P. 8

                    Tuesday 11 July 2017

            EU parliament threatens veto on Brexit over citizens’ rights

                                                                                                   U.K. citizens in the EU,” Guy  After carefully studying the
                                                                                                   Verhofstadt,  the  EU  Parlia-  details, the EU Parliament’s
                                                                                                   ment’s  chief  Brexit  official,  Brexit  Steering  Group  was
                                                                                                   told the AP.                 much  more  definitive  and
                                                                                                   Even though Barnier is lead-  said  too  much  of  Britain’s
                                                                                                   ing the negotiations for the  optimistic  talk  was  just  a
                                                                                                   EU  as  a  whole,  the  Euro-  smoke  screen.  It  indicat-
                                                                                                   pean Parliament still has a  ed  it  wouldn’t  be  good
                                                                                                   veto  right  on  any  deal.  So  enough for the legislature.
                                                                                                   Verhofstadt’s  words  carry  “The rights of EU citizens in
                                                                                                   power  and  should  boost  the U.K. will be reduced to a
                                                                                                   the  standing  of  Barnier  level lower than third coun-
                                                                                                   when he meets with his Brit-  try nationals in the EU,” the
                                                                                                   ish counterpart David Davis  letter to Barnier said.
                                                                                                   next week.                   “The aspirational language
                                                                                                   British  Prime  Minister  The-  used in relation to rights as
                                                                                                   resa  May  had  first  floated  important  as  the  right  to
                                                                                                   her ideas on protecting the  health  or  the  recognition
                                                                                                   rights  of  each  other’s  citi-  of diploma and profession-
                                                                                                   zens at an EU summit in late  al  qualifications  does  not
                                                                                                   June. The U.K. proposal of-  provide the much-needed
                                                                                                   fers EU nationals who have  guarantees.”
                                                                                                   lived in Britain for at least five  “Above all,” the four-page
                                                                                                   years  —  as  of  an  unspeci-  letter brimming with scath-
            Britain’s  Prime  Minister  Theresa  May  walks  through  the  door  to  greet  Australian  Prime  Minister
            Malcolm Turnbull at 10 Downing Street in London Monday July 10, 2017. The British and Australian   fied cut-off date — “settled  ing  comments  added,  EU
            prime ministers are holding bi-lateral talks.                                          status,” with the right to live,  citizens  in  Britain  would
                                                                        (Stefan Rousseau/PA via AP)  work  and  access  benefits.  have  “no  life-long  protec-
            By RAF CASERT                if  Britain  did  not  become  class  status,”  adding  that  The  estimated  3  million  EU  tion.”  The  EU  parliament
            Associated Press             more  lenient  on  the  rights  the  U.K.  proposals  made  nationals in Britain would all  wants  citizens  from  both
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  The Euro-  of  EU  citizens  living  in  the  on June 26 do not “respect  have  to  apply  individually  sides to receive “fair treat-
            pean  Parliament  on  Mon-   country, a further indication  the  principles  of  reciproc-  for  permission  to  stay,  and  ment” and their rights “giv-
            day  set  itself  on  a  collision  of how tough the two-year  ity,  symmetry  and  non-dis-  it’s  unclear  what  the  plan  en full priority in the negoti-
            course with Britain, making  negotiations are expected  crimination.”                  would mean for those who  ations.”  Alongside  citizens’
            a  damning  assessment  of  to become.                    Citizens’ rights in each oth-  have been in the U.K. for a  rights, the Brexit negotiators
            British  proposals  on  EU  citi-  In  a  letter  Monday  to  EU  er’s nations are considered  shorter time.        will first have to address the
            zens’  rights  after  the  U.K.  chief  negotiator  Michel  the first issue that both sides  The  other  EU  leaders  were  substantial  bill  that  Britain
            leaves the European Union.   Barnier,  the  group  said  EU  must  settle.  “It  is  clear  we  halfhearted  at  best  about  will  have  to  pay  to  quit
            The  legislature  indicated  it  citizens  in  Britain  would  be  will  not  approve  any  deal  what May called a “gener-  the  EU  and  the  problems
            would  be  using  its  power  looking  at  “nothing  less  which  diminishes  the  rights  ous” offer on protecting the  surrounding  the  border  in
            of veto on the negotiations  than relegation to second-   of EU citizens in the U.K. or  rights of EU citizens.     Ireland.q

            German minister seeks more EU cooperation after G-20 riots

            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Germany’s  tourists stop at no borders,”  de  Maiziere  said  “several  came to Germany long be-   crats, its current partners in
            justice minister called Mon-  Justice Minister Heiko Maas  hundred” known extremists  fore  border  controls  were  a national governing coali-
            day  for  better  exchange  said. “A high proportion of  were  turned  back.  Other  introduced.”  “The  events  tion of traditional rivals.
            of  information  on  violent  the  violent  extremists  trav-  people were searched but  surrounding  the  G-20  sum-  Hamburg’s  city  govern-
            extremists  in  the  European  eled to the G-20 from other  in some cases there was no  mit must be a turning point  ment,  which  oversaw  the
            Union  following  the  riots  European countries.”        legal reason to deny them  in our view of the left-wing  police  operation,  is  led  by
            that   accompanied      the  He  added  that  “we  expe-  entry, such as traveling with  scene’s  readiness  to  use  the  Social  Democrats.  The
            Group of 20 summit.          rienced  a  new  quality  of  weapons like slingshots.    violence,” he added. There  local  branch  of  Merkel’s
            Hamburg  saw  three  nights  violence, which we should  “We  are  talking  about  a  must  be  “no  tolerated  re-  party has called for Mayor
            of  violence  amid  anti-glo-  react to with more cooper-  year and half to two years  treats” in German cities for  Olaf  Scholz’s  resignation,
            balization protests as lead-  ation in combating extrem-  of  preparation  in  the  left-  violent  far-left  extremists,  but  Merkel’s  chief  of  staff
            ers  of  the  world’s  biggest  ists.”  Germany  temporarily  wing  extremist  scene,”  de  he  said.  De  Maiziere  is  a  Peter  Altmaier  —  also  a
            economic powers met. Po-     reintroduced  border  con-   Maiziere  said.  “I  wouldn’t  member of Chancellor An-   conservative  —  rejected
            lice arrested 186 and tem-   trols with its European neigh-  be surprised if much of the  gela Merkel’s conservative  that  call.  Germany  holds
            porarily  detained  a  further  bors weeks before the sum-  material  with  which  police  party. Maas belongs to the  a  national  election  Sept.
            225 people. “The brutal riot  mit. Interior Minister Thomas  officers   were   wounded  center-left  Social  Demo-  24.q
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