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A30    world news
                       Diasabra 21 Mei 2022
                            Russia to cut Finland’s natural gas in latest energy clash

            By JAN M. OLSEN              in the currency listed in their
            Associated Press             contracts  and  then  formally
            COPENHAGEN,           Den-   signal that the payment pro-
            mark  (AP)  —  Russia  will  cess is concluded. But it says
            cut  off  natural  gas  to  opening a second account in
            Finland  after  the  Nordic  rubles  would  breach  sanc-
            country  that  applied  for  tions.
            NATO  membership  this  That  has  left  countries
            week  refused  President  scrambling to decide what to
            Vladimir  Putin’s  demand  do next. Analysts say the EU
            to pay in rubles, the Finn-  stance  is  ambiguous  enough
            ish  state-owned  energy  to allow the Kremlin to keep
            company  said  Friday,  the  trying  to  undermine  unity
            latest  escalation  over  Eu-  among the 27 member coun-
            ropean  energy  amid  the  tries — but losing major Eu-
            war in Ukraine.              ropean  customers  like  Italy
                                         and  Germany  would  cost
            Finland is the latest country to  Russia  heavily.  It  comes  as
            lose the energy supply, which  Europe tries to reduce its de-  Finnish  broadcaster  YLE  do  with  the  sanctions  and  It  “will  play  a  major  role  in
            is  used  to  generate  electric-  pendency on Russian oil and
            ity and power industry, after  gas  to  avoid  pouring  hun-  said.  Almost  all  of  that  gas  the fact that they want to be  securing gas supplies for Fin-
                                                                      came from Russia. That pales  paid in rubles” than Finland’s  land’s industry,” Lintila said.
            rejecting Russia’s decree. Po-  dreds of millions into Putin’s
            land  and  Bulgaria  were  cut  war chest each day but build   in comparison to big import-  application  to  NATO,  said  The vessel should be ready to
                                                                      ers  like  Italy  and  Germany,  Charly  Salonius-Pasternak,  operate by next winter.
            off late last month but, along  enough reserves before win-
            with Finland, were relatively  ter  from  scarce  worldwide   which  get  40%  and  35%  of  an  analyst  with  the  Finnish  Finland  and  Estonia  have
                                                                      their gas from Russia, respec-
                                                                                                                                been  cooperating  on  rent-
                                                                                                   Institute of International Af-
            minor  customers  who  had  supplies.                                                                               ing  the  LNG  terminal  ship,
            prepared to move away from  Finland refused the new pay-  tively.                      fairs in Helsinki.
                                                                                                   “Russia  uses  its  energy  as  a  which  will  provide  enough
                                                                      According  to  Finland’s  Ga-
            Russian natural gas.         ment  system,  with  energy                                                            storage and supply capacity to
            Putin has declared that “un-  company  Gasum  saying  its   sum,  Russian  state-owned  weapon as part of its geopo-
                                                                      energy  giant  Gazprom  said  litical  thinking,”  he  said.  “It  allow Russian gas to be aban-
            friendly foreign buyers” open  supply from Russia would be                                                          doned  in  the  neighboring
            two accounts in state-owned  halted Saturday.             in April that future payments  will have little impact on Fin-  countries,  said  Gasgrid  Fin-
                                                                      in  its  supply  contract  must  land, which has been diversi-
            Gazprombank, one to pay in  CEO  Mika  Wiljanen  called
            euros and dollars as specified  the  cutoff  “highly  regret-  be made in rubles instead of  fying  its  energy  (sources)  in  land,  the  transmission  net-
                                                                                                   recent years.”
                                                                                                                                work company. A gas pipeline
            in  contracts  and  another  in  table.”
