Page 29 - Aruba Today
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                                                                                                                                     Friday 8 April 2016

‘For the Love of Wine’ explores an ancient wine culture 

KEVIN BEGOS                   Georgia in the Cauca-               tight: winemaking.             Wine” a memorable, beau-            This image released by Po-
Associated Press              sus Mountains, the region           Feiring captures the raw,      tiful book.                         tomac Books shows, “For the
As children we learn to       where many experts be-              fresh beauty of the Geor-      Like Kermit Lynch’s “Adven-         Love of Wine: My Odyssey
read starting with ABCs,      lieve winemaking origi-             gian countryside and the       tures on the Wine Route,”           through the World’s Most An-
yet most wine lovers inad-    nated roughly 8,000 years           passions of winemakers         Feiring shows readers that          cient Wine Culture,” by Alice
vertently skip over the be-   ago, long before Western            who fight to keep local tra-   making great wine isn’t re-         Feiring. 
ginning history of the drink  Europe.                             ditions alive in the face of   ally about chateaus, the
they love. France and Italy                                       pernicious pressure from a     rich and other typical mar-                             Associated Press
are often spoken of as the    “For the Love of Wine” is a         global beverage industry       keting props. Winemaking
grand old centers of great    love letter to a still rustic cul-  that too often measures        comes down to men and               wonderful, plentiful food
winemaking, but that’s four   ture, and to unique grapes          worth in gallons and price     women who pay obsessive,            and drink. The result is a clas-
or five thousand years off    and styles of winemaking.           point, not taste.              loving attention to their soil      sic, captivating  book  that
the mark.                     Forget cabernet and mer-                                           and grapes, and to the              casual drinkers, serious
In “For the Love of Wine,”    lot: Feiring samples kisi, mts-     When a Frenchmen asks a        magic of fermentation.              wine geeks and cooks can
New York City writer and      vane, rkatsiteli and other          Georgian winemaker what        It sometimes seems as if            all enjoy and learn from.q
natural wine advocate Al-     grapes that few Westerners          fertilizer he uses, the man    every wine writer goes to
ice Feiring takes readers     know, all aged in huge clay         is briefly puzzled because     Burgundy, Bordeaux, the
on her passionate journey     qvevri, containers similar to       he farms naturally, without    Loire or Tuscany. Thankfully,
to explore the republic of    Greek amphora.                      chemicals or additives. The    Feiring takes us somewhere
                              Wedged between Russia,              Georgian then replies, “Ev-    new, yet back to the ABCs
                              Turkey and Armenia, and             ery inch of my soil is soaked  of winemaking that we
                              at the western end of the           with the blood of my an-       should have learned in the
                              old Silk Road, Georgians            cestors. What do you use?”     first place. The  book  also
                              have persevered through             Feiring has a reporter’s       includes many tempting
                              waves of invaders, from             eye and an ear for peo-        Georgian recipes, such as
                              the Greeks and Romans               ple, their dreams and their    rose petal jam and beets
                              to Mongols, Persians and            quirks, along with a poetic    with cherry sauce.
                              most recently, the Soviets.         gift for language, and that    Just like Georgia itself, “For
                              The one constant they held          makes “For the Love of         the Love of Wine” is full of

                                                                  Oranjestad-Benjamin Petrocchi a true native Aruban started the
                                                                  newest export product of Aruba, locally produced hand rolled
                                                                  cigars called “Aruhiba”. These cigars are produced and cultivated
                                                                  in Aruba. Petrocchi always had interest in the cigar business and
                                                                  has also sold Premium Cuban cigars, and now he is growing his
                                                                  own tobacco crops.

                                                                  After many attempt and trips to Santo Domingo and Cuba, he
                                                                  started his own production and cultivation of Aruhiba Cigars in
                                                                  Aruba. The whole process took him 10 years to perfect.

                                                                  Petrocchi dedication to the cigars is important for the molding
                                                                  and process of making a perfect cigar which takes a long time. Their handmade cigar box is
                                                                  specially designed with their “Aruhiba” logo.Petrocchi considers Aruhiba as a promotion for
                                                                  Aruba trough its fine cigars .The company sells Aruhiba to the international market as well.

                                                                  Visit their retail store located in front of the Historic Dutch Windmill in front of Riu Hotel,

                                                                  with purchase of $20 and up you receive a free “Aruhiba” cigars or ask for their gift box of

                                                                  cigars get 1 FREE for only $37.We are open from Monday to Saturday from 9 till 6.30 pm and

                                                                  on Saturdays from 10 to 4 pm. Aruhiba cigars are now available at the gift stores in your resort

                                                                  and at well-known cigar stores. For their complete selection and attractive by the box prices visit

                                                                  our retail stores. Tours are also available to the Tobacco Farm, where our cigars are grown and

                                                                  rolled.                        Make an Aruba Tour including a stop at Aruhiba

                                                                                                 Factory call 739-2000. Winner of the best of Aruba.

                                                                                                 The best local product Cigars in tubes Arubian design.

                                                                                                 For a group or private tour call 586-7833/593-6177

                                                                                                 or send us a email to

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