Page 24 - atoday sept 24
P. 24


BUSINESSThursday 24 September

Materials and energy stocks slide on China growth worries 

MATTHEW CRAFT                   sharp turn lower just before   Traders Robert Arciero left, and Timothy Nick work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.
AP Business Writer              lunchtime, then climbed        Another slide in raw-material producers and oil companies tugged the stock market to a slight
NEW YORK (AP) — Another         back almost to breakeven       loss on Wednesday, amid heightened concerns about global economic growth.
slide in raw-material pro-      in the afternoon. By the
ducers and oil companies        closing bell, the stock mar-                                                                                                           (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
tugged the stock market         ket wound up just shy of
to a slight loss on Wednes-     where it started.              Wednesday, taking re- Major indexes in Europe re- Hong Kong’s Hang Seng
day, amid heightened            The Standard & Poor’s 500      sponsibility for a growing covered a portion of their sank 2.3 percent. South
concerns about global           index gave up 3.98 points,
economic growth. Dow            or 0.2 percent, to finish the  scandal. His resignation steep losses from the day Korea’s Kospi fell 1.9 per-
Chemical and Chevron            day at 1,938.76.
each lost 2 percent.            The Dow Jones industrial       followed the German car-      before. Germany’s DAX fin-                                        cent, and Australia’s S&P/
The news out Wednesday          average lost 50.58 points,     maker’s admission that it     ished with a gain of 0.4 per-                                     ASX 200 lost 2.1 percent.
was hardly encourag-            or 0.3 percent, to 16,279.89,  rigged software in its cars   cent, while France’s CAC                                          Japan’s stock market re-
ing. A private measure of       and the Nasdaq compos-         to pass U.S. emission tests.  40 picked up 0.1 percent.                                         mains closed until Thursday
manufacturing in China hit      ite fell 3.98 points, or 0.1
its lowest level in six years,  percent, to 4,752.74.          In a statement, Martin Win- Britain’s FTSE 100 gained 1.6 for public holidays.
a result of weaker factory      Mounting concerns about
production, overall new or-     slowing global economic        terkorn said he was “not      percent.                                                          Back in the U.S., bond pric-
ders and hiring.                growth and the timing of       aware of any wrongdo-         Evidence of slowing eco-                                          es fell, nudging the yield
That, along with plunging       the Federal Reserve’s first    ing on my part.” U.S.-list-   nomic growth hit mar-                                             on the benchmark 10-year
oil prices, could have led      interest-rate hike in nearly
to a much bigger sell-off,      a decade has battered          ed shares of Volkswagen kets across Asia. China’s Treasury note to 2.15 per-
said Jim Paulsen, chief in-     markets recently. The S&P
vestment strategist at Wells    500, the most widely used      surged $1.66, or 7 percent, Shanghai Composite Index cent from 2.13 percent the
Capital Management. But         measure of U.S. invest-
that’s hardly encouraging       ments, has lost more than      to $27.10.                    dropped 2.2 percent, while day before.q
for investors looking for a     8 percent in three months.
signal that the worst is over.  Anthony Valeri, a market
The market has finished         strategist at LPL Financial,
lower in four of the past five  said he thinks the choppy
days.                           trading will likely continue
“I’m sure there are a lot of    until next week, when a
buyers on the sidelines,”       batch of major U.S. eco-
he said, “but right now it      nomic reports come out.
doesn’t seem like a very        The government releases
good time to buy.”              its monthly look at the job
The major indexes headed        market next Friday.
higher at the outset of trad-   In other news, Volkswa-
ing Wednesday, took a           gen’s CEO stepped down

China inks deals worth $38 billion to buy 300 Boeing jets 

HONG KONG (AP) — Boe-           A Boeing 787-9 takes off at Paine Field in Everett, Wash. Chinese companies have agreed with                                   plants in Washington state.
ing said Wednesday that         Boeing to buy 300 jets and build an aircraft assembly plant in China in deals signed during                                    Airbus opened its first as-
Chinese companies have          President Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States, the official Xinhua news agency said Wednesday.                             sembly line outside of Eu-
agreed to buy 300 jets and                                                                                                                                     rope in 2008 with a Tianjin
build an aircraft assembly                                                                                                         (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)  facility that turns out four
plant in  China. The deals,                                                                                                                                    A320 aircraft per month. In
worth about $38 billion,        the new facility will paint    Washington, D.C., to meet     as the two rivals step up                                         July, Airbus signed a deal
were signed during Chi-         the jets and finish their in-  President Barack Obama.       their efforts to win more                                         for a second completion
nese President Xi Jinping’s     teriors.                       The assembly plant would      business in the country’s                                         and delivery center for
visit to the United States.     Xi visited Boeing’s Paine      be Boeing’s first in  Chi-    lucrative aircraft market.                                        A330 jets.
China  Aviation Supplies        Field assembly plant dur-      na and signals its attempt    Boeing said the Chinese                                           Boeing, based in Chi-
Holding Company, ICBC           ing the Seattle leg of his     to match its European rival   facility won’t reduce                                             cago, sold a record 155
Financial Leasing and Chi-      trip before moving on to       Airbus’s Chinese presence     employment levels at its                                          airplanes last year to cus-
na  Development Bank                                                                                                                                           tomers in  China, and so
Leasing inked the jet pur-                                                                                                                                     far this year, a quarter of
chase agreement after                                                                                                                                          its jets have been deliv-
Xi’s arrival in Seattle. Boe-                                                                                                                                  ered there. The company
ing said the orders were                                                                                                                                       predicts that over the next
mostly for its 737 models.                                                                                                                                     two decades  China  will
State-owned Commer-                                                                                                                                            overtake the U.S. as the
cial Aircraft Corporation                                                                                                                                      world’s biggest plane
of  China, which is better                                                                                                                                     market with demand for
known as Comac, also                                                                                                                                           6,330 new airplanes worth
signed a cooperation                                                                                                                                           an estimated $950 billion.
agreement with the U.S.                                                                                                                                        Shares of Boeing Co.
plane maker to build a                                                                                                                                         fell $2.32, or 1.7 per-
737 aircraft assembly cen-                                                                                                                                     cent, to close at $131.67
ter in  China. Boeing said                                                                                                                                     Wednesday.q
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