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BUSINESSFriday 8 April 2016

Wall Street takes biggest loss in 6 weeks                                                                                        Las Vegas Sands antes up $9M to
                                                                                                                                 settle corruption charge with SEC 
MARLEY JAY                     index shed 24.75 points, or     percent. The dollar contin-
AP Markets Writer              1.2 percent, to 2,041.91.       ued to weaken against the                                         MICHAEL LIEDTKE
NEW YORK (AP) — U.S.           The Nasdaq composite in-        yen, and is now at its lowest                                     AP Business Writer
stocks sunk to their big-      dex lost 72.35 points, or 1.5   compared to the yen in al-                                        Las Vegas Sands is paying a $9 million fine to settle a
gest loss in a month and       percent, to 4,848.37.           most a year and a half. On                                        regulatory investigation that painted an unflattering
a half Thursday as banks       Financial companies fell        Thursday it fell to 108.24 yen                                    picture of the casino owner’s expansion into a gam-
and technology compa-          sharply. Goldman Sachs          from 109.62 yen. The euro                                         bling mecca in China.
nies tumbled. Interest rates   slid $4.78, or 3.1 percent,     declined to $1.1377 from                                          The resolution announced Thursday closes a Securities
moved lower, hurting finan-    to $150.41 and Citigroup        $1.1410.                                                          and Exchange Commission probe that began more
cial stocks. The dollar con-   lost $1.59, or 3.8 percent,     Benchmark U.S. crude fell                                         than five years ago.
tinued to fall compared to     to $40.27 while JPMorgan        49 cents, or 1.3 percent,                                         The corruption case revolved around Las Vegas Sands’
                                                                                                                                 efforts to become a major player in Macao, an en-
Trader Gregory Rowe, left, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. .S. stocks sunk to                                 clave in China that has turned into a gold mine for U.S.
their biggest loss in a month and a half Thursday as banks and technology companies tumbled.                                     casinos.
                                                                                                                                 The SEC penalized Las Vegas Sands for its dealings with
                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  a consultant paid $62 million to serve as a “beard” for
                                                                                                                                 some of its business in Macao and Beijing. The inquiry
the Japanese yen. Stocks       Chase dipped $1.49, or 2.5      to $37.26 per barrel in New                                       concluded some payments weren’t properly autho-
have fallen three out of       percent, to $57.32. Wren        York. Brent crude, used                                           rized or documented.
four days this week.           said banks are struggling       to price international oils,                                      Las Vegas Sands Corp. neither admitted nor denied
Stocks sharply reversed        because economic growth         dropped 41 cents to $39.43                                        any of the SEC’s findings. The company, controlled by
course after their gains a     is sluggish and interest rates  a barrel in London.                                               billionaire Sheldon Adelson, had conceded in its 2012
day ago. Financial com-        remain low, which means         Wholesale club opera-                                             annual report that it had probably violated the book-
panies including Goldman       they can’t make as much         tor Costco declined after                                         keeping and controls provisions of the Foreign Corrupt
Sachs and Citigroup took       money from lending.             the company disclosed                                             Practices Act that prohibits overseas bribery.
the largest losses.            “Interest rates aren’t go-      its March sales. Its stock                                        Although the SEC didn’t accuse Las Vegas Sands of re-
Technology and telecom-        ing to do what banks really     fell $4.74, or 3 percent, to                                      sorting to bribery, its conclusions depicted a company
munications companies          need them to do,” he said.      $152.03. Retailer Ollie’s Bar-                                    willing to go to extreme lengths to establish itself in Chi-
also fell.                     eBay led tech stocks lower      gain Outlet Holdings traded                                       na. The company now generates most of its revenue in
The market has lost mo-        as it fell $1.33, or 5.2 per-   higher after it announced                                         Macao, a former Portuguese colony where Las Vegas
mentum over the last few       cent, to $24.10 and Apple       solid quarterly results. The                                      Sands operates four casinos and a variety of hotels.
weeks after a furious rally    gave up $2.42, or 2.2 per-      stock climbed $2.34, or 10.3                                      The SEC alleges Las Vegas Sands violated anti-corrup-
that wiped out most of its     cent, to $108.54. Telecom-      percent, to $25.04.                                               tion laws shortly after it connected in 2006 with an un-
losses from early 2016. Scott  munications companies           HanesBrands said it will buy                                      identified consultant claiming to be a former Chinese
Wren, senior global equity     continued to struggle. Ve-      Champion Europe. Hanes-                                           government official.
strategist for Wells Fargo’s   rizon fell $1.52, or 2.8 per-   Brands owns Champion                                              The next year, Las Vegas Sands used the consultant to
Investment Institute, said     cent, to $52.                   and the deal gives it control                                     conceal its purchase of a Chinese basketball team to
stocks are rising and falling  Wynn Resorts jumped             of a company that owned                                           play in the Venetian Macao’s arena — a Las Vegas
based on how investors ex-     $10.44, or 11.7 percent, to     the Champion trademark                                            Sands property — in hopes of luring more gamblers to
pect the global economy        $99.99 after the hotel and      in Europe as well as the                                          its casino, according to the SEC. The agency alleged
to do.                         casino company proposed         Middle East and Africa. It                                        Las Vegas Sands needed a “beard” to buy the team
“People are worried about      a new development. Wynn         recently made a similar                                           because the Chinese Basketball Association prohibit-
growth today,” he said.        said it wants to build a rec-   deal in Japan unit as well.                                       ed its franchises from being owned by gambling com-
“You’re not getting much       reational lake and hotel        The underwear, T-shirt and                                        panies.
more than modest eco-          behind its Wynn Las Vegas       sock maker’s stock added                                          Some of the payments made to the consultant for
nomic activity.”               property.                       77 cents, or 2.8 percent, to                                      the basketball deal were initially recorded as “bank
The Dow Jones industrial       U.S. government bond            $27.87.                                                           charges and loan,” the SEC discovered.
average fell 174.09 points,    prices rose. The yield on the   ConAgra Foods added 66                                            Las Vegas Sands employed the same consultant to
or 1 percent, to 17,541.96.    10-year Treasury note fell      cents, or 1.5 percent, to                                         buy a large building in Beijing that was supposed to
The Standard & Poor’s 500      to 1.69 percent from 1.76       $46.09.q                                                          be turned into a business center with a “men’s club” in
                                                                                                                                 the basement, according to the SEC. Las Vegas Sands
                                                                                                                                 planned to name the center after its CEO and open
                                                                                                                                 it in time for the Summer Olympics that were held in
                                                                                                                                 Beijing in August 2008. Adelson sent a letter inviting
                                                                                                                                 then-President George W. Bush to attend the build-
                                                                                                                                 ing’s ribbon-cutting ceremony in early 2008, accord-
                                                                                                                                 ing to the SEC.
                                                                                                                                 The building purchase raised red flags with the SEC
                                                                                                                                 because Las Vegas Sands did the deal without any
                                                                                                                                 research into whether there was a need for a  busi-
                                                                                                                                 ness  center and various payments to the consultant
                                                                                                                                 who handled the negotiations were mischaracter-
                                                                                                                                 ized as fees for property management and “arts and
                                                                                                                                 The Adelson Center project was abandoned in Sep-
                                                                                                                                 tember 2008.
                                                                                                                                 In its statement, Las Vegas Sands acknowledged the
                                                                                                                                 consultant worked with company executives who
                                                                                                                                 weren’t “sufficiently monitored.” The company later
                                                                                                                                 received a $44 million refund from the consultant as
                                                                                                                                 part of a settlement.q
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