Page 19 - atoday sept 24
P. 19
Thursday 24 September
FedEx Cup
Continued from Page 17
And it was just the start for Jason Day, left, of Australia, talks with Jordan Spieth on the 10th green, during the first round of the BMW Championship golf tourna-
the 27-year-old Australian. ment at Conway Farms Golf Club, Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015, in Lake Forest, Ill.
Day began to overpower
players and courses. He Associated Press
set a major championship
record to par (20 under) importance players put on Championship, although chase for a $10 million bo- Spieth already has clinched
at Whistling Straits. He fol- the tour’s postseason. the Swede did make one nus — or what Spieth did the money title even if Day
lowed that with a six-shot The whole debate starts prediction that was fairly during the four events that were to win the Tour Cham-
victory at The Barclays, with the assumption Day safe. are the fabric of golf his- pionship. And while Day is
and then opened with will win the Tour Champi- “Someone with the first let- tory? not far behind, Spieth still
rounds of 63-61 to blow onship, and the rate he’s ter of ‘J’ will win it,” he said. Spieth was only the fourth has the lead in the Vardon
away the field at Conway been going, that’s not a More than just the 30 play- player to capture the first Trophy for the lowest ad-
Farms for a six-shot victory stretch. ers gathered at East Lake two legs of the modern justed scoring average.
in the BMW Championship. Rickie Fowler said his main are voting. Ballots go to Grand Slam, History would seem to favor
That was his fifth win of the criteria would be victories, 200-plus members, some and he was tied for the Spieth.
year — one more than Spi- though not just any title. of whom didn’t even keep lead through 70 holes at St. Since the Jack Nicklaus
eth — and Day went to No. “Majors. Majors are big,” he their cards, much less find Andrews until a bogey on Award for the player of the
1 in the world ranking. said. “With what Jordan’s their way to New Jersey for No. 17. year began in 1990, only
“I still think it’s him,” Day done this year, it’s pretty the start of the FedEx Cup. Only three other players in one player won two majors
said on Sunday. “But I’m amazing. Jason is making Do they look at how Day 58 years of stroke play at in the same season without
hoping that I can go and his late charge, so he’s not closed the gap during the the PGA Championship fin- getting the aw
win next week and get making it any easier on the most lucrative time of the ished more under par than ard. That was Nick Faldo in
people talking about it a voting side of it.” year — $8.5 million purses Spieth at Whistling Straits. 1990 and he wasn’t on the
lot more.” Henrik Stenson won’t de- against some of the stron- One of them happened to ballot because he wasn’t a
The ballots will be emailed cide until after the Tour gest fields of the year in a be Day. PGA Tour member.q
to PGA Tour players on
Sunday night after the Tour
Championship following
what amounts to the last
campaign stop at East
A victory for Day would
give him six wins and a ma-
To put that into context,
only four other players over
the last 40 years have won
six times in one season
on the PGA Tour — Tom
Watson (1980), Nick Price
(1994), Vijay Singh (2004)
and Tiger Woods (six times).
If he were to win, then it re-
ally would be a tale of two
Spieth dominated the im-
portant part of the year.
Day thrived during the bo-
nus time of the year.
The FedEx Cup is not hit-
and-giggle. It starts with the
top 125 players on the PGA
Tour and, with the value of
points quadrupled, whittles
the field down to the top
30 at the Tour Champion-
ship who all have a mathe-
matical shot at the $10 mil-
lion bonus. A vote for Day
might indicate how much