                                                                                                   The government in Helsinki  between  the  neighbors  will
            rubles.  Italian  energy  com-  But “provided that there will   The  cutoff  was  announced  said Friday that it had signed  make it possible to import gas
            pany Eni said this week that  be no disruptions in the gas
            it  was  “starting  procedures”  transmission  network,  we   the same week that Finland,  a 10-year lease for a floating  from the Baltic states instead
                                                                      along  with  Sweden,  applied  liquefied natural gas terminal  of Russia.
            to open a euro and a ruble ac-  will be able to supply all our
            count.                       customers  with  gas  in  the   to  join  the  NATO  military  in  the  Gulf  of  Finland  and  Meanwhile, Italian company
                                                                      organization,  marking  one  that necessary port structures  Eni  said  Tuesday  that  it  was
            The European Commission,  coming  months,”  Wiljanen
            the European Union’s execu-  said.                        of  the  biggest  geopolitical  will be built along the coasts  moving to follow Putin’s de-
                                                                      ramifications of the war that  of  the  Nordic  country  and  cree “in view of the imminent
            tive arm, has said the system  Natural  gas  accounted  for
            does not violate EU sanctions  just 6% of Finland’s total en-  could rewrite Europe’s secu-  Estonia,  Economy  Minister  payment  due  in  the  coming
                                                                                                                                days” but did not agree with
                                                                      rity map.
                                                                                                   Mika  Lintila  said  in  a  state-
            if countries make a payment  ergy  consumption  in  2020,
                                                                      The gas cutoff “has more to  ment.                        the changes.
                          U.N.: 18 million facing severe hunger in West Africa’s Sahel
            GENEVA  (AP)  —  The                                                                                                insecurity,  deep  poverty  and
            U.N.  is  warning  that  18                                                                                         record-high food prices is ex-
            million people in Africa’s                                                                                          acerbating  malnutrition  and
            Sahel  region  face  severe                                                                                         driving millions to the fringes
            hunger  in  the  next  three                                                                                        of survival,” Martin Griffiths,
            months, citing the impacts                                                                                          the head of OCHA, said in a
            of Russia’s war in Ukraine,                                                                                         statement.
            the  coronavirus  pandem-                                                                                           “The  recent  spike  in  food
            ic, climate-induced shocks                                                                                          prices driven by the conflict
            and rising costs.                                                                                                   between Russia and Ukraine
                                                                                                                                is threatening to turn a food
            The hunger crisis may press                                                                                         security  crisis  into  a  hu-
            increased numbers of people                                                                                         manitarian disaster,” he said.
            to migrate out of the affected                                                                                      Those two countries are key
            areas, said a U.N. official.                                                                                        producers  of  wheat,  barley
            The largest number of people                                                                                        and  other  agricultural  prod-
            are  at  risk  of  severe  hunger                                                                                   ucts, and the conflict has al-
            across the region since 2014,                                                                                       most  entirely  halted  exports
            and four countries — Burki-                                                                                         through the Black Sea.
            na Faso, Chad, Mali and Ni-                                                                                         Griffiths’  office  is  releasing
            ger  —  are  facing  “alarming                                                                                      $30  million  from  its  emer-
            levels,”  with  nearly  1.7  mil-  a  vast  territory  stretching  spokesman  for  the  U.N.’s  ends meet by migrating: It’s  gency relief fund for the four
            lion  people  facing  emergen-  across  the  south  of  the  Sa-  Nobel  Peace  Prize-winning  a very, very likely possibility.”  African countries.
            cy  levels  of  food  insecurity  hara Desert, have faced their  World Food Program, said.  Many people from the region  Humanitarian  groups  earlier
            there, the Office for the Co-  worst agricultural production  “The  situation  is  definitely  are among migrants who seek  this  year  launched  appeals
            ordination  of  Humanitarian  in  more  than  a  decade,  and  going  to  get  worse  before  it  to travel north to Europe in  seeking $3.8 billion in aid for
            Affairs said Friday.         food shortages could worsen  gets  better,”  he  told  report-  hopes of economic opportu-  the region in 2022, but they
                                         as  the  lean  season  arrives  in  ers in Geneva. “We may see  nity, more stability and safety.  remain  only  12%  funded,
            Parts  of  the  Sahel  region,  late  summer,  Tomson  Phiri,  more  people  trying  to  make  “A  combination  of  violence,  OCHA said.
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