) — Josh zona’s first four homers as sculpture of Jenkins deliver-
Rojas launched his first the Cubs ace righty yielded ing a pitch joins a row that
three longballs of the sea- a season-high seven runs includes ones of Ernie Banks,
son and the Arizona Dia- and eight hits in five innings. Billy Williams and Ron San-
mondbacks powered past Hendricks entered having al- to.
the Chicago Cubs 10-6 lowed just one run in his pre- Jenkins, who spent 10 of 19
Friday in a game of home vious 14 1/3 innings. seasons with the Cubs, spoke
run derby at Wrigley Field. Rojas and Peralta hit solo from the dais in a plaza on the
drives off Hendricks in the west side of the ballpark. The
With a strong wind blowing third to put Arizona ahead native of Chatham, Ontario,
out on a warm day, the teams 4-2. The pair went deep was 167-132 with a 3.20 ERA
combined to clear the walls again, one out apart in the for Chicago in 401 games --
11 times — the Diamond- fifth, to make it 7-3. Peralta completing 154 of them --
backs connected seven times. recorded his fourth multi- and was a three-time All-Star
David Peralta went deep ing. There have been 18 four- kins, in fact, led the National homer game. and the 1971 NL Cy Young
twice and Alek Thomas and Morel and Vargas hit back- Award winner while with the
Christian Walker added solo homer games performances League in home runs allowed to-back homers in the sev- Cubs.
in the majors, the last by J.D. during five of his 10 seasons
shots as the Diamondbacks enth off Caleb Smith to pull
won their second straight af- Martinez for the Diamond- with Chicago. Chicago within 9-5. The 79-year-old Jenkins took
backs in 2017.
Jonathan Villar homered and
ter a six-game slide. After Rojas struck out in the note of the gusty wind dur-
Rojas posted his first three- The versatile Rojas, who doubled for the Cubs in his ninth, Walker followed with ing the ceremony. “I pitched
started at third base, entered 1,000th big league game. Pat-
homer game and third career his team-leading 10th homer. many days, turning on to Ad-
multi-homer effort. After a batting .250 with three RBIs rick Wisdom hit his seventh HR DERBY dison (Street) and said, ‘Oh,
in 13 games after being rein-
homer to end an 0-for-10
flyout in the first inning, he Rojas became the 11th Dia- the wind is blowing out.’”
hit a solo homer in the third, stated from the injured list on slump mondbacks hitter to hit three DBACKS ROSTER MOVE
May 6. The 27-year-old had Cubs rookie Christopher
a two-run drive in the fifth homers in a game. It was the Arizona recalled OF Jake
and another solo home run been out with a strained right Morel and Ildemaro Vargas 13th time an Arizona batter McCarthy from its taxi
also homered.
in the seventh. hit three homers in a game. squad and optioned RHP Ja-
Rojas led off the ninth with On a day when the Cubs Humberto Castellanos (3-1) “FERGIE” STATUE UN- cob Webb to Triple-A Reno,
honored Hall of Fame pitch-
allowed three runs on five
a chance to tie the big league VEILED but he remained on the taxi
record of four home runs in er Ferguson Jenkins, they hits in 5 1/3 innings for the The Cubs unveiled a statue squad. McCarthy had two
lost their third in a row. Jen-
a game, but struck out look- of right-hander “Fergie” Jen- hits and two RBIs.
Bardet pulls out of Giro d’Italia, Démare claims third win
CUNEO, Italy (AP) — Winston said. sprint.” the quartet worked well to- two ascents of the Maddalena
Romain Bardet pulled out “This morning there was a The breakaway got away ear- gether to keep the pack dis- and the Superga hill in a chal-
of the Giro d’Italia due to small chance he could finish ly in the stage and the four tanced, but it was to end in lenging two-lap circuit in the
a stomach bug on Friday today but Romain’s a fighter. escapees built a lead of more heartbreak for the four rid- second half of the undulating
before French cyclist Ar- He wanted to start the stage, than six minutes at the sum- ers, each of whom was look- route from Santena to To-
naud Démare claimed his he wanted to go for it. But he mit of the Colle di Nava, the ing for a first grand tour stage rino.
third victory in this year’s was already being sick in the only classified climb of the win.López maintained his
race. neutral and it just wasn’t pos- day — a steep, third-category 12-second lead over Cara- “I need to enjoy, like, every
sible to continue.” ascent in the first half of the paz and João Almeida, and day,” López said. “For sure,
Bardet, who was among the The 150-kilometer (93-mile) route. will wear the pink jersey for some guys will try to make a
overall title favorites and ly- stage to Cuneo was expect- a 10th day on Saturday’s 14th difference but I will try to do
ing fourth overall, climbed ed to be a final one for the It appeared as if the peloton stage. It is the shortest one of my 100%.”
off his bike about a third of sprinters but for a long time let the breakaway gain too the race at just 147 kilome- The Giro finishes in nine
the way into the 13th stage it appeared as if it was go- much time on the climb as ters (91 miles) but includes days in Verona.
and got into a Team DSM car. ing to be won from a break-
Shortly afterward, the team away. However, the sprinters’
confirmed his abandonment. teams worked hard to drive
Bardet suffered from a stom- the peloton and the four es-
ach bug the previous day and capees were swallowed up
was seen holding his stomach with just 700 meters to go.
in pain at the beginning of That set up the final sprint,
Friday’s stage in San Remo. and Démare managed to
He was only 14 seconds be- head off Phil Bauhaus and
hind leader Juan Pedro López Mark Cavendish.
overall, and was expected to “When I got here I was saying
be the main challenger to it would be nice to win one
favorite Richard Carapaz. … I’m really happy,” said Dé-
Bardet had been in great mare, who rides for Group-
form, finishing first in the ama–FDJ. “It was an incred-
Tour of the Alps last month ible day. They really resisted
and almost winning atop the at the front.
Blockhaus on the Giro ninth “We were really riding hard
stage on Sunday. and with 10 kilometers to go
“He slept the whole way I started to think about the
back in the bus after the race. sprint because we knew we’d
He didn’t eat last night, he get them by then and the
couldn’t eat anything. He guys did a great job. It was
was awake all night being monstrous actually the lead-
sick,” Team DSM coach Matt out … and I did a big strong