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                                                                                                                              Thursday 24 September

Xi says ‘without reform’ no
business progress in China 

GENE JOHNSON                  treaty that would provide      Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks at a U.S.-China business roundtable, comprised of U.S. and
PHUONG LE                     a framework for broader        Chinese CEOs, Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015, in Seattle. The Paulson Institute, in partnership with
Associated Press              investment in the econo-       the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, co-hosted the event.
SEATTLE (AP) — Chinese        my of each nation.
President Xi Jinping on       All of the American CEOs                                                                                                  (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson, Pool)
Wednesday addressed           participating in the fo-
Amazon founder Jeff           rum signed a letter to Xi      Treasury Secretary Hank   that reaching agreements      “China will never close its
Bezos, billionaire investor   and  U.S. President Barack     Paulson and Commerce      to ensure robust interna-     open door to the outside
Warren Buffett and other      Obama urging them to           Secretary Penny Pritzker  tional trade was a priority.  world,” Xi said.q
top American and Chinese      support an agreement,
business leaders, vow-        and they heard encourag-
ing that his country would    ing words from Xi on the
work to remove barriers to    topic Wednesday.
foreign investment and im-    “Once concluded, the
prove intellectual property   treaty will further ease
protections.                  market access and put
Xi’s conference with the      in place more open and
business leaders in Seattle   transparent market rules,”
marked the beginning of       he said.
a busy day. He also toured    Bilateral investment trea-
the Boeing production fa-     ties provide rules for com-
cility in Everett and was to  panies doing business in
visit the Microsoft campus    other countries. The agree-
along with a high school in   ments can help ensure the
Tacoma.                       rights of foreign investors
Apple Chief Executive Tim     are protected and that
Cook, Microsoft CEO Sa-       foreign companies oper-
tya Nadella and Jack Ma       ate on a level playing field
of Chinese e-commerce         with domestic ones.
giant Alibaba also were       An agreement with China
among the 30 executives       could open up more of
who attended a closed-        that nation’s massive mar-
door discussion moderat-      ket to American compa-
ed by former  U.S. Treasury   nies, provide clearer rules
Secretary Henry Paulson       for Chinese investment in
that preceded Xi’s ad-        the U.S., and create jobs in
dress.                        both countries, supporters
Xi told the group in a        say.
speech that was open to       Such treaties “can be a
media that China’s econo-     powerful catalyst for more
my has “big potential” and    economic growth,” said
leaders will continue to re-  Evan Feigenbaum, vice
move barriers to foreign in-  chairman of the Paulson
vestment.                     Institute, which co-hosted
“Without reform, there will   the meeting.
be no driving force; with-    Representatives from Twit-
out opening up, there will    ter, Facebook and Google
be no progress,” Xi said      were notably missing from
through an interpreter,       the event. China blocks
echoing remarks he made       those companies’ web-
during a speech Tuesday.      sites.
“There is good news and I     Earlier Wednesday it was
believe there will be more    announced that Chinese
good news in the future.”     companies have agreed
Xi attributed the Chinese     to buy 300 jets from Boeing.
economy’s “moderation         In addition, state-owned
in speed and downward         Commercial Aircraft Corp.
pressure with some ups and    of China signed a cooper-
downs in the stock market”    ation agreement with the
to three factors — world      aerospace giant to build a
economic problems, pro-       737 aircraft assembly cen-
active Chinese efforts at     ter in China.
regulation and “protract-     Xi arrived in Seattle on
ed structural problems” in    Tuesday for a three-day
China.                        visit before he heads to
But, he said, “I believe in   the White House later this
the long run that the fun-    week.
damentals of the Chinese      In the speech Tuesday, Xi
economy are good.”            told dignitaries such as for-
A big item of concern for     mer U.S. Secretary of State
the American CEOs was a       Henry Kissinger, former
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