Page 20 - aruba today 12aug2017
P. 20

                Saturday 12 auguSt 2017
            Dickerson’s homer lifts Rays to 4-1 win over Indians

            ST. PETERSBURG, Florida (AP)                                                                                        3-all.  Diaz  had  major  con-
            — Corey Dickerson’s three-                                                                                          trol  problems  in  the  ninth,
            run homer in the eighth in-                                                                                         walking  three  batters,  in-
            ning  carried  the  Tampa                                                                                           cluding  Cameron  Maybin
            Bay over Cleveland.                                                                                                 on a 3-2 pitch to bring Trout
            Dickerson’s  two-out  blast                                                                                         to  the  plate.  The  reigning
            off  Nick  Goody  (1-2),  his                                                                                       MVP pulled a 1-1 breaking
            22nd,  came  after  Adeiny                                                                                          ball and just kept it fair.
            Hechavarria  singled  and                                                                                           The  surging  Mariners  were
            Jesus  Sucre  was  hit  by  a                                                                                       coming  off  a  6-3  road  trip
            pitch.                                                                                                              to  move  into  the  second
            Tommy Hunter (2-2) worked                                                                                           wild-card spot in the Ameri-
            1 2/3 scoreless innings in re-                                                                                      can League. Along with the
            lief of Blake Snell to get the                                                                                      ninth-inning  problems,  the
            win.  Alex  Colome  pitched                                                                                         Mariners  saw  ace  James
            the ninth for his 34th save in                                                                                      Paxton  leave  in  the  sev-
            39 opportunities.                                                                                                   enth inning with a strained
            Francisco  Lindor  opened                                                                                           left pectoral muscle.
            the  game  with  a  dou-                                                                                            ORIOLES 7, ATHLETICS 2
            ble  and  scored  on  Jose                                                                                          OAKLAND,  California  (AP)
            Ramirez’s single. It was the                                                                                        —  Trey  Mancini  had  three
            only run for the AL Central-                                                                                        hits,  including  two  home
            leading  Indians  off  Snell,                                                                                       runs,  Wade  Miley  pitched
            who gave up four hits and                                                                                           seven  innings  of  three-hit
            two walks in 6 1/3 innings.  Tampa Bay Rays’ Corey Dickerson watches his three-run home run off Indians reliever Nick Goody   ball and Baltimore slugged
            Snell  (0-6,  4.69  ERA)  made   during the eighth inning of a baseball game Thursday, Aug. 10, 2017, in St. Petersburg, Fla.  four home runs in a victory
            his  15th  start,  the  most  of                                                                   Associated Press  over Oakland.
            any  winless  pitcher  in  the  six  hits  and  three  earned   closer Ken Giles for his sec-  win.                 Adam  Jones  and  Mark
            majors this season.          runs in eight innings, his lon-  ond  career  home  run.  It  ANGELS 6, MARINERS 3     Trumbo  each  added  solo
            Logan  Morrison  drove  in  gest  outing  of  the  season.   was  the  third  blown  save  SEATTLE  (AP)  —  Mike  Trout  blasts.
            Tampa Bay’s first run with a  He  improved  to  3-1  since   of the season for Giles, who  looped a three-run double  The  Orioles  have  won  four
            single in the fifth.         the All-Star break and is 6-3   has converted 22.         just  inside  the  left-field  line  of their last six games and
            BLUE JAYS 4, YANKEES 0       in  his  last  10  starts.  Felipe   Martes  (4-2)  struck  out  all  with  two  outs  in  the  ninth  nine of their last 13.
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Marco  Rivero  closed  for  his  11th   three  batters  he  faced  in  inning,  and  Los  Angeles  Miley (6-9) struck out seven,
            Estrada  and  two  relievers  save. Drew VerHagen (0-2)   the 10th inning, but allowed  cooled off Seattle.         walked three and allowed
            combined  on  a  six-hitter,  took the loss.              the pair of hits in the 11th.  Trout’s bases-clearing hit off  one unearned run.
