P. 2
Tuesday 11 July 2017
Tillerson aims to ease Qatar crisis with shuttle diplomacy
By MATTHEW LEE wait’s ruler, Sheikh Sabah immediate breakthrough, broader challenges for support from their neigh-
FAY ABUELGASIM Al Ahmed Al Sabah. which they warned could U.S. priorities in the region, bors and a bit more chal-
Associated Press “We are trying to resolve an be months away. Rather, including the fight against lenging relationship with
KUWAIT CITY (AP) — The issue that concerns not just they said, he wants to ex- the Islamic State group and the U.S., will they provide
Trump administration tossed additional support to dan-
aside its aversion to medi- gerous actors in the region,
ating a weeks-long Persian as part of their security
Gulf dispute Monday, as strategy?” Plotkin Boghardt
the top U.S. diplomat flew said.
to the region hoping to She added of Tillerson:
corral Qatar and its neigh- “He’s putting his reputation
bors into negotiation. The as secretary of state on the
new approach isn’t without line.”
diplomatic risk, thrusting Qatar has rejected 13 de-
America into the middle of mands of Saudi Arabia,
an Arab squabble at a time Bahrain, the United Arab
President Donald Trump Emirates and Egypt to
had hoped the U.S. allies restore diplomatic rela-
would be uniting against tions and end a blockade
terrorism. they’ve imposed on the
On his first foray into shuttle small, gas-rich monarchy
diplomacy since becoming since early June. They in-
secretary of state, Secre- clude Qatar shutting down
tary of State Rex Tillerson will the media network Al-
hop between Kuwait, Qa- Jazeera, cutting ties with Is-
tar and Saudi Arabia from lamist groups including the
Monday until Thursday, Muslim Brotherhood, limit-
testing ways to break an ing ties with Iran and expel-
impasse that has persisted U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, left, is received by Sheikh Sabah Khalid Al Hamad Al Sabah, ling Turkish troops stationed
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Kuwait, after his arrival in Kuwait,
despite Kuwaiti mediation Monday, July 10, 2017. in the country.
efforts. The crisis has badly (AP photo/Jaber Abdulkhaleg) Hammond said that the
damaged ties between package of demands, as
several key American part- us but the whole world,” plore possibilities for spark- other extremists. issued by Qatar’s neigh-
ners, including hosts of two Sheikh Sabah told the visit- ing negotiations. Lori Plotkin Boghardt, a Gulf bors, was not viable, but
major U.S. military bases, ing U.S. diplomat. “We’ve had one round of expert at the Washington said there were individual
threatening counterterror- Tillerson, noting that the Ku- exchanges and dialogue Institute for Near East Pol- items on the list “that could
ism efforts. waiti ruler would be visiting and didn’t advance the icy, said the U.S. has had work.” Hammond would
Tillerson landed in Kuwait Washington in September, ball,” senior Tillerson adviser some success in recent not elaborate on which de-
City late Monday and was told his host that Trump R.C. Hammond said. years persuading Qatar to mands Qatar could meet,
greeted at the airport by looked forward to greeting For the U.S., there are risks take action against terrorist but said concessions from
the Gulf country’s foreign him personally. in getting so intimately in- financiers. the others would be re-
minister, who chatted with Washington is worried volved in the spat among She said if the U.S. appears quired.
Tillerson in the searing Ku- the dispute is hampering Gulf neighbors, reflected in to be siding with the Saudis “This is a two-way street,”
waiti sun and shared a tra- Trump’s bid to combat in- Tillerson’s initial reluctance and the others, the Qataris he said of a dispute among
ditional Arabic coffee. On ternational terrorist financ- to play a central mediating could respond by reverting parties who each have
his first day in the country, ing. U.S. officials said Til- role. Alienating either side to old habits. been accused of funding
Tillerson also met with Ku- lerson doesn’t expect an of the conflict could pose “If they feel a decrease in extremists in some way. q
US drafts new sanctions resolution against North Korea
By EDITH M. LEDERER of the U.N. Security Coun- Donald Trump searched Both Trump and Haley put resolutions haven’t gotten
Associated Press cil — Russia, Britain and for consensus with Asian the spotlight on China, North Korea to change its
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — France, the diplomats said, allies Saturday on how to with the U.S. leader voic- “destructive course.” She
The United States has cir- speaking on condition of counter what he called the ing his frustration in recent stressed that much of the
culated a draft resolution anonymity because con- “menace” of North Korea. days that Beijing hasn’t burden of enforcing the
that would impose new sultations have been pri- U.S. Ambassador Nikki Hal- done more. But during their resolutions rests with China
sanctions on North Korea vate. The spokesman for ey told the Security Coun- meeting on the sidelines of because it is responsible for
following its first test of an the U.S. Mission to the Unit- cil last Wednesday that the the Group of 20 summit in 90 percent of trade with its
intercontinental ballistic ed Nations said he had “no United States is prepared Hamburg, Germany, Trump neighbor. Declaring that
missile, two U.N. diplomats comment” on the report. to use military force to de- told Chinese President Xi it’s time to do more, Hal-
said Monday. North Korea’s successful fend the country and its al- Jinping, “I appreciate the ey said the U.S. would put
The proposed resolution test launch of an ICBM last lies against a North Korean things that you have done forward a new resolution
has been circulated to week was a milestone in its ICBM if necessary, but she relative to the very sub- in the coming days “that
North Korea’s closest ally long-term effort to build a said the Trump administra- stantial problem that we all raises the international re-
and main trading partner, missile with a nuclear war- tion prefers to use its clout face in North Korea.” sponse in a way that is pro-
China, as well as the three head capable of reaching in international trade to ad- Haley was tougher, saying portionate to North Korea’s
other permanent members the United States. President dress the growing threat. that seven U.N. sanctions escalation.”q