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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 11 July 2017

             GOP health care divisions multiply                       Trump Jr. admits he met with Russian lawyer

             as Trump puts pressure on Senate
                                                                      By CHAD DAY                  riod,”  said  Noble,  now  se-  meeting  was  arranged  by
             By ERICA WERNER                                          NEKESA MOODY                 nior  director  at  the  Cam-  an acquaintance he knew
             ALAN FRAM                                                Associated Press             paign  Legal  Center.  On  through  the  2013  Miss  Uni-
             Associated Press                                         WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  Monday, Trump Jr. tried to  verse pageant Trump held
             WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican divisions over health       meeting  between  Presi-     brush off the significance of  in Moscow. Trump Jr. didn’t
             care  multiplied  Monday  as  President  Donald  Trump   dent Donald Trump’s eldest  the meeting, tweeting sar-    name  the  acquaintance,
             pressured GOP senators to act quickly, and Vice Presi-   son  and  a  Russian  lawyer  castically,  “Obviously  I’m  but  in  an  interview  with
             dent Mike Pence suggested they might have to revert      during   the   presidential  the  first  person  on  a  cam-  The  Associated  Press,  mu-
             to a straightforward “Obamacare” repeal if they can’t    campaign     occurred    at  paign to ever take a meet-   sic publicist Rob Goldstone
             agree on an alternative.                                 the  behest  of  a  Moscow-  ing  to  hear  info  about  an  confirmed  he  set  up  the
             Consensus  on  a  replacement  seemed  more  remote
             than ever as senators returned to the Capitol from a
             Fourth of July recess. Some lawmakers spent the break
             facing critics of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCon-
             nell’s bill, or voicing criticism of their own.
             But Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, the No. 2 Republican,
             told reporters that a revised bill would be unveiled this
             week,  and  “the  goal  continues  to  be  to”  vote  next
             McConnell  abruptly  postponed  a  vote  last  month,
             lacking GOP support for legislation he wrote largely in
             To  succeed,  the  new  legislation  will  have  to  address
             the  concerns  of  conservatives  like  Mike  Lee  of  Utah
             and Ted Cruz of Texas, who want a more full-blown re-
             peal, and moderates like Susan Collins of Maine and
             Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who want essentially the op-
             posite, a more generous bill.
             McConnell has little room for error as he tries to pass a
             bill with 50 GOP votes, and Pence as the tie-breaker, in
             a Senate split 52-48 between Republicans and Demo-
             crats. Some GOP senators are questioning McConnell’s
             partisan  approach,  and  the  majority  leader  himself
             acknowledged to a home-state audience in Kentucky
             last week that if he can’t get the job done with Republi-
             cans alone, he’ll have to turn to Democrats to shore up   In this April 17, 2017 photo, Donald Trump Jr., the son of President Donald Trump, speaks to media
             the market for individual insurance buyers.              on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington. A meeting between Trump Jr. and a Russian
             Collins, referring to President Barack Obama’s Afford-   lawyer during the presidential campaign occurred at the behest of a Moscow-based singer with
                                                                      family ties to Trump’s businesses, according to a participant in the talks.
             able Care Act, passed in 2010 without a single Repub-                                                                 (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
             lican vote, told reporters: “I believe that we should not
             repeat  the  mistake  that  President  Obama  made  in   based  singer  with  family  opponent ... went nowhere  meeting  on  behalf  of  his
             passing major legislation with no support from the other   ties  to  Trump’s  businesses,  but  had  to  listen.”  Hours  client,  Russian  singer  Emin
             party.”                                                  according  to  a  partici-   later,  New  York-based  at-  Agalarov.  Goldstone  said
             The Republican Party has been campaigning against        pant  in  the  talks.  Donald  torney  Alan  Futerfas  said  the Russian lawyer, Natalia
             Obama’s law ever since, but having ridden the issue      Trump  Jr.  acknowledged  he  had  been  retained  to  Veselnitskaya,  stated  that
             to control of the House, Senate and the White House,     Monday he made time for  represent  the  president’s  she had information about
             they’re finding it nearly impossible to coalesce around   the meeting hoping to get  son. And Trump Jr. said on  purported illegal campaign
             an alternative.                                          information  about  Demo-    Twitter  he  was  willing  to  contributions to the Demo-
             Underscoring the divisions within the GOP, and an oc-    crat Hillary Clinton. The cir-  work with the Senate intel-  cratic National Committee
             casional communications vacuum between the White         cumstances     surrounding  ligence committee, one of  that  she  thought  Trump  Jr.
             House and the Senate, Pence appeared on conserva-        the  meeting  fueled  new  the panels probing possible  might find helpful.
             tive host Rush Limbaugh’s radio show to rule out work-   questions about the Trump  campaign  collusion,  “to  Goldstone        said   Trump
             ing with Democrats.                                      campaign’s  possible  ties  pass on what I know.” Law-    Jr.  agreed  to  squeeze
             “The president’s made it very clear. We believe if they   to  Russia,  which  are  be-  makers  on  the  committee  the  meeting  into  a  tight
             can’t pass this carefully crafted repeal and replace bill,   ing  scrutinized  by  federal  from both parties said they  schedule.  Dmitry  Peskov,
             do  those  two  things  simultaneously,  we  ought  to  just   and  congressional  investi-  indeed wanted to talk with  a  spokesman  for  Russian
             repeal only,” and then turn to replacement legislation   gators.  Some  election  law  the president’s son. Sen. Su-  President  Vladimir  Putin,
             later on, Pence said, although Trump has at times dan-   experts said a discussion of  san  Collins,  R-Maine,  said  said  Monday  the  Kremlin
             gled the prospect of working with Democrats.             potentially  damaging  in-   the  panel  “needs  to  inter-  doesn’t  know  Veselnits-
             Few  Republicans  on  Capitol  Hill  believe  a  repeal  bill   formation on Clinton could  view  him  and  others  who  kaya  and  “cannot  keep
             could pass Congress without a replacement.               prompt  scrutiny  from  Spe-  attended  the  meeting.”  track” of every Russian law-
             The vice president made his comments after Trump him-    cial Counsel Robert Mueller  Sen.  Ron  Wyden,  D-Ore.,  yer  who  holds  meetings  in
             self began his day with a tweet aimed at McConnell       in light of federal laws bar-  agreed, saying, “Based on  Russia or abroad. Although
             and his Republicans: “I cannot imagine that Congress     ring foreign contributions to  his  own  admissions,  this  is  she  has  not  been  publicly
             would  dare  to  leave  Washington  without  a  beautiful   campaigns. Larry Noble, a  an attempt at collusion.”   linked with the Russian gov-
             new HealthCare bill fully approved and ready to go!”     former  general  counsel  at  The  sequence  of  events  ernment  itself,  Veselnitska-
             Congress is beginning a three-week sprint toward its tra-  the  Federal  Election  Com-  that  led  to  the  June  2016  ya  represented  the  son  of
             ditional five-week August recess, which some lawmak-     mission,  said  the  situation  meeting  highlighted  the  a  vice  president  of  state-
             ers have suggested should be shortened or even can-      “raises all sorts of red flags.”  tangled  web  of  relation-  owned  Russian  Railways  in
             celed if they can’t get health care done first, though   “You  do  not  want  your  ships that investigators now  a  New  York  money-laun-
             that’s unlikely to happen.q                              campaign  to  be  involved  are sorting through.          dering case settled in May
                                                                      with  foreign  nationals,  pe-  The president’s son said the  before a trial.q
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