Page 11 - atoday sept 24
P. 11

                                                                                                                   Thursday 24 September

 Colombia revamps               Colombia’s Santo, rebels announce breakthrough in talks 
 drug policy as US’s
program concludes               ANNE GARCIA                     FARC has taken today,”       nism for rebels to demobi-      pectations of a deal, the
                                JOSHUA GOODMAN                  said Santos, seated on       lize, hand over their weap-     FARC declared a unilat-
                                Associated Press                the same dais as the rebel   ons and provide repara-         eral cease-fire in July and
J. GOODMAN                      HAVANA (AP) — Colombi-          leader known as Timo-        tions to their victims. Santos  has been working with
Associated Press                an President Juan Manuel        chenko and Cuban Presi-      has also promised he’ll give    Colombia’s military on a
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP)           Santos and leftist guerrilla    dent Raul Castro. “We are    Colombians the chance           program to remove tens of
— Colombia is overhaul-         commanders on Wednes-
ing its anti-drug strategy,     day announced an im-            Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos talks in Quito, Ecuador. Santos has announced a sur-
aiming to boost alterna-        portant breakthrough in         prise trip Wednesday to Cuba for a key meeting with government peace negotiators trying to
tive development efforts        peace talks that sets the       wrap up talks aimed at ending the country’s long-running conflict.
and relying more on man-        stage to end Latin Ameri-
ual eradication to replace      ca’s longest-running armed                                                                                                            (AP Photo/Dolores Ochoa)
U.S.-backed aerial spray-       conflict.
ing of the crop used to         In a joint statement, San-      on different sides but to-   to voice their opinion in a     thousands of rebel-planted
make cocaine.                   tos and the Revolutionary       day we advance in the        referendum and any deal         land mines.
In unveiling the new strate-    Armed Forces of Colombia,       same direction, in the most  must also clear Congress.       But amid the slow, but
gy Tuesday, President Juan      or FARC, said they have         noble direction a society    As part of talks in Cuba        steady progress, one issue
Manuel Santos played            overcome the last signifi-      can take, which is toward    stretching over more than       had seemed almost insur-
down concerns that Co-          cant obstacle to a peace        peace.”                      two years, both sides had       mountable: How to com-
lombia is easing up on          deal by settling on a formu-    Santos said Colombia’s       already agreed on plans         pensate victims and punish
cartels by ending the aer-      la to compensate victims        government and the           for land reform, political      FARC commanders for hu-
ial eradication program,        and punish belligerents for     FARC have reached an         participation for guerrillas    man rights abuses in light of
which has been a fixture        human rights abuses.            agreement to sign a de-      who lay down their weap-        international conventions
of the drug war for two de-     Rebels that confess their       finitive peace deal within   ons and how to jointly com-     Colombia has signed and
cades.                          crimes, compensate vic-         6 months. Negotiators must   bat drug trafficking.           almost unanimous public
“Colombia doesn’t need          tims and promise not to         still come up with a mecha-  Further cementing ex-           rejection of the rebels.q
to continue being the big-      take up arms again will re-
gest exporter of coca on        ceive up to 8 years of re-
the planet and we’re go-        strictions on their liberty in
ing to prove it,” he said in a  restricted areas still be to
speech that follows months      determined.
of internal deliberations.      Santos flew earlier in the
Santos decided in May to        day to Havana, where talks
end aerial spraying of her-     have been going on for
bicides on coca crops af-       three years, to make the
ter a research arm of the       announcement.
World Health Organization       The breakthrough came
reclassified glyphosate as      after Pope Francis, in a visit
a probable carcinogen.          to Cuba this week, warned
More than 4 million acres       the two sides that they
of land in Colombia have        didn’t have the right to
been sprayed with the           fail in their best chance at
popular weed killer over        peace in decades.
the past two decades to         “I want to recognize and
kill the plants whose leaves    value the step that the
produce cocaine.
As part of the new plan,        Venezuela extends border crackdown to 4th state 
growers who abandon
coca will receive financial     CARACAS,  Venezuela             Maduro said Tuesday that     1,400 Colombian nation-         day meeting between for-
and technical assistance,                                       a month-old state of emer-   als as part of what it calls a  eign ministers.
as well as land titles after    (AP) — President Nicolas        gency would be broad-        crackdown on smuggling          Also on Tuesday, Maduro
five years, to switch to al-                                    ened to encompass part       and crime.                      denied that he was threat-
ternative crops.                Maduro has extended an          of the sparsely populated    Presidents of the South         ening another neighbor,
Forced manual eradica-                                          southern state of Amazo-     American neighbors met          Guyana. The president of
tion will be used as a last     anti-smuggling crackdown        nas.                         Monday to mediate a solu-       Guyana has accused Ven-
resort for communities                                          Venezuela has closed bor-    tion, but emerged with few      ezuela of deploying troops
that don’t live up to their     on his country’s border         der crossings, deployed      concrete agreements be-         to a contested border
commitments.q                                                   troops and deported some     sides scheduling a Wednes-      region.q
                                with Colombia while deny-

                                ing that his government’s

                                troops are threatening

                                neighboring Guyana to the

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