Page 13 - atoday sept 24
P. 13
Thursday 24 September
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Playa Linda Beach Resort
PALM BEACH - Recently as Emerald Ambassadors All the honorees are from beaches and the restau- The certificates were pre-
the Aruba Tourism Author- were Mr. Horacio and Mrs. Caracas, Venezuela, and rants. They say Aruba feels sented by Mr. Ernest Giel
ity had the great pleasure Ida Moros, who received they are all loyal members like a second home to representing the Aruba
of honoring a group of both certificates and a of the Playa Linda and them, where the people Tourism Authority together
loyal and friendly visitor of commemorative coin rep- they love Aruba very much are like family, and that Pla- with Ms. Yvette Tromp rep-
Aruba at the Playa Linda resenting over 35 years of because of the friendly ya Linda is like their ‘home resenting the Playa Linda
Beach Resort, as Ambas- consecutive visit to Aruba. people, the weather, the away from home.’ Beach Resort.q
sadors of Goodwill and
Emerald Ambassadors of
Aruba. The symbolic hon-
orary titles are presented in
the name of the Minister of
Tourism as a token of ap-
preciation to guests who
visit Aruba for 20-to-34 and
35-or-more consecutive
The honorees for Good-
will Ambassador were Mr.
Franco and Mrs. Gladys
Porcarelli, Mr. Carlos and
Mrs. Julieta Sacks, and Mr.
Eduardo and Mrs. Adri-
anne Porcarelli. Honored