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LOCALThursday 24 September

Kicking Off Monday, September 28:                                                                                           Celebrity Chef Ruth
                                                                                                                            Van Waerebeek to
   Preparations Set for ‘Eat Local Aruba Restaurant Week’                                                                   Join the ‘Iron Chef

ORANJESTAD - Starting           dig deep in their pockets.”    rant Week’ we will certainly  case Aruba’s diverse culi-         Aruba’ Judge
Monday, September 28            Restaurants that already       highlight the more authen-    nary scene and highlight                 Panel
and lasting through Octo-       feature local menus are        tic Aruban dishes accom-      the islands flavors by incor-
ber 9 2015, the ‘One Hap-       adding on specials and ac-     panied by locally brewed      porating locally inspired      ORANJESTAD – The much-
py Island’ of Aruba invites     centing on the local flavors.  beverages”.                   dishes in the menus of par-    anticipated Iron Chef
guests to explore local cu-     Carolina Merryweather-         This new initiative was de-   ticipating restaurants.        Aruba competition pro-
linary delights during the      Raven, manager of Drift-       veloped by the Aruba Tour-    Visit           duced by Island Tempta-
Eat Local Aruba Restaurant      wood Restaurant says that      ism Authority (ATA) to show-  eatlocal to ensure a table     tions magazine and being
                                                                                                                            held on October 8th during
                                                                                                    at your favorite res-   the Aruba Tourism Author-
                                                                                                    taurant!                ity’s first annual Restaurant
                                                                                                    For more information    Week, will be judged by
                                                                                                    on the One Happy        hospitality professionals, in-
                                                                                                    Island, visit www.      cluding celebrity chef Ruth
                                                                                           Engage       Van Waerebeek.
                                                                                                    with Aruba via social   The dynamic Belgium
                                                                                                    media at www.face-      chef is the author of sev-
                                                                                                eral critically acclaimed
                                                                                                    or @Aruba on Twitter    cookbooks, and has been
                                                                                                    and @arubatourism       featured in Gourmet and
                                                                                                    on Instagram. q         Food & Wine magazines.
                                                                                                                            For the past 15 years, Chef
Week.                           their seafood restaurant                                                                    Ruth has been the brand
Preparations are in full        “already features a lot of                                                                  ambassador and house
swing for this culinary         local dishes, but during the                                                                chef for Chile’s famed
event, highlighting authen-     ‘Eat Local Aruba Restau-                                                                    Concha y Toro Winery, rep-
tic Aruban cuisine for two                                                                                                  resenting the vineyard at
full weeks. The restaurants’                                                                                                major company events in
prix-fixe meals allow visitors                                                                                              Europe, the United States,
to enjoy local cuisine for a                                                                                                Asia, and Latin America.
very reasonable price, with                                                                                                 The chef also oversees
lunches costing $15 and                                                                                                     the Mapuyampay Hostal
dinners $30-- $40.                                                                                                          Gastronomico & Cook-
No passes, tickets or vouch-                                                                                                ing School in Chile’s wine
ers are required— attend-                                                                                                   country.
ing diners can simply visit                                                                                                 This year’s Iron Chef Aruba
their favorite participating                                                                                                will take place at The Al-
restaurants throughout the                                                                                                  hambra Ballroom on Thurs-
program dates to enjoy                                                                                                      day, October 8th. The
the special menu offerings.                                                                                                 competition will feature
More than 55 restaurants                                                                                                    three of Aruba’s top chefs
have already signed up                                                                                                      vying for the title won two
for this new culinary event                                                                                                 years ago by Chef Urvin-
and are incorporating au-                                                                                                   Croes from White Modern
thentic local dishes in their                                                                                               Cuisine and The Kitchen
menu.                                                                                                                       Table by White. In addi-
Director of Food & Bever-                                                                                                   tion, three of Aruba’s best
age at Divi Village Golf &                                                                                                  bartenders go head-to-
Beach Resort Dominique                                                                                                      head in the Bartenders
Bauduin says the great                                                                                                      Brawl, being held during
thing about restaurant                                                                                                      the cocktail hour preced-
week is that “for us, it opens                                                                                              ing the live, onstage chef
the door for a different au-                                                                                                competition that will have
dience. People can enjoy                                                                                                    a challenging mystery bas-
the high gastronomic stan-                                                                                                  ket component.
dards of dining at Windows                                                                                                  Guests attending Island
on Aruba without having to                                                                                                  Temptations’ Iron Chef
                                                                                                                            Aruba will enjoy sampling
                                                                                                                            cocktails from the Bartend-
                                                                                                                            ers Brawl prior to dinner, fol-
                                                                                                                            lowed by a gourmet four-
                                                                                                                            course dinner paired with
                                                                                                                            wine from Aruba’s leading
                                                                                                                            spirit distributors, Romar
                                                                                                                            Trading, PepiaEst, and Ari-
                                                                                                                            on Wine Company.
                                                                                                                            Foodies and wine lov-
                                                                                                                            ers mark your calendars!
                                                                                                                            Seating is limited for this fi-
                                                                                                                            nale event of Restaurant
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