Page 9 - atoday sept 24
P. 9
Thursday 24 September
Egypt buys 2 warships from France, 2nd big military purchase
LORI HINNANT each carry 16 helicopter France agreed to refund but the country has turned “France will assure deliv-
SYLVIE CORBET gunships, 700 troops and 950 million euros ($1 bil- more recently toward ery of these boats while
Associated Press up to 50 armored vehicles, lion) already paid by Rus- Western arms purchases, losing nothing, and by do-
PARIS (AP) — Egypt has were originally intended for sia. France didn’t say how with France taking a lead- ing so protecting Egypt,”
agreed to buy two as- Russia. France continued much Egypt has agreed ing role. Egypt bought 24 Hollande said. He noted
sault ships from France, building to Russia’s specifi- to pay, but denied losing advanced fighter jets from French military coopera-
the French government cations — including stencil- money. A military official France earlier this year for tion with Egypt and Egypt’s
said Wednesday, dramati- ing Cyrillic writing through- who was not authorized to nearly $6 billion, as it sought “important role” in the Mid-
cally increasing its capa- out the vessels — until the speak publicly about the international help to bomb dle East.
bilities on- and off-shore as deal finally fell apart be- deal said Egypt would pay IS targets. He said el-Sissi underscored
the country tries to assume cause of the Ukraine crisis. 950 million euros ($1 billion) President Francois Hollande the role of the Suez Canal
a more prominent role It was originally supposed for both ships, which will be said he and Egyptian Presi- and “how important it is for
against Islamic State mili- to be the biggest arms sale delivered next March. dent Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi Europe, for the Middle East,
tants. ever by a NATO country to Russia had traditionally closed the deal Tuesday for trade that the Suez Ca-
The assault ships, which can Russia. supplied Egypt’s military, after several weeks of talks. nal be protected.”q
US-trained Syrian rebels investigating alleged defection
SARAH EL DEEB failing to provide enough ting process to ensure they cluding suggesting that the anti-Islamic State forces.
Associated Press protection for those trained focus on the fight against newly trained fighters oper- The U.S. Central Command
BEIRUT (AP) — U.S.-trained confirmed Monday the
rebels who recently re- Fighters from Syria’s al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front gather around a Syrian government forces air- graduates have re-entered
turned to Syria said craft, inside the Abu Zuhour air base, in Idlib province, north Syria. After a two-year siege, al- Syria with their weapons
Wednesday they have lost Qaida’s affiliate in Syria and other insurgents on Wednesday captured the one remaining Syrian and equipment and were
contact with one of their army air base in Idlib province. to operate alongside exist-
officers and that they are ing western-allied forces.
investigating reports that (Al-Nusra Front social media account via AP) In a new statement
he defected and handed Wednesday, it said it had
over his weapons to al-Qai- rebels once inside Syria. The the IS. ate as the New Syrian Forc- no indication that any New
da’s branch in the country. Syrian Forces fighters have
The U.S. military said it had selected rebels are said to U.S. officials have begun an es, or NSF, alongside Syrian defected to the al-Qaida
no indication that any U.S.- branch in Syria, the Nusra
trained fighters have de- undergo a thorough vet- overhaul of the efforts, in- Kurds, Sunni Arab and other Front, contrary to several
fected. press and social media re-
The allegations come only ports. “Additionally, all Co-
days after the group of alition-issued weapons and
about 70 rebels returned to equipment are under the
Syria after training in Turkey positive control of NSF fight-
as part of the U.S. program ers,” it said. Navy Capt. Jeff
to train and equip rebels to Davis, a Pentagon spokes-
take part in the fight against man, said any accounts of
the Islamic State group. a defection are “patently
Defection among the ranks false.” He said the U.S. is
of U.S.-trained rebels would in contact with the latest
be an embarrassment to group of trainees and as
the program, which has al- of Wednesday, all of them
ready been criticized as of- and their weapons were
fering too little too late and accounted for. q
Bangladesh says it meets US factory safety conditions
JULHAS ALAM nually and mainly exports number of factory inspec- changes to legal docu- The team also expressed
Associated Press to the United States and tors and settled many crim- ments allowing for wider concern about the al-
DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) Europe. But Dhaka has long inal cases against trade workers’ rights. leged harassment of the
— Bangladesh said it has lobbied for its garment in- union leaders who said Michael J. Delaney, assis- union leaders. “We have
met the conditions put for- dustry to have duty-free the charges were meant tant U.S. trade representa- also heard continuing con-
ward by the United States access to the United States to silence them. Some 500 tive, gave guarded appre- cerns about the protection
for better safety and work- and the lost status was seen factory-based trade unions ciation of the progress. of unions from harassment.
ers’ rights in its factories as a big blow to that goal. have been registered and “We saw very good prog- We want to work with the
that were essential to re- The government said in its workers’ welfare associa- ress initially on union reg- government to ensure that
gain preferential trade sta- statement late Tuesday tions have been formed in istrations, with an unprec- the Ministry of Labor has the
tus the impoverished South that all of the 16 conditions special export zones. edented number of unions capacity to address these
Asian nation lost in 2013 af- set by the U.S. have been A delegation of the U.S. successfully registering. allegations and to ensure
ter two disasters killed 1,500 met. It has so far shut down Trade Representative’s of- Now however, there seems unions’ rights and responsi-
garment workers. some 364 apparel units fice praised the progress to be slowing in this area, bilities under the law,’ Del-
The preferential trade sta- for lack of sufficient safety but also found shortcom- with an increasing number aney said. Delaney said it
tus does not cover Bangla- measures. It has amended ings. The delegation is vis- of union registrations being would be crucial that Ban-
desh’s influential garment labor laws, enacting new iting Bangladesh to review denied,” Delaney said in gladesh is prepared to take
industry, which helps the rules for allowing workers to improvements in safety remarks shared by the U.S. on “increased regulatory
country earn $25 billion an- form unions, increased the standards at factories and Embassy in Dhaka. responsibilities.” q