P. 11
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 11 July 2017
Inmates burn Brazil:
Guyana prison,
battle police Key lawmaker says Temer should be put on trial
(AP) — Dozens of rebellious key Brazilian lawmaker ar-
inmates set fire to the maxi- gued Monday that Presi-
mum security prison in Guy- dent Michel Temer should
ana’s capital Sunday, de- be suspended from of-
stroying most of the build- fice and put on trial in the
ing while they exchanged country’s highest court on
gunfire with police and a corruption charge.Brazil’s
soldiers, authorities said. At attorney general has ac-
least one officer was killed. cused Temer of accepting
Public Security Minister bribes from a meatpacking
Khemraj Ramjattan said executive in exchange for
Sunday night that security helping the company ob-
forces had regained con- tain favorable government
trol of the prison, but fire- decisions. The president has
fighters were still dealing denied wrongdoing and
with the blaze. vows to fight the charge.
President David Granger Legislator Sergio Zveiter,
later reported that an of- who was appointed by a
ficer died at Georgetown Chamber of Deputies com-
Hospital while being treat- mittee to study and report
ed for a gunshot wound to back on the Temer case,
the chest. He said officials told the panel there is suf-
were still trying to deter- ficient evidence to try the Brazil Deputy Sergio Zveiter, left, talks with defense lawyer Antonio Claudio Mariz during the
mine if anyone had died in president. “For now, what presentation of Zveiter’s report to the Constitution and Justice Committee on the corruption
the fire, though he feared we have is evidence of the charges against Brazil’s President Michel Temer, at the the Chamber of Deputies, in Brasilia, Brazil,
there could be more dead. involvement” in corruption, Monday, July 10, 2017.
“There must be some be- Zveiter said during a lively (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)
cause of the nature of the session in which he was the president should stand belongs to the president’s of Deputies Speaker Rodri-
fire,” Granger said. both cheered and jeered trial rests with the full Cham- own party. If two-thirds of go Maia would take over
He also said officials were by fellow lawmakers when ber of Deputies, the lower the 513 deputies should presidential duties. After
unsure if there were other he finished his report. The house of Congress. Still, the vote to accept Zveiter’s Zveiter spoke, Temer’s law-
serious injuries. Before the committee is to vote in the report represents another finding, Temer would be sus- yer, Antonio Claudio Mariz
president spoke, state tele- coming days on Zveiter’s blow for embattled Temer, pended for up to six months de Oliveira, presented his
vision NCN said eight peo- recommendation. But the who is struggling to hang pending a trial in Supreme defense, calling the allega-
ple, some of them guards, final decision on whether on to his job, since Zveiter Federal Tribunal. Chamber tions “a lie.”q
had been taken to the hos-
pital for treatment.
Ramjattan said officials Venezuela:
were investigating what
led to the unrest at Camp National Guard official charged for congress raid
Street prison. “We have
heard that there might
have been breakouts but CARACAS, Venezuela National Assembly, Col. ficial accused of abuses streets again Monday in
we don’t want rumors,” he (AP) — Venezuela’s chief Bladimir Lugo was respon- by chief prosecutor Luis the capital.
said. prosecutor filed charges sible for troops who stood Ortega since the start of President Nicolas Maduro
He said plans were being Monday against a senior by Friday when the activists near daily protests in April has praised the behavior
made to move the prison- National Guard com- stormed into congress and that have left more than of security forces in put-
ers elsewhere. “Removing mander over an attack began swinging wooden 90 people dead. ting down the protests
the prisoners is paramount on congress in which four planks and steel bars at Protesters angry with the and personally decorated
as well as getting the fire lawmakers were beaten lawmakers gathered to socialist administration Lugo after an earlier inci-
under control. This is a very up by pro-government ac- commemorate Venezu- over Venezuela’s high in- dent in which he shoved
unfortunate incident,” he tivists. ela’s independence day. flation, food shortages National Assembly Presi-
said.q As head of security at the Lugo is the third top of- and high crime took to the dent Julio Borges.q