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U.S. NEWSThursday 24 September
Indiana’s high court weighs state fair stage collapse case
RICK CALLAHAN highest court. Mid-America from the use of its equip- the contract and the con- awaiting the start of a con-
Associated Press Sound Corp. attorney Rob- ment. Mid-America in- tract was negotiated, cert by country duo Sugar-
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The ert MacGill told the justices serted that provision in its agreed to and executed land. Seven people were
state of Indiana is respon- of the Indiana Supreme invoice claim form after year after year,” MacGill killed and more than 100
sible by contract for the le- Court on Wednesday that the company tried to halt said. Fair officials signed were injured.
gal defense and any judg- Indiana’s State Fair Com- a 2002 state fair concert the revised forms starting Indiana has paid out $11
ments against a company mission signed lease forms as severe weather threat- in 2003 and for eight sub- million to victims of the col-
which provided the rigging with the company for nine ened but was rebuffed by sequent years, including in lapse, including $5 million
that collapsed and killed years that included an “in- state fair officials, who said 2011 after high winds in Au- under the state’s liability
seven people during the demnification” provision only they had such author- gust of that year toppled cap and $6 million in public
2011 state fair, a company releasing Mid-America ity, he said. stage rigging Mid-America funds freed up by the Gen-
attorney told the state’s from any claims arising “The 2002 event changed had provided onto fans eral Assembly.q
Suspect in 4 of 11 Phoenix freeway shootings charged
Leslie Allen Merritt Jr., makes his initial appearance before a judge at the Maricopa County on protecting public utili- week.
ties from attack and would “My gun’s been in the
Sheriff’s Office, in Phoenix. Prosecutors announced formal charges Wednesday against a not apply to the freeway pawn shop the last two
shootings. months,” Merritt told the
21-year-old man suspected in some of the freeway shootings that have rattled the Phoenix Using ballistics tests, detec- judge. “I haven’t even had
tives tied Merritt to four of access to a weapon.”
area. (Rob Schumacher/The Arizona Republic via AP) the 11 shootings reported But the owner of the Mo
on Phoenix-area freeways, Money Pawn Shop in
BOB CHRISTIE Leslie Allen Merritt Jr. was police originally sought Arizona Department of Phoenix said Wednesday
Associated Press charged with 16 counts, against the landscaper Public Safety Director Frank that he had turned over
PHOENIX (AP) — Pros- including aggravated as- arrested Friday night at Milstead said. logs and surveillance vid-
ecutors announced for- sault, unlawful discharge a suburban Phoenix Wal- State police say copycats eo that showed Merritt
mal charges Wednesday of a weapon, disorderly Mart. might be shooting guns or pawned the gun Aug. 30.
against a 21-year-old man conduct, endangerment Maricopa County’s top other weapons on free- That puts Merritt’s pawn-
suspected in some of the and carrying out a drive- prosecutor, Bill Montgom- ways, so the investigation ing of his gun after the four
freeway shootings that by shooting. ery, previously said Arizo- remains open. shootings he’s charged
have rattled the Phoenix But prosecutors did not na’s terrorism laws enact- Only one person was in- with.
area. file terrorism charges that ed after 9/11 focus mostly jured in the shootings: On He had previously pawned
Aug. 29, a bullet pierced and retrieved his gun twice
the windshield of an SUV since July, pawn shop
on Interstate 10, and the owner Eric Baker said.
broken glass slightly cut a Each time, he would have
13-year-old passenger. had to present identifica-
Merritt is charged in that tion and give a fingerprint,
shooting and three others plus undergo an FBI back-
where state police recov- ground check to retrieve
ered bullet fragments from the weapon.
vehicles. “And the final time it was
Merritt said at his initial ap- brought here was Aug.
pearance Saturday that 30 around 5:30 p.m. after
officers arrested the wrong the freeway shootings oc-
person. He said that dur- curred that day,” Baker
ing the time the shootings said. Also on Wednesday,
occurred, he didn’t have state police said the series
the pistol police recovered of shootings began earlier
from a pawn shop last than thought.q
2 men charged in Canada train terror get life in prison
C. NORONHA lier this year of planning to received guidance from Croft Michaelson said out- which made up the bulk of
Associated Press derail a Via train heading members of al-Qaida in side the courtroom. “He the case’s evidence.
TORONTO (AP) — Two men from New York to Toronto Iran. Iranian government found that they were not The two were recorded
found guilty of plotting to and four other terror-relat- officials denied having remorseful and that there speaking about alleged
derail a passenger train in ed charges. anything to do with the was really no indication terror plots they would
Canada with support from Jaser was found guilty of plot. of substantial rehabilita- conduct in retaliation for
al-Qaida were sentenced conspiring to commit mur- Toronto Justice Michael tion. They’re dangerous Canada’s military actions
Wednesday to life in prison. der in support of terrorism Code found both men individuals and that came in Muslim countries, includ-
Chiheb Esseghaier and and two other charges. have not renounced their through in the life sentenc- ing the derailing the New
Raed Jaser must serve a Jaser, who was born in the extremist beliefs, have not es.” York-to-Toronto train.
minimum of 10 years be- United Arab Emirates to expressed remorse and During their trial, the court A few weeks after Esseghai-
fore becoming eligible Palestinian parents but is present questionable pros- heard that an undercover er and Jaser were arrested,
for parole on their life sen- not an UAE citizen, was liv- pects for rehabilitation. FBI agent gained the trust FBI officials arrested a Tuni-
tences. ing in Toronto when he was “Code found that they of Jaser and Esseghaier sian man in New York who
A jury convicted Esseghai- arrested in 2013. were very serious and and surreptitiously record- they said was linked to the
er, a Tunisian national, ear- Investigators say the men committed,” prosecutor ed their conversations, rail terror plot.q