Page 21 - aruba today 12aug2017
P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 12 auguSt 2017

            MLB: Turner, Hernandez lead

            Dodgers to victory over Arizona

            PHOENIX,    Arizona    (AP)  on third to save a hit for the  long  scoreless  streak  and
            —  National  League  bat-    game’s final out.            rallying Cincinnati over San
            ting  average  leader  Justin  Giancarlo  Stanton  hit  his  Diego.
            Turner and Kike Hernandez  major  league-leading  39th  San Diego took a 3-2 lead
            drove  in  a  combined  five  home run of the season for  into  the  seventh,  leaving
            runs,  helping  Yu  Darvish  the Marlins.                 Dinelson Lamet in line for a
            pick up his second win in as  METS 10, PHILLIES 0         fourth  straight  victory.  The
            many starts for the Los An-  PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  Ja-   Padres’ best reliever of late
            geles  Dodgers  in  their  8-6  cob  deGrom  pitched  bril-  let it get away.
            victory over the Arizona Di-  liantly  until  leaving  in  the  The  Reds  loaded  the  bas-
            amondbacks on Thursday.      seventh  inning  due  to  a  es  against  Kirby  Yates  (2-
            The Dodgers, with two wins  contusion  on  his  right  tri-  3)  and  Hand,  who  had  a
            in  the  three-game  series  ceps  after  being  hit  on  a  streak  of  24  scoreless  in-
            with  Arizona,  have  won  or  line  drive  by  Nick  Williams,  nings.  Gennett’s  third  ca-
            tied  18  straight  series,  not  and  New  York  homered  reer  grand  slam  made  it
            having lost one since June  four times in a rout of Phila-  6-3, the first runs allowed by
            5-7  against  Washington.  delphia.                       Hand since June 10.
            They  have  won  15  of  their  DeGrom  (13-5)  gave  up  Eugenio  Suarez  homered
            last 17 games.               four  hits  in  6  2/3  innings  two pitches later. Zack Co-
            The  Diamondbacks  have  with nine strikeouts and no  zart and Joey Votto added
            lost four of five.           walks.  He  improved  to  9-2  homers  in  the  eighth,  with
            The Dodgers staked Darvish  with a 1.82 ERA in his last 11  Votto’s solo shot extending
            to a three-run lead before  starts  while  upping  his  ca-  his  hitting  streak  to  a  sea-
            he  even  took  the  mound.  reer mark against Philadel-  son-high 15 games.
            Two  singles  and  a  two-out  phia to 6-0 with a 2.10 ERA  Drew Storen (3-2) escaped   Los  Angeles  Dodgers’  Chris  Taylor  (3)  celebrates  his  run
            walk  to  Logan  Forsythe  in 10 starts.                  a two-on threat in the sev-  against  the  Arizona  Diamondbacks  with  Cody  Bellinger  (35)
            brought  up  Hernandez,  The 29-year-old right-hand-      enth.                        as Diamondbacks pitcher Jorge De La Rosa (29) pauses near
            who with two strikes pulled  er initially smiled when man-  CARDINALS 8, ROYALS 6      home plate during the sixth inning of a baseball game Thursday,
            a  bases-clearing  double  ager Terry Collins came out  ST.  LOUIS  (AP)  —  Dexter    Aug 10, 2017, in Phoenix.
            into the left-field corner.  to check on his star pitcher  Fowler hit a grand slam and  for  the  fourth  consecutive  Milwaukee starter Zach Da-
            Darvish  got  out  of  the  first  after  Williams’  hard  shot  drove in a career-high five  game.                 vies  (13-6)  allowed  seven
            two  innings  with  six  three-  drilled deGrom on the back  runs  to  lead  St.  Louis  over  The  Twins,  who  have  won  runs,  six  earned,  a  career-
            ball  counts,  and  Arizona  of  his  right  arm  just  above  Kansas City.            five  straight  and  are  7-3  in  high 11 hits and two walks
            rallied  as  his  pitch  count  the  elbow.  But  deGrom  The Cardinals tied a season  August,  had  12  hits  —  11  while striking out three in 5
            climbed.                     never  threw  a  warmup  high with their sixth straight  singles and a double — to  2/3 innings.
            NATIONALS 3, MARLINS 2       pitch nor appeared to pro-   win and climbed within one  sweep a home-and-home,  The  right-hander  struggled
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Brian  test Collins’ decision to take  game of the first-place Chi-  four-game set with Milwau-   after  allowing  just  three
            Goodwin  had  two  hits,  in-  him out. The Mets got good  cago Cubs in the NL Cen-    kee.  The  Brewers  are  7-17  earned  runs  and  19  hits
            cluding  a  home  run  lead-  news  when  X-rays  were  tral.                          since  July  16  and  fell  into  over 28 2/3 innings his past
            ing  off  the  eighth  inning,  negative.                 Kansas City has lost four in a  third  place  in  the  NL  Cen-  four starts.
            and    Washington    rallied  Wilmer  Flores  hit  a  three-  row and six of seven.    tral with the loss.          Mauer  came  into  the
            past Miami.                  run homer off Vince Velas-   Fowler broke a 3-3 tie in the  Rookie  Alan  Busenitz  (1-0)  game  in  a  1-for-20  slump.
            Goodwin  broke  a  2-2  tie  quez  (2-7)  and  finished  a  seventh inning with his 15th  pitched 2 2/3 innings of re-  He went 3 for 5 with singles
            when  he  connected  on  triple shy of the cycle. Neil  homer  of  the  season.  He  lief for his first major league  in the third, fourth and sixth
            a  1-0  fastball  from  Junichi  Walker had four hits with a  ripped  the  first  pitch  from  win.                 innings.q
            Tazawa  (1-2)  for  his  13th  homer  and  Michael  Con-  Neftali Feliz 404 feet for his
            homer  of  the  season  and  forto  and  Curtis  Grander-  third career slam.
            second RBI of the night.     son also went deep as the  Tyler Lyons (1-0) picked up
            Ryan Madson (2-0) pitched  Mets continued their power  the  win  in  relief  of  Lance
            a  scoreless  eighth  inning  surge at Citizens Bank Park,  Lynn,  who  gave  up  two
            and Sean Doolittle worked  where they have launched  earned runs in six innings.
            around  a  one-out  double  51 long balls in their last 23  Mike  Minor  (5-4)  took  the
            by Miguel Rojas in the ninth  games.                      loss.
            for  his  seventh  save  since  REDS 10, PADRES 3         TWINS 7, BREWERS 2
            coming to Washington.        CINCINNATI (AP) — Scoot-     MILWAUKEE  (AP)  —  Byron
            Andrew Stevenson made a  er Gennett hit a grand slam  Buxton  and  Joe  Mauer
            diving catch along the left  in the seventh inning, end-  each had three singles and
            field foul line with a runner  ing left-hander Brad Hand’s  Minnesota beat Milwaukee
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