P. 6
Tuesday 11 July 2017
FBI joins farm search for 4 missing men; foul play feared
By MARYCLAIRE DALE theirs, Potash told The Asso-
Associated Press Potash said he did not know
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Au- where his son was head-
thorities are chasing fast- ing or what he was doing
developing leads in the before he disappeared Fri-
search for four young men day. News outlets have re-
feared to be the victims of ported that cars belonging
foul play, but said Monday to both Potash and Meo
that it could take days de- have been found in the
spite intense efforts cen- area.
tered on a large swath of “I don’t know how this is
farmland. going to end up, unfortu-
“The leads are incredibly nately, but I am confident
hot, they’re very fruitful. that we are going to get to
We’re making great prog- the bottom of this,” Wein-
ress, but there’s so much traub said.
more work to do,” Bucks Sturgis lives in Pennsburg,
County District Attorney Meo in Plumstead, Finoc-
Matthew Weintraub said chiaro in Middletown and
at an afternoon news con- 19-year-old Jimi Tar Pat-
ference, his second of the rick in Newtown Township.
day. “We’re not going to Finocchiaro has been ar-
rest until we get through Bucks County District Attorney Matthew Weintraub holds up photos of four men who are missing rested multiple times on
every inch of that prop- during a news conference in Solebury Township, Pa., Monday, July 10, 2017. The four men, who charges that include drug
went missing last week, are Dean Finocchiaro, from left, Tom Meo, Jimi Tar Patrick and Mark St-
erty.” urgis. possession, driving under
The leads gave police “a (Clem Murray/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP) the influence and assault.
lot of strong indications” Weintraub described the
that the search should fo- the men. traub said, “I surely believe friends who work in con- investigation as “all hands
cus on the farm. However, One man vanished there is.” struction for Sturgis’ father, on deck,” and said the FBI,
other spots were also be- Wednesday and three oth- Two of the men, 22-year-old Mark Potash. Another man, state police and five local
ing searched as police in- ers on Friday. Asked if foul Mark Sturgis and 21-year- 19-year-old Dean Finoc- police departments had
vestigated the ties among play was involved, Wein- old Tom Meo, are longtime chiaro, is a mutual friend of joined the case.q
Inmates take 2 guards hostage in Oklahoma prison riot
By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS cells and at one point oc- were able to get inside one hurt, but that some inmates prisons have a rated oper-
Associated Press cupied one building in the of the buildings or what were taken to hospitals with ating capacity of 17,902
TULSA, Okla. (AP) — Hun- complex located about 55 prompted the riot. unspecified injuries. but were currently housing
dreds of inmates — some miles (90 kilometers) west of Miller said authorities used Oklahoma’s prison direc- more than 26,000 inmates.
armed with baseball bats Oklahoma City. pepper spray and stun gre- tors have been warning “You can only push this
and iron pipes — rioted at “It was a full-fledged riot,” nades to corral inmates for years about potential balloon so far,” Allbaugh
an Oklahoma federal pris- Miller said. into a soccer field and an problems inside the state’s warned the panel during
on for about eight hours, Miller said about 150 in- exercise yard. overcrowded and under- the presentation. “Some-
taking two guards hostage mates were involved, but The riot ended early Mon- funded correctional facili- thing is going to pop.”
and refusing to return to The GEO Group Inc., the day after roughly eight ties, many of which are old In September 2015, four
their cells before they were Florida-based operator of hours, authorities said. state schools or hospitals inmates were stabbed to
finally corralled by law en- the private prison, estimat- Pablo Paez, a spokesman that have been converted death at a private prison in
forcement officers, authori- ed Monday that about 400 for The GEO Group, said in into prisons. Cushing in a fight between
ties said Monday. inmates caused the distur- a statement Monday that Inside most facilities, rec- rival prison gangs that
The riot started late Sunday bance in two recreation the prison was secured reation rooms, classrooms left three other inmates
at the Great Plains Correc- yards. without serious injury to and other program space wounded.
tional Facility in Hinton af- Miller said prisoners, some staff, inmates or law offi- have all been converted Last year, a knife fight
ter a fight broke out in the toting bats and pipes, took cers. into makeshift housing units among inmates at a
prison yard, and rapidly two guards hostage at the He said the Federal Bureau to accompany more in- crowded housing unit at
escalated from there, said outset of the riot, but that of Prisons and other agen- mates. the Mack Alford Correc-
Caddo County Sheriff Len- both were freed and unin- cies are reviewing the in- In a presentation to the tional Center in southeast
nis Miller. jured. It wasn’t immediately cident. The prison houses prison system’s governing Oklahoma left one inmate
Miller said the inmates re- clear how the inmates got about 1,900 inmates. board last month, Direc- dead and three others
fused to return to their the weapons, how they Miller says no officers were tor Joe Allbaugh said state wounded. q