P. 10

                    Tuesday 11 July 2017
            UN envoy says Syria cease-fire generally holding

            By JAMEY KEATEN                                                                                                     bombs,” de Mistura said.
            PHILIP ISSA                                                                                                         He  cautioned  against  de-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    escalation deals leading to
            GENEVA  (AP)  —  The  U.N.’s                                                                                        eventual  partition,  saying
            special  envoy  for  Syrian                                                                                         they  should  be  an  interim
            peace  talks  on  Monday                                                                                            measure only until an over-
            said  a  U.S.  and  Russia-                                                                                         all  cease-fire  and  peace
            brokered  cease-fire  in  the                                                                                       settlement can be found.
            country’s  southwest  was                                                                                           The  Geneva  talks  are  ex-
            generally  holding  despite                                                                                         pected to last through the
            some “teething problems,”                                                                                           week.
            adding he hoped it would                                                                                            De Mistura will be shuttling
            contribute positively to talks                                                                                      between  the  two  sides,
            between  the  government                                                                                            which have not been face-
            and opposition.                                                                                                     to-face  in  the  same  room
            A  new  round  of  indirect                                                                                         except  at  a  ceremony  to
            talks that began Monday is                                                                                          resume the talks earlier this
            the seventh so far between                                                                                          year.
            Syrian  government  repre-                                                                                          The U.N.-led diplomatic ef-
            sentatives  and  opposition                                                                                         fort  seeks  partly  to  ensure
            leaders to try to wind down                                                                                         humanitarian  aid  deliver-
            the   battered    country’s                                                                                         ies to Syria and plan for the
            6-year-old civil war.                                                                                               day after the war is over.
            Staffan  de  Mistura,  speak-  UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura, right, sits next to UN Deputy Special Envoy for Syria   At  the  press  conference,
            ing at a press conference in   Ramzy Ezzeldin Ramzy, left, as he attends a round of negotiations with Bashar al-Ja’afari, Syrian   de  Mistura  avoided  ques-
            Geneva, said he is not ex-   chief negotiator and Ambassador of the Permanent Representative Mission of Syria to the UN New   tions  about  any  political
                                         York, during Syria talks at the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzer-
            pecting any breakthroughs    land, Monday, July 10, 2017.                                                           transition  away  from  Presi-
            but rather “some incremen-                                                       (Salvatore Di Nolfi/Pool Photo via AP)  dent  Bashar  Assad,  saying
            tal developments.”           al-Masalmeh  said  it  was  The  agreed-on  cease-fire  Moscow.                        the  talks  are  focusing  on
            The start of the talks in Ge-  quiet  in  the  city  of  Daraa,  covers  three  provinces  in  “We believe that de-esca-  de-escalation  and  stabili-
            neva  coincided  with  the   near  the  Jordanian  bor-   war-torn  southern  Syria.  lation will be contributing to   zation for now.
            first full day of the cease-fire   der.  The  Britain-based  Syr-  It’s  the  first  tangible  out-  not only the talks in Geneva   The Syrian opposition is de-
            for southern Syria that was   ian Observatory for Human  come  following  months  of  and in Astana of course but   termined to achieve a polit-
            brokered  last  week  by  the   Rights  monitoring  group  strategy  and  diplomacy  will also reassure the Syrian   ical transition in Damascus,
            United  States,  Russia  and   reported  light  shelling  and  between  the  new  Trump  people  that  while  we  are   while  Assad’s  government
            Jordan.                      bombardment  in  the  city  administration  and  Russian  talking the people are not   insists the talks should priori-
            Opposition  activist  Ahmad   overnight.                  President  Vladimir  Putin’s  going  to  die  because  of   tize “the war on terror.”q

                                                                                                   New UN mission in Colombia
                                                                                                   to focus on reintegrating FARC

                                                                                                   By EDITH M. LEDERER          tions on the size, operation-
                                                                                                   Associated Press             al  aspects,  and  mandate
                                                                                                   UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —  of the new mission within 45
                                                                                                   The Security Council unani-  days.
                                                                                                   mously approved a resolu-    Latin  America’s  longest-
                                                                                                   tion  Monday  authorizing  a  running  conflict  caused  at
                                                                                                   new U.N. political mission in  least  250,000  deaths,  left
                                                                                                   Colombia to focus on rein-   60,000 people missing and
                                                                                                   tegrating  leftist  rebels  into  displaced more than 7 mil-
                                                                                                   society after more than 50  lion.  After  years  of  thorny
                                                                                                   years  of  war  —  a  task  the  negotiations,  the  rebels
                                                                                                   United  Nations  calls  the  reached  an  agreement
                                                                                                   most urgent challenge fol-   with  the  government  last
                                                                                                   lowing  the  rebels’  hando-  year to transition into a po-
                                                                                                   ver of their last weapons.   litical party, but serious dif-
                                                                                                   A  British-drafted  resolution  ferences  remain  over  the
                                                                                                   establishes  the  United  Na-  peace  deal.  In  January
                                                                                                   tions  Verification  Mission  in  2016,  before  the  agree-
                                                                                                   Colombia for an initial pe-  ment, the Colombian gov-
                                                                                                   riod of one year starting on  ernment  and  rebels  from
                                                                                                   Sept.  17,  when  the  man-  the  Revolutionary  Armed
                                                                                                   date of the current mission  Forces of Colombia known
                                                                                                   that  has  been  monitoring  as  the  FARC  jointly  asked
                                                                                                   the  cease-fire  and  disar-  the United Nations to moni-
                                                                                                   mament process ends.         tor any cease-fire and dis-
                                                                                                   It  asks  Secretary-General  armament  process,  a  rare
                                                                                                   Antonio  Guterres  to  make  request to the U.N. for help,
                                                                                                   detailed    recommenda-      which it accepted.q
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