P. 7
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 11 July 2017
Unpopular Christie turns to sports talk, calls fan ‘a bum’
By MICHAEL CATALINI While the budget impasse
Associated Press that led to the government
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — With shutdown was caused by
a new poll showing vot- a dispute between Christie
ers are disgusted and and the Democrat-led Leg-
outraged that Gov. Chris islature, it was the beach
Christie sunned himself on photos that made the most
a closed beach during news, leading to head-
a government shutdown lines around the world and
last week, the term-limited memes across the internet.
governor auditioned for Christie refused to apolo-
a sports talk radio job on gize for it and said he
Monday, brashly fighting doesn’t care about “po-
back against angry callers. litical optics.” This week’s
Christie, a Republican, be- news won’t be much bet-
gan co-hosting the after- ter for Christie. Christie
noon show on New York’s ally David Wildstein, who
WFAN shortly after the first pleaded guilty to master-
poll released since Beach- minding lane closures at
gate showed his approval the George Washington
rating holding steady at a Bridge to create traffic jams
dismal 15 percent, an all- as punishment for a Demo-
time low. Eighty percent of cratic mayor who wouldn’t
respondents disapproved, In this 2014 photo, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie sits in a studio during his radio program, “Ask endorse Christie, is set to
the Monmouth Univer- the Governor” in Ewing, N.J. With a new poll showing voters are disgusted and outraged that Gov. be sentenced Wednesday.
Chris Christie sunned himself on a closed beach during a government shutdown last week, the
sity poll showed. Christie term-limited governor auditioned for a sports talk radio job on Monday, brashly fighting back And the Senate is holding
brushed aside any poten- against angry callers. a hearing the same day
tial concern about flag- (AP Photo/Mel Evans) on Trump’s FBI pick, Chris-
ging public opinion. and the New York Knicks. that day. Christie’s spokes- the governor was telling topher Wray, who repre-
“The later you get in your One told Christie he had man, when told of the the truth because he was sented Christie during the
term the less you care,” he done a “horrible job” and photos, told that wearing a baseball hat. bridge investigation.q
said on the air. “You’re not asked what he thought
running for re-election.” of the job being done by
The New Jersey gover- President Donald Trump,
nor, a big New York Mets a longtime friend whom
fan, revealed that he had Christie endorsed after
donned a Mets T-shirt, ending his own presidential
shorts and hat the day an campaign. “I’m enormous- photographer in ly relieved we don’t have a
an airplane snapped pic- criminal in the White House
tures of him lounging in like Hillary Clinton,” Chris-
a beach chair at Island tie said. Another caller re-
Beach State Park, which ferred to Christie, who’s
was off-limits to the public. portly, as a “fat ass” and
New Jersey doesn’t have said he should have driven
its own Major League Base- to another beach. “I’m
ball team, and fans in the not the one who came on
state split their loyalties the air and swore on the
mostly among the Mets, air,” Christie said. “You’re
the New York Yankees and a bum.” Christie’s co-host
the Philadelphia Phillies. for the day defended the
Christie, who’s also a Dal- caller’s right to use the vul-
las Cowboys fan, is filling in gar phrase on the air. In the
for host Mike Francesa on Monmouth poll, released
WFAN on Monday after- Monday, 800 people were
noon and Tuesday after- asked for the first word that
noon. The station said the came to mind to describe
appearances are an audi- how they felt about Chris-
tion as it seeks a replace- tie in the beach photos.
ment for Francesa, who’s Most said “disgusted” and
departing. “angry, outraged.” Tied for
Christie frequently serves as the next biggest share was
a fill-in host on the station, “jerk, profanity used.”
tangling with callers over Eighty-six percent of the
sports and politics. About respondents in the Mon-
an hour into Monday’s four- mouth poll said they saw
hour show, two men from a the July 2 photos of Chris-
largely liberal New Jersey tie with his family on the
town that voted against closed beach.
Christie twice called in be- Christie later told reporters
tween conversations about at a news conference that
his fantasy baseball team he hadn’t gotten any sun