Page 17 - aruba today 12aug2017
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                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 12 auguSt 2017



            Netherlands’ Dafne Schippers
            celebrates  after  winning  the
            gold  medal  in  the  women’s
            200m  final  during  the  World
            Athletics  Championships  in
            London Friday, Aug. 11, 2017.
                        Associated Press
            Competing as
            neutral athlete,
            Darya Klishina of

            Russia gets silver

            By PAT GRAHAM
            AP Sports Writer
            LONDON  (AP)  —  A  year
            ago,     Darya     Klishina
            couldn’t find a teammate.
            This year, she couldn’t find
            a flag.
            It’s  been  quite  a  journey
            from  last  year’s  Olympics
            to  this  year’s  world  cham-
            pionships  for  Russia’s  top
            long-jumper  —  a  journey
            that ended Friday with her
            holding a silver medal and
            celebrating it with the peo-
            ple  who  helped  her  get
            “She  hopped  over  the
            barrier  and  said,  ‘I  don’t
            have  a  flag,  but  I  have  a
            coach,’”  said  Loren  Sea-
            grave,  the  coach  who’s
            been  along  for  the  entire   Matsuyama cards 64 to tie Kisner
            emotional    ride.   “That’s
            when  she  gave  me  a  big     for second-round PGA lead
            hug.”  Klishina  is  one  of  19
            from  her  country  who  are
            officially   competing   as
            neutral  athletes  because
            of the doping scandal that
            has  engulfed  her  country.
            It  means  no  flag,  no  Rus-
            sian  uniform,  no  national
            anthem.  No  matter.  She        Kevin Kisner reacts after his putt on the ninth green during the
            jumped 7.00 meters to take       second round of the PGA Championship golf tournament at the
            the  silver  and  come  an       Quail Hollow Club Friday, Aug. 11, 2017, in Charlotte, N.C.
            oh-so-close  two  centime-                                                         Associated Press
            ters from American winner                                                                    Page19
            Brittney Reese.
                Continued on Page 22
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