Page 27 - Aruba Today
P. 27

CLASSIFIEDSwedes invite world to call ‘random’ citizens                                                                      A27                           2016
                                                                                                                              FridDaOy C8 TApOrRil
KARL RITTER                                                                                                                                                 ON DUTY
ClassifiedsAssociated Press
                                                                                                                                                          Dr. van Trigt
                                                                                                                                                        Tel. 582-2991
STOCKHOLM (AP) — Ever                                                                                                                                     San Nicolas

felt like calling up a com-                                                                            TIMESHARE FOR SALE                                   Dr. Linden v/d
plete stranger in Sweden?                                                                                                                                   Tel: 584-6427
Now is your chance.                                                                                                                             EMERGENCIA
The Swedish Tourist Asso-                                                                              Week room    price
ciation has set up a hotline                                                                                                                         911
that lets callers worldwide                                                                            wk 38 room 529 $4,750
                                                                                                       wk 40 room 336 $3,750

“get connected to a ran-                                                                               wk 42 room 338 $4,000

dom Swede.”                                                                                            wk 43 room 329 $3,250                    POLICE            100
On its website, the non-                                                                               wk 49 room 144 $5,500

profit group says the idea is                                                                          wk 50 room 546 $6,000                    ORANJESTAD        527-3140
“to spark people’s curiosity                                                                           wk 49 room 2571 $3,750
about Sweden — our cul-                                                                                wk 48 room 517 $3,750                    NOORD             527-3200
ture, nature and mindset.                                                                              wk 48 or 49 room 119 $4,750              STA. CRUZ
To help us do this, we have                                                                            wk 48 or 49 room 551 $5,500                                527-2900
the people of Sweden.”                                                                                 wk 49 or 50 room 203 $5,500              SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
It’s not completely ran-                                                                               wk 21 or 22 room 347 $4,000              POLICE TIPLINE 11141
dom. The Swedes who                                                                                    wk 1+2 room 517 $19,000
take the calls have volun-                                                                             wk 13 room 501 $7,000                    FIRE DEPT.        115
teered by downloading an                                                                               wk 46 room 507 $4,500                    FIRE DEPT.
app. But they are not vet-      In this photo, tourists looking at a view of Stockholm. The Swed-                                               HOSPITAL          582-1108
ted or given any instruc-       ish Tourism Association has set up a hotline that lets callers         Contact Brian Cell: 593-0200                               527-4000
tions about what to say.        worldwide “get connected to a random Swede.” About 3,000                             DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
“It’s like when Swedes          people had dialed the “Swedish Number” by midday Thurs-                _________________________20_4_34_3       AMBULANCE
travel the world. You don’t     day, April 7, 2016 a day after it was launched.                                                                                   582-1234
know who they’re going to                                                                              DIVI VILLAGE                             CENTRO MEDICO 523-8833
talk to and what they’re                                          (Jessica Gow/TT News Agency via AP)  wk 51 to 17
going to say,” said Mag-
nus Ling, the head of the       the FAQ section of the         received four calls, about              to 12/18 to 4/24 pick week ground floor   PHARMACY
Swedish Tourist Association.    website.                       one an hour. The first was              Studio Rm 1 AE, king bed queen
About 3,000 people had          The biggest number of in-      a woman from Turkey with                sleeper m fees USD653 + special ass.     Oranjestad: Central Tel: 585-8077
dialed the “Swedish Num-        coming calls has come          limited English skills. The             of 325 due 2017 $4200                    San Nicolas: Aloe Tel: 584-4606
ber” by midday Thurs-           from Turkey. Ling said         second hung up. The third               565-9394 until 4/13
day, a day after it was         he didn’t know why, but        was an engineering stu-                 508-651-0016                             INFORMATION       118
launched, and roughly the       thought it had to do with      dent from Britain. And the              e-mail:                  TAXI-TAS          587-5900
same number of Swedes           the initiative getting at-     fourth was another journal-             _________________________20_4_96_5       PROF. TAXI        588-0035
                                tention there both in tra-     ist: Tim Nudd, creative edi-                                                     TAXI D.T.S.       587-2300
                                ditional media and social      tor at Adweek in New York.              FOR SALE                                 SERVICE ARUBA     583-3232
                                media. After signing up to     “I just wanted to call and              Just Reduced !
                                test the service, this Stock-  see how this whole thing                                                         CRUISESHIP
                                holm-based AP reporter         works,” said Nudd.                      Divi Village and Golf Premium Weeks
                                                                                                       8&9 one bdrm with pool, tennis,                              April 8
                                                                                                                                                               Coral Princess

