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                                                                                                                           Friday 8 April 2016

HBO film explores Vanderbilt’s life through her son 

DAVID BAUDER                     Anderson Cooper and his mother Gloria Vanderbilt attend the premiere of “Nothing Left Unsaid”                                         Through the film and its
AP Television Writer             at the Time Warner Center on Monday, April 4, 2016, in New York.                                                                      accompanying book, he
NEW YORK (AP) — For                                                                                                                                                    learned all he had in com-
much of his career, CNN’s                                                                                                                            Associated Press  mon with his mother. Both
Anderson Cooper rarely                                                                                                                                                 fruitlessly believed their fa-
talked publicly about be-        she was 15 months old).         er uninterested in child-       derson was 10.                                                        thers had left behind let-
ing Gloria Vanderbilt’s son.     The nickname “bothered          rearing. She was fascinat-      Even in her tenth decade,                                             ters for them to read after
He wasn’t ashamed. Coo-          me enormously,” Vander-         ed with Hollywood, dated        Vanderbilt said she be-                                               their deaths. “The whole
per just didn’t want the         bilt said in an interview. “I   Errol Flynn when she was 17     lieves she has a great ro-                                            Vanderbilt side never had
baggage, the assumption          didn’t see any of the press     and had a short-lived mar-      mance ahead of her.                                                   any reality to me at all,” he
that his life was set be-        — the newspapers were           riage as a teenager. She        “She’s the most vulnerable,                                           said. “My mom didn’t feel
cause he was a descen-           kept from me. I didn’t know     married conductor Leo-          optimistic person I know,”                                            connected. She felt like a
dant of Cornelius Van-           what it meant. I didn’t feel    pold Stokowski when she         Cooper said. “She’s the                                               changeling, an impostor.
derbilt, one of the world’s      poor and I didn’t feel rich.    was 20 and he was 63. The       most trusting person. I’m                                             We grew up without any
richest business magnates        It really did influence me      marriage produced two           not as trusting as her at all.                                        real connection. My father
of the 1800s. Since he has       enormously to make some-        children and ended when         She’s incredibly optimistic,                                          took me to see the statue
the last name of his father,     thing of my life when I real-   Frank Sinatra began pur-        and I believe the next ca-                                            of Commodore Vander-
actor Wyatt Cooper, it was       ized what it meant.”            suing her. Vanderbilt later     tastrophe is right around                                             bilt in Grand Central, and
easy to keep this quiet.         Money wasn’t an issue;          married director Sidney Lu-     the corner and I want to                                              I thought all grandparents
All of that changes with         Vanderbilt inherited $4.5       met and then Wyatt Coo-         prepare for it.”                                                      turned into statues when
“Nothing Left Unsaid,” a         million in 1941. Yet she lived  per. The Cooper marriage        Cooper looks more like                                                they died.” Cooper is a
documentary that pre-            a young life unmoored,          seemed the most ground-         his father and always be-                                             gentle guide through the
mieres Saturday on HBO (9        with no father and a moth-      ed, but he died when An-        lieved he was most like him.                                          film, going through boxes
p.m. EDT). The film explores                                                                                                                                           of memorabilia and draw-
Vanderbilt’s remarkable                                                                                                                                                ing stories out of his moth-
life and offers families a                                                                                                                                             er. Much time is spent on
blueprint for conversations                                                                                                                                            the  art  she has created
with aging parents.                                                                                                                                                    throughout her life. Her
Cooper wasn’t as close                                                                                                                                                 brand of designer jeans —
with his mother as he want-                                                                                                                                            for many people, the thing
ed to be, and when she                                                                                                                                                 they most associated with
had a health scare a year                                                                                                                                              her — gets barely a minute
ago, realized he didn’t                                                                                                                                                in the nearly two-hour film.
want to be left with ques-                                                                                                                                             There’s a sadness in her
tions when she couldn’t                                                                                                                                                eyes. Vanderbilt was long
answer them.                                                                                                                                                           estranged from her moth-
His mother, now 91, has                                                                                                                                                er, and one of her sons
likely been in the public                                                                                                                                              with Stokowski cut himself
eye longer than anyone                                                                                                                                                 off from the family for more
else alive. At age 9, she                                                                                                                                              than 40 years (since the
was on newspaper front                                                                                                                                                 film was made, there has
pages as the “poor little                                                                                                                                              been some contact). And
rich girl,” the subject of a                                                                                                                                           she suffered a parent’s ul-
custody battle between                                                                                                                                                 timate nightmare with the
her mother and other rela-                                                                                                                                             loss of a son, Anderson’s
tives (her father died when                                                                                                                                            brother Carter.q

India censors: ‘Jungle Book’ too scary for kids to see alone

NEW DELHI (AP) — India’s         effects are suited for their    “Maybe it is because of         A boy walks past a poster of movie “The Jungle Book” outside
censor board is requir-          children,” Nihalani told re-    the 3D images of Bhageera       a cinema hall in Mumbai, India, Thursday, April 7, 2016. India’s
ing parents to accom-            porters late Wednesday.         and Sherkhan bouncing           censor board is requiring parents to accompany children under
pany children under 12 at        The decision hasn’t gone        off the screen. These days      12 at screenings of the Disney’s film because the special effects
screenings of Disney’s “The      well with many. Bollywood       kids are used to reading        made its animals too scary.
Jungle  Book” because the        producer Mukesh Bhatt           story  books  and watching
special effects made its         said it was a shame on the      Captain America, and af-                                                                            Associated Press
animals too scary.               country if a film like “The     ter all these are animated
The movie opens in Indian        Jungle Book” was given the      films,” the Press Trust of In-
theaters on Friday. It’s a       “U/A” certificate.              dia quoted him as saying.
computer-generated re-           The film will be released in    Compared to Hollywood,
make of the 1967 animat-         the United States with a        movie norms in India are
ed film that was based on        PG rating, meaning paren-       extremely strict. Censorship
Rudyard Kipling’s book.          tal guidance is suggested       authorities often order film-
Censor board chief Pahlaj        because of some scary           makers — both Indian and
Nihalini justified the restric-  scenes.                         foreign — to chop scenes
tion by saying the 3D ef-        On Thursday, Bollywood          deemed offensive. Films
fects were scary as the ani-     actor Ayushmann Khurrana        with graphic content can
mals seem to jump right at       also found the movie’s cer-     be barred completely.
the audience.                    tification “unbelievable”       Last year, India’s film cen-
“It’s up to parents to de-       and challenged the criteria     sor authorities ordered that
cide how much of these           behind it.                      kissing scenes in the James
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