Page 24 - aruba today 12aug2017
P. 24

Saturday 12 auguSt 2017 BUSINESS

                 Stocks snap 3-day losing streak in roller coaster week                                                          Mall of America
                                                                                                                                Is celebrating its
            By ALEX VEIGA                                                                                                       25th anniversary
            AP Business Writer
            Gains  among  technology                                                                                            MINNEAPOLIS  (AP)  —  The
            companies helped snap a                                                                                             biggest  mall  in  the  United
            three-day  losing  streak  for                                                                                      States is celebrating its 25th
            U.S.  stocks  Friday,  though                                                                                       anniversary with cupcakes
            the  market  ended  with                                                                                            and party hats.
            its  worst  weekly  loss  since                                                                                     The  Mall  of  America  in
            March.                                                                                                              Bloomington,   Minnesota,
            The modest rebound came                                                                                             will  mark  the  special  day
            at  the  end  of  a  turbulent                                                                                      Friday  with  an  attempt
            week on Wall Street as es-                                                                                          to  set  Guinness  World  Re-
            calating tensions between                                                                                           cords for the most people
            the  U.S.  and  North  Korea                                                                                        wearing  conical  birthday
            rattled global markets.                                                                                             hats and the most people
            In the first four days of the                                                                                       simultaneously  decorating
            week,  the  Standard  &                                                                                             cupcakes, the Star Tribune
            Poor’s  500  index  swung                                                                                           reported .
            from  marking  its  latest  re-                                                                                     The 5.6 million square foot
            cord  high  to  posting  its                                                                                        (520,000  sq.  meter)  mall
            biggest  single-day  drop  in                                                                                       with  more  than  520  stores
            nearly three months.                                                                                                and    11,000   employees
            The  negative  headlines     Traders Jonathan Corpina, left, and Eric Schumacher work on the floor of the New York Stock   generates $2 billion in eco-
            provided    many     inves-  Exchange. Gains among technology companies helped snap a three-day losing streak for U.S.   nomic  activity  and  has
            tors  with  an  opportunity   stocks Friday, though the market ended with its worst weekly loss since March.        more than 40 million visitors
            to  pocket  some  of  their                                                                 (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  every  year.  The  mall  at-
            recent  gains  following  a                                                                                         tracts  more  visitors  than
            string  of  record  highs  fu-  points,  or  0.1  percent,  to  Korea  act  unwisely,”  not-  er  level  inched  higher  last   Florida’s Disney World.
            eled  by  strong  corporate   1,374.23.                   ing that the U.S. is “locked  month.  July’s  0.1  percent   The  mall’s  attractions  in-
            earnings.                    The  recovery  fit  a  recent  and loaded.” Earlier in the  increase  in  consumer  pric-  clude an amusement park,
            “It’s  been  a  bit  of  a  roller   pattern  of  investors  using  week,  Trump  said  the  U.S.  es  suggests  that  the  Fed-  an  aquarium,  an  indoor
            coaster  this  week,  with  all   dips to put more money in  would  unleash  “fire  and  eral  Reserve  may  be  less   zip line and a mirror maze.
            the  rhetoric  between  the   stocks.                     fury”  on  North  Korea  if  it  likely  to  raise  interest  rates   It  also  holds  fundraisers,
            U.S.  and  North  Korea,”    Despite  the  past  week’s  continued  to  threaten  the  next month.                  dance-a-thons,      tribute
            said  Jeff  Kravetz,  regional   decline,  the  major  index-  U.S.                    Inflation  has  risen  1.7  per-  concerts and celebrity ap-
            investment  strategist  at   es  are  in  positive  territory  North   Korea   had   an-  cent  over  the  past  12   pearances.
