Page 18 - aruba today 12aug2017
P. 18
Saturday 12 auguSt 2017
Dallas RB Ezekiel Elliott suspended 6 games in domestic case
By SCHUYLER DIXON the appeal, a slew of addi-
AP Pro Football Writer tional credible and contro-
DALLAS (AP) — The NFL sus- verting evidence will come
pended star Dallas Cow- to light.”
boys running back Ezekiel If Goodell’s ruling stands,
Elliott for six games Friday, Elliott will go on the sus-
concluding after a year- pended list the first week of
long investigation that the the regular season and be
league’s leading rusher eligible to return to the ac-
injured his former girlfriend tive roster Oct. 23. His first
in three separate incidents possible game would be
last summer. Week 8 at Washington.
According to the letter El- The ruling requires Elliott to
liott received informing him get an evaluation to de-
of the suspension, the NFL termine whether he needs
believed he used “physical counseling or treatment,
force” three times in a span and to show proof that he
of five days in a Columbus, is following up on any rec-
Ohio, apartment last July ommendations. NFL spe-
resulting in injuries to Tiffany cial counsel for conduct
Thompson’s face, neck, Todd Jones wrote in the
shoulders, arms, hands, letter to Elliott that advis-
wrists, hips and knees. She ers “were of the view that
was his girlfriend at the This is a July 25, 2017, file photo showing Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott during NFL there is substantial and
time. football training camp in Oxnard, Calif. persuasive evidence sup-
Prosecutors in Columbus Associated Press porting a finding that (El-
decided nearly a year ago liott) engaged in physi-
not to pursue the case in Roger Goodell made his pions start the season in a curacies and erroneous cal violence against Ms.
the city where Elliott starred decision based on the find- month — with the possibility conclusions and it ‘cherry Thompson on multiple oc-
for Ohio State. In announc- ings and in consultation of losing two more. picks’ so-called evidence casions during the week of
ing the suspension under with four advisers, includ- The 22-year-old Elliot has to support its conclusion July 16, 2016.”
the NFL’s personal conduct ing Hall of Fame player Ken three days to appeal the while ignoring other criti- Last September, the office
policy, the league said its Houston. ruling, which his legal team cal evidence,” attorneys of Columbus City Attorney
investigation was based Elliott’s ban means the said he would do while Frank Salzano and Scott Richard Pfeiffer cited con-
on photographs, text mes- Cowboys will have four blasting the decision. Rosenblum said in a joint flicting and inconsistent in-
sages and other electronic players suspended when “The NFL’s findings are re- statement. “During the up- formation in the evidence
evidence. Commissioner last year’s NFC East cham- plete with factual inac- coming weeks and through in deciding against crimi-
nal charges. Pfeiffer’s of-
fice declined comment
Friday.Peter Harvey, one
of the advisers to Goodell,
said the NFL had access
to forensic electronic evi-
dence that prosecutors
didn’t have. Harvey said
an example was proof that
photographs were taken
by Thompson the same
day she alleged that she
was injured by Elliott.
Harvey also said some of
the explanations offered
by Elliott’s representatives,
including that Thompson
was injured in a fight with a
woman or by falling down
stairs, weren’t supported
by evidence.
“It is also important to note
that, while there may be
conflicting testimonial
evidence regarding the
nature and substance of
conversations, there is no
dispute that you and Ms.
Thompson were together
in the same location on the
dates identified, and no
evidence to suggest that
anyone else could have
caused these injuries,” the
letter said.q