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                                                                                                                                                          Thursday 24 September

US: Chicago man helped cousin on Indonesia killing via texts 

In this March, 2015 file photo, Heather Mack, 19, left, and her                   al court in Chicago with         Mack, 62, was bludgeoned        “Definitely need that,” the
boyfriend Tommy Schaefer, 21, of Chicago, are handcuffed as                       conspiring with his cous-        to death, Schaefer alleg-       complaint says. Schae-
they arrive at a courtroom during their trial in Bali, Indonesia.                 in, Tommy Schaefer, and          edly texted Bibbs saying        fer even texted emojis of
Mack and Schaefer, 19, were both convicted in the killing of                      Heather Mack to kill Sheila      the couple had unsuc-           money bags to indicate
Mack’s mother, Sheila von Wiese-Mack.                                             von Wiese-Mack, whose            cessfully tried causing the     how the killing would make
                                                                                  body was found stuffed in-       mother to overdose on           them all rich, the complaint
                                               (AP Photo/Firdia Lisnawati, File)  side a suitcase in a taxi at     medication. “I told you,”       says.
                                                                                  the resort in Bali in August     Bibbs answered in a text;       After their conviction earlier
MICHAEL TARM                    the most effective methods                        2014. An Indonesian court        “U was right,” Schaefer re-     this year, Schaefer was sen-
Associated Press                to kill.                                          convicted Mack, 19, and          sponded, according to the       tenced to 18 years in prison
CHICAGO (AP) — A Chi-           Robert Justin Bibbs, 24, be-                      Schaefer, 21, in the killing in  criminal complaint.             for battering the woman
cago man was arrested           lieved that in exchange for                       April.                           The complaint says Schae-       to death and Mack to 10
Wednesday on charges            instructing the couple on                         When U.S. Magistrate Judge       fer then texted Bibbs that      years for helping.
that he advised his cousin      how to carry out the slaying                      Maria Valdez asked Bibbs         Mack was in the Bali ho-        At his trial, Schaefer testi-
and his cousin’s girlfriend     and how to evade police                           at an initial appearance         tel room with her sleeping      fied that von Wiese-Mack
about how to kill the wom-      detection that he would                           Wednesday whether he             mother and that she want-       was angry when she
an’s wealthy mother at a        get a cut of the mother’s                         understood he could face         ed him to come over and kill    learned her daughter was
beach resort in Indonesia,      inheritance, according to                         life in prison, Bibbs quietly    her right away. “She wants      pregnant, prompting him
with the criminal complaint     the complaint, which was                          replied, “Yes, ma’am.” Sit-      me to right now ... while she   to strike her with metal fruit
describing how he used          unsealed several hours af-                        ting nearby, his own mother      snoozing,” Schaefer texted;     bowl. The couple’s baby
text messages from the          ter Bibbs’ arrest.                                shook her head in disbelief      Bibbs; response, according      girl, Stella, was born in pris-
United States to suggest        He is charged in feder-                           when a prosecutor said her       to the complaint, was: “Go      on in March. Von Wiese-
                                                                                  son was accused in a mur-        sit on her face wit a pillow.”  Mack was the widow of
                                                                                  der conspiracy. Bibbs will       In communicating the            highly regarded jazz and
                                                                                  remain jailed at least until     overdose hadn’t worked,         classical composer James
                                                                                  a Friday detention hearing.      Schaefer included a gun         L. Mack, who died in 2006
                                                                                  Shortly before von Wiese-        emoji, or symbol, adding,       at the age of 76.q

US man convicted of theft for
failing to take care of corpses 

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP)          ary drew attention in June
— A Texas funeral home          2014 with the announce-
owner whose business was        ment of a planned reality
to be featured in a real-       TV show, about running a
ity TV show was convicted       funeral home and dealing
Wednesday of accepting          with death on a daily basis.
money to care for bod-          The business closed the fol-
ies but failing to do so be-    lowing month due to non-
fore the mortuary abruptly      payment of rent. Investiga-
closed.                         tors who later went through
Deondre Johnson was             the mortuary found several
convicted on two felony         bodies in advanced stag-
theft counts by a Tarrant       es of decomposition, with
County jury. He faced up        some remains difficult to
to two years in state jail for  identify.
theft. He’s expected to be      Johnson accepted pay-
tried later on seven counts     ment then failed to pro-
of abuse of a corpse in the     vide services such as
same case.                      cremation, according to
The Johnson Family Mortu-       prosecutors.q
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