            Jose  Bautista  hit  a  solo  Sean  Rodriguez  of  the  Pi-  David  Holmberg  (2-3)  got  Seattle  closer  Edwin  Diaz  A’s  starter  Chris  Smith  (0-
            home  run  and  Toronto  rates had a run-scoring sin-     the  last  out  of  the  11th  to  (2-5)  came  after  the  Mari-  2)  went  six  innings,  giving
            beat New York.               gle in the second to make    earn the win. Carlos Rodon  ners staged a three-run ral-  up  five  runs  on  seven  hits
            Estrada (5-7) pitched seven  it  2-2.  Rodriguez  hit  a  solo   threw his third straight qual-  ly of their own in the eighth  including  all  four  home
            innings  to  win  for  the  first  homer in the eighth for his   ity  start  without  earning  a  inning  to  tie  the  game  at  runs.q
            time  in  13  starts.  The  right-  fourth of the season.
            hander  came  in  0-5  with  A  run-scoring  double  by
            a  7.39  ERA  since  beating  Victor Martinez and an RBI   WNBA: Vandersloot has 21
            Texas on May 27.             groundout  by  James  Mc-
            Ryan  Tepera  worked  the  Cann produced two runs in      points, Sky beat Stars 94-74
            eighth and Roberto Osuna  the ninth for Detroit.
            finished.                    WHITE SOX 3, ASTROS 2
            Bautista hit a two-out drive  CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Rookie
            off  Chasen  Shreve  in  the  Yoan  Moncada  tied  the     ROSEMONT,  Illinois  (AP)  bounds  for  San  Antonio  points  of  overtime,  but
            seventh. It was his 36th ca-  game  with  a  home  run  in   —  Courtney  Vandersloot  (6-22).                      Currie’s 3-pointer from the
            reer  homer  against  New  the  ninth  inning  and  then   had  21  points  and  10  as-  Kelsey  Plum  had  eight  corner put Phoenix ahead
            York,  breaking  a  tie  with  drove  home  the  winning   sists  for  her  fifth  straight  points and eight assists.  99-98  with  58.9  seconds
            Tampa  Bay’s  Evan  Longo-   run  in  the  11th  to  lift  Chi-  double-double  and  the  Chicago   started   the  left.
            ria  for  the  most  by  an  ac-  cago past Houston, as the   Chicago Sky cruised past  game  on  a  12-2  run  and  After  Robinson’s  makes,
            tive player.                 American  League’s  worst     the  San  Antonio  Stars  Vandersloot       made     a  Allisha  Gray  hit  two  free
            Making  his  second  start  team swept a three-game        94-74  on  Thursday  in  the  scoop  shot  with  1.1  sec-  throws  with  31.9  seconds
            for  the  Yankees,  Sonny  series from its best.           WNBA.                       onds left in the first half to  left  to  pull  Dallas  to  101-
            Gray  (6-7)  allowed  three  Leury  Garcia  led  off  the   Allie  Quigley  added  17  extend  the  Sky’s  lead  to  100.  Phoenix  had  a  pass
            runs,  two  of  them  earned,  11th by hitting a single past   points  and  a  career-high  51-37.  She had 12 points  stolen  by  Karima  Christ-
            in  six  innings.  He  walked  a  diving  second  baseman   nine  assists  for  Chicago  and  eight  assists  in  the  mas-Kelly with 16 seconds
            four and struck out six. Ac-  Jose  Altuve,  and  then  ad-  (11-16).  Vandersloot  was  half.                      left,  but  the  Mercury  de-
            quired from Oakland at the  vanced  to  second  after      9 of 11 from the field, with  MERCURY 101, WINGS 100  flected a pass at the oth-
            trade  deadline,  Gray  lost  right  fielder  Josh  Reddick   three 3-pointers, and Chi-  (OT)                      er  end  and  Dallas  didn’t
            at Cleveland in his Yankees  bobbled  the  ball.  Then,    cago shot 56.7 percent.     ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) —  get  off  a  final  shot  be-
            debut.                       on  the  second  pitch  from   Last  Saturday,  Vander-   Monique Currie scored 29  fore  the  buzzer.  Robinson
            PIRATES 7, TIGERS 5          reliever   Francis   Martes,   sloot  became  the  first  points,  Danielle  Robinson  and Emma Cannon each
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  Rookie  Moncada  knocked  a  sin-        player  in  WNBA  history  to  made two free throws for  added 17 points for Phoe-
            Josh  Bell  hit  his  20th  home  gle  past  a  diving  Altuve   log four consecutive dou-  a  three-point  lead  with  nix (14-12).
            run and drove in three runs,  again for the game-winner.   ble-doubles  with  points  41.1  seconds  left  in  over-  Glory  Johnson  had  25
            leading Pittsburgh past De-  Earlier,  Moncada,  the  top   and assists.               time  as  Phoenix  edged  points,  15  rebounds  and
            troit.                       White  Sox  top  prospect,    Dearica    Hamby      had  Dallas.                       five  assists  for  Dallas  (13-
            Gerrit  Cole  (10-8)  allowed  connected  against  Astros   17  points  and  seven  re-  Dallas  scored  the  first  six  15).q
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