Page 23 - Aruba Today
P. 23

                                                                                                                 Friday 8 April 2016

Verizon dips another toe into online-video programming 

RYAN NAKASHIMA                  the rights to Thursday Night    This photo provided by AwesomenessTV, Hunter March hosts “Top Five Live,” AwesomenessTV’s
AP Business Writer              Football, Time Warner Ca-       daily live entertainment show on go90.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Could        ble doing likewise with Los
the next “House of Cards”       Angeles Dodgers baseball,                                                                                                                         Associated Press
be coming to your phone?        or cable company Com-
That’s what Verizon hopes       cast buying NBC Universal.      spend more to make short-         rizon would reserve some         “Even if these things dou-
now that it’s paid more         The investment gives Veri-      form shows with top-level         of that programming for a        ble in two years, which
than $100 million for a         zon a 24.5 percent stake in     talent. That, in turn, will help  new paid Go90 tier it plans      is a high growth rate, so
piece of the online-video       AwesomenessTV and more          it build an audience older        to launch later this year or     what?” said Hal Vogel, an
studio AwesomenessTV.           original video for its Go90     than the teen “Generation         early next.                      analyst with Vogel Capital
It’s the latest attempt by a    streaming service, which        Z” crowd it now attracts          But the investment — val-        Management. “My feel-
maturing, mainstream cor-       launched in September. It       with shows like “Cheerlead-       ued at roughly $159 million      ing is that if they’re going
poration to find growth in      will also help it make use of   ers” and “Guidance.”              — is tiny relative to Verizon    to make a statement in
non-traditional video pro-      its $4.4 billion purchase of    The idea, Robbins said, is to     Communications Inc.’s            media and  entertainment,
gramming that can reach         AOL last year, which gave       make shows on par with the        $217 billion market value,       they should make one gi-
younger audiences on            Verizon a new capability to     “high end of premium sub-         and at best represents a         ant statement instead of
smartphones and tablets.        deliver ads on top of video.    scription services — HBO,         baby step by the mobile          picking off these odds and
In 2014, for instance, Disney   “Verizon has concluded          Netflix or Showtime.” Ve-         carrier.                         ends.”q
acquired online-video pro-      that trying to extract more
ducer Maker Studios for a       and more money out of
tab that eventually hit $625    data usage charges is a
million. An AT&T joint ven-     dead-end street,” said
ture bought Fullscreen, a       analyst Craig Moffett of
similar production compa-       research firm MoffettNa-
ny, for an undisclosed sum      thanson. Instead, it’s been
the same year. Hollywood’s      focused on selling ads
DreamWorks Animation            targeted to where its us-
bought AwesomenessTV in         ers happen to be, which is
2013, paying a total of $113    “why they bought AOL and
million after the studio hit    why they launched Go90,”
promised deal targets.          he said. Now the company
In some ways, these ar-         is focused on building up its
rangements are modern —         library of stuff to watch —
albeit much smaller — ver-      and, of course, to sell ads
sions of classic media deals    against.
struck by companies anx-        AwesomenessTV CEO and
ious to draw bigger audi-       founder Brian Robbins said
ences. Think Twitter buying     the money will allow it to

                                                                Facebook rearranging notification
                                                                buttons to highlight video 

This image provided by Facebook shows examples of its live      world’s largest social net-       to live video as it vies         pocket all the time.”
video feature on the smartphones. Associated Press              work.                             against Periscope, a similar     Zuckerberg gave a spon-
                                                                Messenger notifications will      service owned by its smaller     taneous demonstration of
MICHAEL LIEDTKE                 share snippets of their lives.  move to the top of Face-          rival, Twitter. Live video also  live video’s unpredictability
AP Technology Writer            Initially introduced as a tool  book’s mobile apps near           could help Facebook fend         when he abruptly ended
MENLO PARK, Calif. (AP) —       for celebrities eight months    the search box.                   off an emerging threat           his broadcast a few min-
Facebook is rearranging         ago, Facebook’s live video      The app update for Apple          from the rapidly growing         utes after it began, leaving
the notification panel on       option is now available in      and Android devices will          message service Snap-            hundreds of thousands of
its mobile apps in an effort    60 countries.                   be rolled out in phases and       chat, which says its 100 mil-    viewers to wonder if some-
to broaden the audience         To help promote it, Face-       take several weeks to com-        lion users watch about 8 bil-    thing had gone awry.
creating, watching and          book is moving the button       plete.                            lion video clips per day.        The mystery remained un-
reacting to live video on its   for its Messenger service so    Facebook also is adding fil-      Facebook’s 1.6 billion users     resolved until about an
social network.                 that the new video option       ters to live video and mak-       collectively watch about         hour later when Zucker-
The shift announced             can be highlighted on the       ing it possible to express        100 million hours of video       berg appeared in another
Wednesday is part of Face-      notification panel. When        more emotions during a            per day, most of which isn’t     live video. Instead sitting
book’s effort to turn its live  pressed, the video but-         presentation by press-            being shown live. The com-       on a couch in an office by
video feature into a mar-       ton will show a directory of    ing on “love,” ‘’haha,”           pany is now trying to push       himself as he had been in
quee attraction as more         live streams from a user’s      ‘’wow,” ‘’sad” or “angry”         live video to the forefront      the first take, Zuckerberg
people use their smart-         friends, as well as segments    emojis. Those are the same        of how people share their        was standing in a room
phones to record and            available to anyone on the      options that supplement           lives and whatever else          filled with the engineering
                                                                Facebook’s “like” button          they find interesting.           team that worked on the
                                                                for photo and text posts.         “We think of this as the         changes to live video.
                                                                During a live video, the re-      power to broadcast from          Facebook Inc. isn’t show-
                                                                actions will float across the     a smartphone to anyone           ing ads in or near live video
                                                                screen to provide more            in the world,” Facebook          feeds, but the Menlo Park,
                                                                dynamic feedback to the           CEO Mark Zuckerberg said         California, company isn’t
                                                                video.                            in a live video presentation     ruling out that option to fuel
                                                                The update underscores            Wednesday. “It’s like hav-       its revenue growth.q
                                                                Facebook’s commitment             ing a TV camera in your
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