Page 5 - atoday sept 24
P. 5
Thursday 24 September
In South Carolina, Trump lashes out at GOP rivals
BILL BARROW His appearance in South announcement came af- his opponents together from that debate newly
JILL COLVIN Carolina was billed as an ter the channel canceled with his usual promises to confident that they could
Associated Press opportunity for him to ad- a scheduled Trump ap- make the nation “great” take him on by focusing
NORTH CHARLESTON, South dress minority business pearance on “The O’Reilly and “rich” once again. He on more substantive policy
Carolina (AP) — Republi- issues, which Trump has
can presidential front-run- Republican presidential candidate, businessman Donald Trump, greets supporters after often avoided. Still, Trump
ner Donald Trump lashed demonstrates consider-
out at rivals and com- speaking at an event sponsored by the Greater Charleston Business Alliance and the South able strength on the cam-
plained about mistreat- paign trail. After speak-
ment by the media on Carolina African American Chamber of Commerce at the Charleston Area Convention Center in ing before a few hun-
Wednesday, apparently dred empty seats in North
stung by a rash of criticism North Charleston, S.C., Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015. (AP Photo/Mic Smith) Charleston, he drew more
about his comments on im- than 1,000 people to a Co-
migration and women. owners. But Trump’s white Factor” Thursday. Trump continued his attacks later lumbia town hall hosted
It’s not like the other Re- supporters who bought has been feuding with Fox Wednesday in Columbia, by South Carolina Sen. Tim
publican candidates par- tickets to the event com- since the first Republican South Carolina, with barbs Scott.
ticularly like each other, prised most of the audi- primary debate, when he aimed at Kentucky’s Paul, At the North Charleston
Trump groused. Marco ence, and Trump made objected to moderater among others. event, Trump cast Fiorina
Rubio and Jeb Bush “hate only a few mentions of the Megyn Kelly pressing him The front-runner’s griping — another “outsider” can-
each other, but they can’t black business commu- to explain incendiary com- comes as some of Trump’s didate trying to appeal to
say it,” he added. “I’m so nity, at one point saying: ments he’s made about rivals have surged, includ- anti-establishment Repub-
tired of this politically cor- “I have a lot of friends who women. ing former Hewlett-Pack- licans — as another poli-
rect crap.” are African-Americans.” In North Charleston, the ard CEO Carly Fiorina, who tician looking for donors
Eclipsed this week by Pope Trump spoke in South Car- candidate didn’t specifi- impressed many viewers who will ultimately control
Francis’ tour of the U.S., the olina a few hours after cally mention his ongoing with her performance dur- her.
billionaire developer and tweeting that he is boy- spat with Fox News, instead ing the second Republican “Carly is out there fight-
former reality star spent his cotting Fox News. A Fox weaving meandering at- primary debate. ing to raise money,” he
day slinging insults. spokeswoman said Trump’s tacks on the media and Many of his rivals emerged said. “She doesn’t want
He tweeted Wednesday to spend her own money.
that he’s boycotting Fox Maybe she doesn’t have
News, even though the it.”
network said officials there Fiorina suggested Tuesday
had canceled a Trump ap- in Myrtle Beach, South Car-
pearance first. Trump also olina, that she is making
complained that rival Ru- Trump “nervous.”
bio has gotten too much Trump called Marco Rubio
attention for gaining on a “nice guy” but mocked
Bush in some polls of Re- the Florida senator and
publican primary voters. New Jersey Gov. Chris
And he said Kentucky Sen. Christie for sweating pro-
Rand Paul should drop out fusely during the Reagan
of the race because of his library debate. Rubio was
low showing in the polls. “drenched” afterward,
Trump still leads most polls Trump said.
for the 2016 Republican “That room was 100 de-
nomination less than five grees. That room was hot.
months before voting be- I mean poor Chris Christie,”
gins with the Iowa caucus- Trump said.q
“The polls are through the Republicans pressing about probe into Clinton emails
roof,” he told a session of
South Carolina’s African- MATTHEW DALY ton’s use of a private email server. have passed through the
American Chamber of account while serving as The Democratic presiden- system.
Commerce and the Great- MICHAEL BIESECKER secretary of state. tial candidate provided The chairman of the Sen-
er Charleston Business Al- Published reports this week the device to the FBI last ate Judiciary Committee,
liance, another group of Associated Press cited anonymous govern- month and has said emails Republican Chuck Grass-
black business leaders. ment officials as saying had been removed. Feder- ley of Iowa, says the Justice
However, there were signs WASHINGTON (AP) — Re- the FBI has succeeded in al investigators are looking Department is keeping him
that things aren’t so great recovering deleted emails into Clinton’s home-based in the dark about whether
for the billionaire develop- publican lawmakers are from the 2016 Democratic server amid concerns that a criminal investigation is
er so far this week. presidential candidate’s classified information may under way.q
expressing frustration
about what they say is a
lack of information from
the Justice Department
about Hillary Rodham Clin-