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A28    U.s. news
                       Diasabra 21 Mei 2022

                     Trump pays $110K fine, must submit paperwork to end contempt

            By MICHAEL R. SISAK          Judge Arthur Engoron agreed
            Associated Press             May 11 to lift the contempt
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  order  if,  by  Friday,  Trump
            Former  President  Don-      paid the fines and submitted
            ald  Trump  has  paid  the  affidavits  detailing  efforts  to
            $110,000 in fines he racked  search for the subpoenaed re-
            up after being held in con-  cords and explaining his and
            tempt  of  court  for  being  his company’s document re-
            slow to respond to a civil  tention policies.
            subpoena  issued  by  New  Engoron  also  required  a
            York’s attorney general.     company hired by Trump to
                                         aid  in  the  search,  Haystack-
            Trump  paid  the  fine  Thurs-  ID,  finish  going  through  17
            day but must still submit ad-  boxes  kept  in  off-site  stor-
            ditional  paperwork  in  order  age, and for that company to
            to  have  the  contempt  order  report  its  findings  and  turn   ted  66  pages  of  court  docu-  on  financial  statements  for  evidence found in the probe
            lifted,  the  office  of  Attorney  over any relevant documents.   ments detailing the efforts by  over a decade.   could  support  legal  action
            General  Letitia  James  said  That  process was completed   him and his lawyers to locate  Trump,  a  Republican,  de-  against the former president,
            Friday.                      Thursday, James’ office said.  the  subpoenaed  records.  He  nies  the  allegations.  He  has  his company, or both.
            A message seeking comment  Engoron  told  Trump  to  pay   warned  that  he  could  rein-  called  James’  investigation  The  lawyer,  Andrew  Amer,
            was left Friday with Trump’s  the money directly to James’   state it, retroactive to May 7,  “racist” and a politically mo-  said at a hearing in Trump’s
            lawyer.                      office  and  for  the  attorney   if his conditions weren’t met.  tivated “witch hunt.” James is  lawsuit  against  James  that
            A  Manhattan  judge  declared  general  to  hold  the  money   James,  a  Democrat,  has  said  Black. Trump’s lawyers have  “there’s  clearly  been  a  sub-
            Trump in contempt of court  in  an  escrow  account  while   her  three-year  investiga-  accused her of selective pros-  stantial  amount  of  evidence
            on  April  25  and  fined  him  Trump’s  legal  team  appeals   tion  uncovered  evidence  ecution. Trump is also suing  amassed  that  could  support
            $10,000 per day for not com-  the judge’s original contempt   that  Trump’s  company,  the  James in federal court, seek-  the filing of an enforcement
            plying  with  a  subpoena  in  finding.                   Trump  Organization,  mis-   ing to shut down her probe.  proceeding,” although a final
            James’ long-running investi-  Engoron  stopped  the  fine
            gation into his business prac-  from  accruing May 6,  when   stated the value of assets like  Last  week,  a  lawyer  for  determination on filing such
                                                                      skyscrapers  and  golf  courses  James’ office said Friday that  an action has not been m
            tices.                       Trump’s  lawyers  submit-

                         Migrants cross border amid legal uncertainty on asylum rule

            By ELLIOT SPAGAT                                                                                                    last month also started taking
            Associated Press                                                                                                    in  limited  numbers  of  Cu-
            EAGLE PASS, Texas (AP)                                                                                              bans  and  Nicaraguans  who
            —  As  U.S.  officials  anx-                                                                                        have  been  turned  away  by
            iously  waited,  many  of                                                                                           U.S. authorities.
            the  migrants  crossing  the                                                                                        Nolberto  Avila,  a  small  cof-
            border  from  Mexico  on                                                                                            fee  grower  who  fled  threats
            Friday  were  oblivious  to                                                                                         of violence in Colombia and
            a  pending  momentous                                                                                               left his mother and a sibling
            court  ruling  on  whether                                                                                          there to manage the harvests,
            to  maintain  pandemic-                                                                                             had  never  heard  of  Title  42
            related powers that deny a                                                                                          in the social media channels
            chance to seek asylum on                                                                                            that  migrants  consult  to  de-
            grounds of preventing the                                                                                           termine whom they can trust
            spread of COVID-19.                                                                                                 and whom and what to avoid.
                                                                                                                                Online  chatter  directed  him
            The  Justice  Department,                                                                                           to Eagle Pass after he flew to
            hoping  to  avoid  last-minute                                                                                      Cancun and took buses to the
            scrambling  over  the  week-                                                                                        U.S border.
            end,  asked  U.S.  District
            Judge  Robert  Summerhays                                                                                           “It feels good to be here,” said
            to decide by Friday whether                                                                                         Avila,  30,  who  spent  $3,000
            to keep Title 42 in place while                                                                                     on  airfare  and  other  travel
            litigation   proceeds.   The                                                                                        expenses,  such  as  bribes  to
            judge in Lafayette, Louisiana,                                                                                      Mexican  soldiers.  His  ulti-
            has said he would decide by   cult for the U.S. to fly them  der  city  of  Piedras  Negras.  the  southern  city  of  Tapa-  mate  destination  is  Los  An-
            Monday,  when  the  public   home.                        After several hours, an agent  chula. She said she also fre-  geles.
            health powers are scheduled   Ana  Pinales  of  the  Domini-  arrived  for  them,  relieving  quently  paid  bribes  to  get
            to expire.                   can  Republic,  who  reached  armed Texas National Guard  past Mexican military check-  A group of about 150 mostly
            Migrants  crossing  in  Eagle   Eagle  Pass  after  three  years  members  who  had  watched  points.               Cuban  migrants  assembled
            Pass,  Texas,  knew  little  or   of  living  illegally  in  Chile,  over  the  group  as  golfers                  on  Friday  a  short  distance
            nothing  about  the  rule  un-  where she was unable to find  played on an adjoining river-  Title  42  has  largely  affected   south  of  the  bridge,  having
            der  which  migrants  have   steady  work,  waded  across  front course.               people  from  Mexico,  Gua-  swum and walked across the
            been expelled more than 1.9   the  river  before  dawn  and  “Everyone  in  the  world  temala,  Honduras  and  El   river  in  smaller  groups  over
            million  times  since  March   walked down a dirt road with  knows about this route,” Pi-  Salvador,  many  of  whom   several  hours  since  a  few
            2020. They were largely from   about 35 Nicaraguans and 25  nales,  28,  said  with  a  smile,  have  been  waiting  in  Mexi-  hours  before  dawn.  Border
            Cuba,  Colombia,  Nicaragua   Cubans,  searching  for  U.S.  relieved that she was nearly at  can border towns after being   Patrol  agents  lined  them  up
            and  Venezuela  —  nation-   Border Patrol agents to claim  the end of a two-month jour-  denied the right to seek asy-  single file and directed them
            alities that have mostly been   asylum.  She  walked  longer  ney  that  took  her  through  lum by the U.S. government.   into vans to go to a process-
            spared from the asylum ban   than the rest and met about  Panama’s  notorious  Darien  Mexico has agreed to accept   ing  area.  About  two-thirds
            because  high  costs,  strained   15  other  migrants  waiting  Gap and Mexico, where she  migrants  from  those  three   were men, nearly all the rest
            diplomatic relations or other   under one of Eagle Pass’ two  was  robbed  of  $3,000  while  Central  American  countries   were women and some were
            considerations  make  it  diffi-  bridges  to  the  Mexican  bor-  biding her time in a park in  turned back by the U.S. and   young children.
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