            U.S. Bank Wealth Manage-     so far this year, led by the  nounced  a  detailed  plan  months,  suggesting  that    The  mall,  its  retailers  and
            ment. “That did temporar-    Nasdaq,  which  is  up  16.2  to launch a salvo of ballis-  inflation  pressures  remain   events raise about $12 mil-
            ily  shake  investors’  com-  percent. The S&P 500 is up  tic  missiles  toward  the  U.S.  well under control.     lion for nonprofits annually.
            placency,  but  we  think    9 percent, while the Dow is  Pacific  territory  of  Guam,    The  Fed,  which  raised  its   “As  we  look  ahead  be-
            markets are ready to move    up 10.6 percent.             a  major  military  hub  and  key  interest  rate  in  March   yond our 25th birthday, we
            higher  in  the  back  half  of   “If  you  strip  away  what’s  home to U.S. bombers.  and  June,  has  signaled  it   expect  to  include  more
            the year, and earnings and   going  on  in  North  Ko-    Still, there were fewer signs  plans  a  third  rate  hike  be-  entertainment  in  our  retail
            economic data are going      rea,  and  if  you  strip  away  of  anxiousness  in  the  mar-  fore  the  end  of  this  year.   mix,  and  continue  to  inte-
            to drive that.”              what’s  going  on  in  Wash-  kets Friday. Bond and gold  But  some  economists  say   grate  digital  tools  to  help
            On Friday, the S&P 500 rose   ington,  which  are  things  prices,  traditional  havens  the Fed may stand pat for   enhance the guest’s stay,”
            3.11 points, or 0.1 percent,   that  are  tougher  to  pre-  for  nervous  investors,  were  the rest of 2017 unless infla-  said  Greta  Anderson,  a
            to 2,441.32. The index had   dict,  the  economy,  the  little changed, and the VIX,  tion accelerates in coming    spokeswoman      for   the
            its biggest drop since mid-  global  recovery,  earnings,  a  measure  of  how  much  months.                       mall.  “We’ve  succeeded
            May  a  day  earlier.  The   it  all  paints  a  very  positive  volatility investors expect in  “Today’s inflation data put   in  leading  the  retail  and
            Dow Jones industrials aver-  picture  for  the  rest  of  the  stocks,  fell  3.3  percent  fol-  the  Fed  on  pause  and  re-  entertainment  space  for
            age gained 14.31 points, or   year,” Kravetz said.        lowing a 44.4 percent jump  ally diminishes the fact that   25  years,  and  it’s  been  a
            0.1  percent,  to  21,858.32.   Tensions  between  the  U.S.  the day before. It’s still the  there’s  still  some  noise  go-  great ride.”
            The  Nasdaq  added  39.68    and  North  Korea  contin-   highest it’s been since May.  ing  around  with  the  North   The  anniversary  celebra-
            points,  or  0.6  percent,  to   ued to simmer early Friday.  Investors  also  drew  some  Korea-U.S.  situation,”  said   tion will also include a one-
            6,256.56.  The  Russell  2000   In  a  tweet,  President  Don-  encouragement  from  new  Phil Blancato, CEO of Lad-  of-a-kind  cake  from  Bar-
            index  of  smaller-compa-    ald  Trump  warned  of  mili-  government data showing  enburg  Thalmann  Asset        tolo  “Buddy”  Valastro  of
            ny  stocks  picked  up  1.69   tary  action  “should  North  U.S. inflation at the consum-  Management.q            TLC’s reality TV show “Cake
                                                                                                                                Boss.”   Valastro’s   fam-
                                                                                                                                ily owned business, Carlo’s
              Snap stock hits lowest level since IPO after earnings                                                             Bakery, is opening a loca-
                                                                                                                                tion at the mall by the end
                                                                                                                                of the year.
            NEW YORK (AP) — Shares of  Adding to the uncertainty,  shares  will  be  eligible  for  the  stock  closed  at  on  its   Anderson  said  an  upscale
            Snap Inc. are down sharply  employees  will  be  able  to  sale.                       first trading day.           CMX Theater will also open
            after  the  parent  company  sell their stock on Monday,  Snap’s  shares  fell  $1.61,  or  Snap  CEO  Evan  Spiegel   at  the  mall  later  this  year,
            of  Snapchat  reported  pal-  when a lockup period that  nearly 12 percent, to $12.16  said  Thursday  that  neither   with  a  high-end  bar  and
            try earnings .               follows  the  company’s  ini-  on  Friday  morning.  That’s  he  nor  co-founder  Bobby   gourmet food.
            The stock hit its lowest level  tial  public  offering  expires.  well below the company’s  Murphy  plan  to  sell  any   Multiple  Guinness  World
            Friday  since  the  compa-   An earlier lockup expired in  $17  IPO  price.  And  it’s  less  stock.q               Records  have  previously
            ny  went  public  in  March.  July, but on Monday, more  than half of the $24.48 that                               been set at the mall.q
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