Page 29 - atoday sept 24
P. 29
Thursday 24 September
Sales of ‘Whitey’ Bulger memorabilia rise with film release
DENISE LAVOIE ple should just let it rest and
AP Legal Affairs Writer let it go.”
BOSTON (AP) — There’s a Bulger, now 86, was one of
mugshot from Alcatraz, an the most notorious gang-
autographed prison shirt sters in Boston, running a
and poker chips featuring violent criminal organiza-
his photo. tion from the 1970s into the
Memorabilia related to 1990s after serving time
Boston gangster James in Alcatraz, among other
“Whitey” Bulger is being prisons, for armed robbery
peddled to coincide with and truck hijacking. He
the release of the new fled Boston on the eve of a
Johnny Depp movie on racketeering indictment in
Bulger’s life. 1995 and remained one of
“Black Mass” hit theaters the nation’s most wanted
last week. Now, Bulger fugitives until he was cap-
items are all over eBay and tured in Santa Monica,
sellers are hoping to cash California, in 2011.
in on the movie’s buzz. In 2013, he was convicted
Some relatives of Bulger’s of participating in 11 kill-
victims aren’t happy about ings and a litany of other
all the hawking. crimes. He is serving life in
Patricia Donahue, whose prison. This Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2015, provided by Phil Castinetti shows a prison uniform displayed at his
husband was killed by A memorabilia store in memorabilia store in Peabody, Mass., that Castinetti said belonged to convicted New England
Bulger and an associate Peabody is auctioning off gangster James “Whitey” Bulger. Associated Press
in 1982, said she doesn’t an orange jail-issued shirt
understand why anyone supposedly worn by Bulger gave it to him and told him Amy Schumer
would want to buy or sell at the Plymouth County to get a jumpstart on life,
anything that belonged to jail. Store owner Phil Casti-
Bulger. netti said he has received do the right thing, and sell
it,” Castinetti said.
Plymouth County Sheriff Jo-
memoir scheduledget enough of this man, restaurant owner for the
“People just can’t seem to a $25,000 bid from a Boston
who’s a psychopath,” she shirt. He said he bought the seph McDonald Jr. said he for release late 2016
said. shirt from a former inmate doesn’t believe the shirt is
“You try to make money who Bulger befriended in authentic or was ever worn HILLEL ITALIE
off a man who has killed jail. by Bulger. He said the font AP National Writer
... and the victims’ families “Whitey took a liking to of the lettering on the shirt
are still around. I think it’s in him. When the kid got re- appears different from the NEW YORK (AP) — Amy
very bad taste. I think peo- leased, he signed it and font used at the jail.q
Schumer is ready for the
next stage of her soaring
Sofia Vergara thinks ‘We’re career: writing a book.
The Emmy Award-winning
actress, filmmaker and co-
All Mexican’ a great concept median has a deal with In this Sept. 20, 2015 file photo,
Gallery Books for a memoir Amy Schumer, winner of the
JOHN CARUCCI the song. “It’s a fun thing to In this Sept. 20, 2015 file pho- scheduled to come out in award for outstanding variety
Associated Press do to come together and to, Sofia Vergara arrives at the late 2016. sketch series for “Inside Amy
NEW YORK (AP) — Sofia help other people.” 67th Primetime Emmy Awards The publisher told The As- Schumer”, poses in the press
Vergara loves the concept The “Modern Family” ac- in Los Angeles. sociated Press on Wednes- room at the 67th Primetime
of the new Emilio Estefan tress noted how things day the book is currently Emmy Awards in Los Angeles.
song “We’re All Mexican” have improved for Latino Associated Press untitled and is expected Associated Press
because she says it cele- actors since she first got in to “offer personal and ob-
brates Latin solidarity. the business. mote the Ninja Coffee Bar, servational stories from Please.” So far this year,
Estefan, a Cuban-Ameri- a coffeemaker for which Schumer that range from the 34-year-old Schumer
can, wrote the song in re- “Twenty years ago I start- she’s a pitchwoman. the raunchy to the roman- has had a hit movie, “Train-
sponse to anti-Mexican ed in Univision, and things “I think I’m a natural be- tic, the heartfelt to the wreck”; won an Emmy for
and anti-Latino sentiment have changed a lot. It’s cause I grew up drinking harrowing.” “Believe it or best sketch comedy series;
he believes is becoming easier now to make a cross- coffee in Colombia.q not, there’s actually more bonded with Jennifer Law-
more prevalent. The video over. There are so many I have to say,” Schumer, rence; and opened for Ma-
features Latino celebrities, more opportunities; there an artist known for telling donna at Madison Square
including Carlos Santana, are so many more scripts all, said in a statement re- Garden. She will host “Sat-
Eva Longoria and Pitbull. that have been written for leased through Gallery. urday Night Live” later this
In an interview Wednesday, Latin people. There’s defi- Financial terms haven’t fall. “Now readers will have
Vergara said it’s important nitely doors opening every been disclosed, although the opportunity to meet
to raise awareness regard- day,” she said. “We hope the deal is believed to be Amy Schumer as a writer
ing the accomplishments that there’s more material worth well into seven fig- of real talent, a daughter,
of Latinos in America. written for Latin people, but ures since publishers ex- a sister, and a young pro-
“I think it’s great. I think it’s I think we shouldn’t com- pect Schumer’s book will fessional making her way
beautiful to unite with peo- plain. Things are getting likely enjoy the success in the world,” Carolyn Re-
ple and to fight for a cause better.” of such previous works as idy, president and CEO of
and represent a cause,” She made the comments Tina Fey’s “Bossypants” Gallery’s parent company
the Colombian star said of during an interview to pro- and Amy Poehler’s “Yes Simon & Schuster, said in a