Page 25 - aruba today 12aug2017
P. 25

BUSINESS                 Saturday 12 auguSt 2017

                 JC Penney results extend a gloomy week for retailers

            By JOSEPH PISANI             this  many  stores  at  one
            AP Business Writer           time,”  said  CEO  Marvin  El-
            NEW YORK (AP) — Sales at  lison,  during  a  conference
            established  J.C.  Penney  call Friday.
            stores  faded  again  dur-   Penney,  which  has  about
            ing its most recent quarter,  875  stores  left,  is  making
            capping  a  gloomy  week  a  number  of  moves  to  try
            for U.S. retailers.          and reverse its fortunes. The
            Penney’s stock sunk below  company, which started to
            $4  Friday  morning,  an  all-  sell  appliances  again  last
            time  low  for  the  115-year-  year,  said  it  signed  a  new
            old retailer.                deal  to  sell  Electrolux  and
            Another  quarter  of  falling  Frigidaire  products.  Ellison
            same-store  sales  from  J.C.  said he wasn’t concerned
            Penney  Co.  come  a  day  about  Amazon’s  plans  to
            after  similar  reports  from  sell  Kenmore  appliances
            Macy’s,  Kohl’s  and  Dil-   on  its  site,  a  deal  Sears
            lard’s,  as  people  increas-  Holdings Corp. announced
            ingly avoid malls and shop  last month. He said Penney
            online or at discount retail-  customers  want  to  “physi-
            ers. Nordstrom stood alone,  cally  touch”  appliances
            reporting  that  its  same-  before  making  the  pricey
            store sales rose in the most  purchases.  On  Thursday,
            recent  quarter,  when  it  Macy’s CEO Jeff Gennette
            held its annual anniversary  had  left  open  the  possibil-  Shoppers walk into a J.C. Penney department store in Hialeah, Fla. On Friday, Aug. 11, 2017, J.C.
            sale.                        ity of expanding into appli-  Penney Company, Inc. Holding Company reported earnings.          (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
            At   established   Penney  ances  and  other  catego-
            stores, sales fell 1.3 percent  ries  to  be  more  of  a  one-  the  company  hopes  more  a note Friday that they see  ported a loss of $56 million,
            during the second quarter.  stop shop.                    young shoppers will visit the  “some  traction”  in  Pen-  or 18 cents per share.
            It  was  the  fourth  straight  Ellison  said  back-to-school   Sephora  makeup  shops  ney’s turnaround plan, but  Losses,  adjusted  for  one-
            quarter of declines for Pen-  sales  were  off  to  a  “good   inside  Penney’s  600  loca-  said they “remain cautious  time gains and costs, came
            ney, and it was worse than  start,” echoing similar com-  tions,  one  of  the  chain’s  given  a  challenged  (de-  to 9 cents per share, falling
            the  1.2  percent  drop  that  ments   from   executives   biggest draws, when a new  partment)  store  environ-    short of the 6 cents per share
            Wall Street analysts expect-  at  Macy’s  and  Kohl’s  on   beauty  line  from  singer  Ri-  ment.”  Overall,  the  com-  loss that analysts expected,
            ed, according to FactSet.    Thursday.  To  get  shoppers   hanna is launched. “Rihan-  pany reported a net loss of  according  to  Zacks  Invest-
            Penney said its results were  to  spend  more,  Penney    na  has  one  of  the  largest  $62 million, or 20 cents per  ment Research.
            hurt by the closing of about  added toy sections in more   social  media  followings  of  share,  in  the  three  months  Revenue  rose  1.5  percent
            130 stores during the quar-  stores in time for the back-  any celebrity,” Ellison said.  ending July 29. In the same  of $2.96 billion, which beat
            ter.                         to-school season after test-  Analysts  at  Jeffries  said  in  period  a  year  ago,  it  re-  forecasts of $2.87 billion.q
            “We’ve  never  liquidated  ing  them  last  year.  And
                    American consumer prices up slight 0.1 percent in July

            By MARTIN CRUTSINGER         been slowing this year, rais-  ruary, but its latest reading  when wage growth contin-  all  is  that  inflation  has  re-
            AP Economics Writer          ing  concerns  that  inflation   has slowed to a gain of just  ues to lag.             mained  below  the  Fed’s
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Con-       is  falling  farther  from  the   1.4 percent.            “The  Fed  may  want  infla-  target rate.” Fed Chair Ja-
            sumer prices posted a slight  Fed’s 2 percent goal.       Joel  Naroff,  chief  econo-  tion  to  pick  up  but  that   net  Yellen  has  attributed
            gain  in  July,  with  higher  “Today’s  report  is  just  the   mist  at  Naroff  Economic  would  not  be  good  news   the  inflation  slowdown  to
            costs for medical care and  sort  of  ammunition  the     Advisors,  said  that  the  low  to households,” Naroff said.   temporary  factors  such  as
            clothing offsetting declines  Fed  doves  need  to  argue   inflation is actually a break  “The  only  way  spending   a  price  war  in  the  cellular
            for hotel stays and consum-  against   additional   rate   for  consumers  at  a  time  power  has  increased  at   phone  industry  that  has
            er cellphone plans.          hikes  this  year,”  said  Chris                                                       pushed  monthly  mobile
            The Labor Department said  Rupkey,      chief   financial                                                           phone  charges  down.  But
            Friday  that  its  consumer  economist at MUFG in New                                                               she has also indicated that
            price  index  edged  up  0.1  York, referring to the group                                                          if her view is proven wrong,
            percent  last  month  after  of  Fed  officials  who  gen-                                                          she  is  ready  to  support  a
            no gain in June and a 0.1  erally  argue  for  a  go-slow                                                           change in the Fed’s plans
            percent  fall  in  May.  Core  approach to hiking interest                                                          for  rate  hikes.  The  Fed
            inflation,  which  excludes  rates. The Fed has raised its                                                          meets again in September.
            volatile  energy  and  food  benchmark interest rate in                                                             Analysts believe it will keep
            changes,  was  also  up  a  March  and  June,  and  has                                                             rates unchanged and may
            slight 0.1 percent in July.  signaled it plans a third rate                                                         not  hike  again  until  De-
            Both  overall  inflation  and  hike before year’s end. But                                                          cember.
            core inflation have risen an  private   economists   say                                                            For  July,  the  CPI  report
            identical  1.7  percent  over  the  Fed  may  stand  pat                                                            showed     that   monthly
            the  past  12  months.  That  for  the  rest  of  2017  unless                                                      wireless  phone  charges
            shows  that  inflation  pres-  inflation   accelerates   in                                                         dropped 0.3 percent. They
            sures  remain  well  under  coming  months.  The  Fed’s   A shopper looks at shirts at a Marshalls & Home Goods retail   are now down 13.3 percent
            control. In fact, a separate  preferred  inflation  gauge   store, part of the TJX Companies brand, in Phoenix. On Friday,   over  the  past  12  months,
            inflation gauge favored by  showed  a  12-month  price    Aug. 11, 2017, the Labor Department reported on U.S. consumer   the  biggest  12-month  de-
            the  Federal  Reserve  has  gain of 2.2 percent in Feb-   prices for July.                                          cline in cell phone charges
                                                                                                      (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)  in 16 years.q
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