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  FEATUREThursday 24 September

Pope Pop Quiz:

Test your knowledge of all things papal with an AP Quiz

NICOLE WINFIELD                b) Romano Guardini             10) Pope Francis has never                                          Francis has revamped the         thae. Unlike his predeces-
Associated Press               c) St. Francis of Assisi       visited:                                                            geographic distribution          sors, Francis has eschewed
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope       d) Karl Marx                   a) United States                                                    of the College of Cardi-         the lush Castel Gandolfo
Francis delivered his first                                   b) Germany                                                          nals by naming “princes of       papal summer retreat
mass in the United States      5) Pope Francis has            c) South Korea                                                      the church” from far-flung       overlooking Lake Alban. In-
this week on Wednesday,        sneaked out of the Vatican     d) Sri Lanka                                                        countries in a bid to give       stead, he vacations in the
September 23, 2015. Test       to:                            ________                                                            “peripheral” communities         same Vatican hotel where
your knowledge about all       a) feed the homeless           ANSWERS:                                                            representation at the high-      he lives: Room 201 of the
things papal with this quiz.   b) buy new glasses             1) Which is NOT one of Pope                                         est levels of the church.        Domus Sanctae Marthae,
Answers are at the end.        c) go Christmas shopping       Francis’ official titles?                                           Tonga, Myanmar and               a modern residence on the
                               d) get a slice of pizza        a) Emeritus Bishop of Bue-                                          Cape Verde all got their         edge of the Vatican gar-
1) Which is NOT one of Pope                                   nos Aires. Francis has many                                         first-ever cardinals.            dens where visiting priests
Francis’ official titles?      6) Pope Francis’ spends his    titles, starting with the high-                                                                      and other officials stay
                                                                                                                                  During his papacy, Fran-         while on  business  at the
Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington, right, translates for Pope Francis as the Pope                                   cis has reduced Europe’s         Vatican.
gestures that wishes he had more time to greet everyone following the midday prayer from                                          share of the cardinals who
the Liturgy of Hours, the daily form of prayer of the Catholic Church, with bishops from the U.S.,                                can vote for a new pope to       7) The pope’s favorite sports
Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015, at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington.                                             less than half of the total for  team is:
                                                                                                                                  the first time ever.             d) San Lorenzo. Francis is a
                                                                                                          (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)                                   lifelong fan of the Buenos
                                                                                                                                  4) Pope Francis began, but       Aires soccer club and has
a) Emeritus Bishop of Bue-     summer vacations in:           est, Vicar of Christ, and the                                       never completed, a mas-          kept up his membership
nos Aires                      a) Castel Gandolfo             most mundane “Sovereign                                             ter’s thesis on:                 (No. 88235N-0). He has met
b) Primate of Italy            b) Buenos Aires                of the State of Vatican                                             b) Romano Guardini. Guar-        several times with the team
c) Vicar of Christ             c) Domus Sanctae Mar-          City.” He is also the former                                        dini was an Italian-born         since his election and has
d) Successor of the Prince     thae                           archbishop of Buenos Aires,                                         German philosopher who           an impressive collection
of the Apostles                d) Lampedusa                   but he technically doesn’t                                          was an enormously influen-       of San Lorenzo jerseys that
                                                              carry the “Emeritus Bishop”                                         tial Catholic thinker in the     have been given to him.
2) The white skullcap that     7) The pope’s favorite sports  title, according to the Vati-                                       mid-20th century.
Pope Francis wears is          team is:                       can’s annual yearbook.                                                                               8) The pope belongs to this
called a:                      a) St. Louis Cardinals                                                                             In 1986, after Francis’ tu-      religious order:
a) cappuccino                  b) AS Roma                     2) The white skullcap that                                          multuous leadership of the       b) Society of Jesus. Francis
b) yarmulke                    c) San Diego Padres            Pope Francis wears is                                               Argentine Jesuits and sub-       joined the Jesuits while he
c) beanie                      d) San Lorenzo                 called a:                                                           sequent position as a semi-      was in the diocesan semi-
d) zucchetto                                                  d) zucchetto. Francis’ zuc-                                         nary rector in Buenos Aires,     nary and was ordained
                               8) The pope belongs to this    chetto has become some-                                             the future pope was sent         a Jesuit priest on Dec. 13,
3) Which country did NOT       religious order:               thing of a collectors’ item,                                        off to Germany to begin          1969. Much of his spirituality
get its first cardinal during  a) Franciscans                 with the pope frequently                                            a dissertation on Guardini       and style — examination of
Pope Francis’ consistory in    b) Society of Jesus            swapping out his white                                              that he never completed.         conscience, long periods
February 2015?                 c) Brothers of Mercy           skullcap for ones offered to                                                                         of discernment and com-
a) Tonga                       d) Legion of Christ            him by the masses during                                            Guardini, however, re-           mitment to social justice —
b) Papua New Guinea                                           his weekly general audi-                                            mained deeply important          can be traced to his forma-
c) Myanmar                     9) Pope Francis’ favorite      ence.                                                               to him: Francis cited Guar-      tion as a Jesuit.
d) Cape Verde                  drink is:                                                                                          dini eight times in his ecol-
                               a) Argentine merlot            3) Which country did NOT                                            ogy encyclical “Praise Be”       9) Pope Francis’ favorite
4) Pope Francis began, but     b) orange Fanta                get its first cardinal during                                       — more than any modern           drink is:
never completed, a mas-        c) seltzer                     Pope Francis’ consistory in                                         thinker other than a pope.       d) mate. Like most Argen-
ter’s thesis on:               d) mate                        February 2015?                                                                                       tines, Francis adores his
a) organic chemistry                                          b) Papua New Guinea.                                                5) Pope Francis has              mate, the traditional tea
                                                                                                                                  sneaked out of the Vatican       that is sipped through a
                                                                                                                                  to:                              straw from a gourd. Francis
                                                                                                                                  b) buy new glasses. Francis      routinely takes a sip when a
                                                                                                                                  has said that what he miss-      gourd is handed up to him
                                                                                                                                  es most about being pope         from the general public —
                                                                                                                                  is that he can no longer         a potential health concern
                                                                                                                                  walk around town, visit with     that has never seemed to
                                                                                                                                  the homeless or go out for       faze the pope though it
                                                                                                                                  a pizza.                         must give his doctors and
                                                                                                                                                                   bodyguards pause.
                                                                                                                                  However it was a more
                                                                                                                                  mundane errand that              10) Pope Francis has never
                                                                                                                                  prompted him to slip out         visited:
                                                                                                                                  of the Vatican on Sept. 3        a) The United States, un-
                                                                                                                                  with just a bodyguard and        til this week. This is Francis’
                                                                                                                                  driver: to get a new set of      first time on U.S. soil, and
                                                                                                                                  lenses for his eyeglasses.       he’s also a first-time visitor
                                                                                                                                                                   to Cuba. The Vatican says
                                                                                                                                  6) Pope Francis’ spends his      Francis did once change
                                                                                                                                  summer vacations in:             planes in Cuba, but never
                                                                                                                                  c) Domus Sanctae Mar-            actually left the airport.q
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