had signed up to answer                                                                                reserved parking; $11,500/wk or          Aruba Aiport      524-2424
calls, Ling said.                                                                                      $21.000 for both weeks.                  American Airline  582-2700
The website says the initia-                                                                           No points; highly desirable 26 year      Avianca           588-0059
tive honors the 250th anni-                                                                            contract instead.                        Aruba Airlines    583-8300
versary of Sweden’s 1766                                                                               Call 730-2151 Aruba                      Jet Blue          588-2244
Freedom of the Press Act,                                                                              Call 603 568-3790 USA                    Surinam           582-7896
believed to be the world’s                                                                             e-mail:            Tiara Air         588-4272
                                                                                                                                                Venezolana        583-7674

first law supporting the                                                                               DIVI DUTCH VILLAGE                       Aruba Foundation
freedom of expression.                                                                                                                          For those Visually Incapasitated
Ling admitted there was                                                                                For Sale week 27
another motive: recruiting                                                                                                                      Tel: 582-5051
members to the tourism as-                                                                             June 25 start 3 room suite, lock off
sociation, which is funded                                                                             master bed rm, with lock off studio one   FUNDACION
through membership fees.                                                                               other room with queen sofa, $4900,        Anti-Droga
Swedes who sign up to re-                                                                              565-9394                                  Aruba
ceive calls will receive an                                                                            e-mail:
email inviting them to join                                                                            or us 508-651-0016                       (FADA) Tel: 583-2999
the group, he said.                                                                                    ________________________2_0_47_1_7
The calls are not monitored                                                                                                                     FUNDACION
but they are recorded, “so                                                                             FOR SALE                                 Respetami
that if someone says I was
threatened or harassed we                                                                              by owner                                 Tel: 582-4433
can go back and see who                                                                                Marriott Surf Club
                                                                                                       2 br O.V. lock off unit Gold season       Centro Diabetic Arubano
                                                                                                       price $16.000
                                                                                                       Marriott Ocean Club                        Tel: 524-8888
                                                                                                       2 Br O.V. Gold season 5 floor
                                                                                                       lock off unit

it was and even block that                                                                             Price $16.000 negotiable                 Narcotics Anonymous
number,” Ling said.                                                                                    567-6024 / 587-2633
The website didn’t say that                                                                                            Tel: 583-8989
calls are recorded when                                                                                USA 718-748-0395
AP checked it Thursday.                                                                                _________________________2_04_8_25       QUOTA Club
Ling said it was listed in the
user terms, which those an-                                                                            For Sale / Rent                           Tel: 525-2672

                                                                                                       DIVI VILLAGE STUDIO                      Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                       Rm 3205, 4/24, week 17 Rent $795,

swering the calls — but not                                                                            buy $3250 +M fees and week 29            Foundation
those making them — must                                                                               Unit 5503 July 17 Rent $795, buy
agree to. He later called                                                                              $3100+M fees local after4/1 565-9394     Tel: 583-5400
back saying the informa-                                                                               e-mail:
tion would be added to                                                                                 or us 508-651-0016                       Bloodbank Aruba

                                                                                                       ________________________2_0_49_5_2       Tel: 587-0002
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