Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20220521
P. 26

A26    world news
                       Diasabra 21 Mei 2022
                             ‘I can’t see the light’: War fuels surging prices in Europe

            (AP) — Edoardo Ronzoni
            inspects  a  construction
            site near Milan that he shut
            down in March as costs for
            materials skyrocketed. He
            can’t complete a half-built
            roundabout  at  an  inter-
            section known for fender-
            benders  because  asphalt,
            cast-iron  pipes  and  con-
            crete  are  too  expensive
            —  prices  exacerbated  by
            Russia’s  war  in  Ukraine.

            Public works projects in Ita-
            ly are grinding to a halt just
            as  the  European  Union  is
            injecting  108  billion  euros
            ($114  billion)  in  pandemic
            recovery  money  meant  to
            launch a construction frenzy.

            Ronzoni  laments  that  his
            company  has  already  lost  its
            three  busiest  months  and
            expects  the  worst  is  ahead:
            “We  fear  we  won’t  be  able
            to  work  this  year.  We  are
            closing  all  of  our  sites.”
            The  war  has  accelerated  in-

                                                                                                   Prices in April rose 14.2% in  ten  some  relief  on  diesel
                                                                                                   the Czech Republic, 12.3% in  prices thanks to government
                                                                                                   Poland and 10.8% in Greece.  emergency measures, includ-
                                                                                                   They’re an eye-popping 61%  ing  a  small  rebate  and  per-
                                                                                                   in Turkey, which saw its cur-  mission to pass along higher
                                                                                                   rency  lose  44%  of  its  value  fuel  costs  to  customers.
                                                                                                   against  the  dollar  last  year.
                                                                                                                                Still,  the  burden  is  high.
                                                                                                   Shop  workers  from  War-    Óscar  Baños,  who  drives
                                                                                                   saw  to  Istanbul  say  custom-  his  own  cargo  trailer  out  of
                                                                                                   ers  are  cutting  back,  buying  the  central  Spanish  town
                                                                                                   lower-priced  items,  giving  of  Palencia,  said  tires  have
                                                                                                   up  on  niceties  like  fresh-  risen from 400 to 500 euros,
                                                                                                   cut  flowers  and  items  they  a  new  truck  cab  is  up  from
                                                                                                   can  delay,  like  new  clothes.  100,000  to  120,000  euros,
                                                                                                                                and a liter of diesel has risen
                                                                                                   In the Turkish capital, butch-  from 1.20 to 1.90 euros in the
                                                                                                   er  Bayram  Koza  said  he  has  past year. That’s the equiva-
                                                                                                   seen a 20% drop in sales after  lent  of  a  gallon  of  gasoline
                                                                                                   prices nearly doubled, largely  rising  from  $4.80  to  $7.60.
                                                                                                   due to the cost of feed. That
                                         paralyze ground transport of
            flation  across  Europe  and   goods. Bread prices are soar-  Economists  are  calling  it  a   is  making  livestock  breed-  Europe’s auto market also is
            the  world,  with  prices  for   ing from Poland to Belgium.  perfect  storm,  striking  as   ing  unprofitable,  and  many  facing  price  hikes  as  factory
            energy,  materials  and  food   Protests over price hikes have  countries  unleashed  spend-  farmers  are  selling  and  shutdowns in Ukraine, sanc-
            surging  at  rates  not  seen   erupted  in  places  like  Bul-  ing  to  spur  an  economic   moving  to  the  city,  he  said.  tions on Russia and an existing
            for  decades.  It’s  causing   garia.  While  governments  rebound  from  the  CO-                                  global  semiconductor  short-
            sticker  shock  at  the  grocery   have  responded  with  tax  VID-19  pandemic.  Surg-  On  the  Greek  island  of  age  crimp  supplies  of  com-
            store,  gas  pumps,  electricity   cuts and other aid, they face  ing  customer  demand  over-  Rhodes,   fish   restaurant  ponents needed to make cars.
            bills  and  construction  sites.  limits  in  easing  the  impact  whelmed factories, ports and   owner  Paris  Parasos  gets  up
                                                                                                   at dawn to go out on fishing  As  a  result,  average  new  car
                                         of  volatile  energy  markets.  freight  yards,  with  resulting
            Soaring  oil  and  gas  prices                            shortages  driving  up  prices.   trips to keep costs down. But  prices in Europe are expected
            are  the  key  driver  of  infla-  Even  the  thrifty,  with  back-                    he has still had to raise prices  to  rise  $500  to  $2,000  this
            tion  in  Europe,  which  is   yard  hens,  are  wondering  Add  to  that:  The  war  in   at  his  restaurant  in  the  is-  year,  according  to  Nishant
            heavily  reliant  on  Russian   if  the  price  of feed is worth  Ukraine  has  blocked  ex-  land’s main town as cooking  Mishra,  associate  director
            energy  to  generate  electric-  the  eggs  they  yield.  Alina  ports  of  raw  materials  like   oil  prices  quadrupled.  Plus,  of  investment  research  at
            ity and power industry. Infla-  Czernik,  a  shop  assistant  steel  and  minerals  that  kept   cooking  gas  and  electricity  Acuity  Knowledge  Partners.
            tion is expected to hit nearly   in  Warsaw,  does  the  math,  western  Europe  humming,   bills  are  three  times  higher.
            7%  this  year  in  the  27-na-  as  she  sees  prices  of  grain  as  well  as  commodities  like                  Back  in  Milan,  the  round-
            tion  EU  and  is  contributing   for  her  hen  go  up  150%,  grains  and  seed  oil,  accen-  In Poland, bread prices are up  about  is  just  one  of  half  a
            to  slowing  growth  forecasts.  to  200  zlotys  ($45)  per  100  tuating   global   shortages.  30%, sending shoppers to dis-  dozen  non-EU-funded  sites
                                                                                                                                Ronzoni  has  had  to  close
                                         kilograms  (220  pounds).                                 count outlets. Bakers in Bel-
            Fishmongers and farmers are                               Inflation is running especial-  gium are laying off workers,  in  recent  months.  He  finds
            being forced to charge prices   It  is  spreading  a  sense  ly hot in central and Eastern   as prices for a loaf rise by 30  himself unable to deliver the
            for their catch and crops that   of  futility,  especially  for  European  countries  nearest   cents,  to  2.70  euros  ($2.85).  work at the contracted prices.
            even they see as astronomical.   those  with  low  incomes.  the  battlefields  of  Ukraine.
            High  fuel  prices  threaten  to                                                       In  Spain,  truckers  have  got-
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