Page 21 - atoday sept 24
P. 21

                                                                                                                              Thursday 24 September

NL Capsules 

Arrieta wins 20th game,
Cubs beat Brewers 4-0

CUBS 4, BREWERS 0              time in seven games. They       Dodger Stadium. But the          Chicago Cubs starting pitcher Jake Arrieta delivers during the
CHICAGO (AP) — Jake Ar-        held their 6 1/2-game lead      Dodgers have aces for the        first inning of a baseball game against the Milwaukee Brewers,
rieta threw a three-hitter     over Washington.                next two — major league          Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2015, in Chicago. 
to become the first pitch-     Down 4-1, the Mets loaded       ERA leader Zack Greinke
er in the major leagues to     the bases with one out in       on Wednesday and reign-                                                                             Associated Press
reach 20 wins, Kris Bryant     the eighth. Edwin Jackson,      ing NL Most Valuable Play-
set the Cubs rookie record     Atlanta’s fourth pitcher        er Clayton Kershaw on                                                                         OCTSEOASBOENRST3ARRTDS
for home runs and Chicago      of the inning, gave up a        Thursday.
inched closer to a playoff     sacrifice fly to pinch-hitter   Ray (5-12) struck out seven,          ON THE BIG SCREEN OF CARIBBEAN CINEMAS MEGAPLEX 8
berth with a victory over      Michael Cuddyer and got         walked two and escaped
the Brewers.                   Wilmer Flores on a ground-      a bases-loaded jam in the           SEASON PASSES NOW AVAILABLE
Arietta (20-6) struck out 11   er to protect the lead.         first inning.
for Chicago, whose magic       Pinch-hitter Adonis Garcia      PHILLIES 6, MARLINS 2            IVElRTDI rovatore           TPUuCCrINaI ndot
number for making its first    lined a two-out, two-run        MIAMI (AP) — Cody Asche
postseason in seven years      double in the ninth off Mets    hit two home runs to help        OCT 3 12:55PM LIVE          JAN 30 1:55PM LIVE
dropped to three.              reliever Tyler Clippard.        Aaron Harang get his first       OCT 14 6:00PM ENCORE        FEB 10 6:00PM ENCORE
The right-hander retired 14    GIANTS 4, PADRES 2              victory in over a month as
in a row at one point in be-   SAN DIEGO (AP) — Rookie         the Phillies beat the Marlins.   OVERtDeI llo                MPUCCaINnI on Lescaut
coming the first Cubs pitch-   Trevor Brown’s RBI double       It was Harang’s first win
er to win 20 games since       was his first major league      since July 30 against At-        OCT 17 12:55PM LIVE         MAR 5 1:55PM LIVE
Jon Lieber in 2001.            hit and Angel Pagan had         lanta, a span of eight starts.   OCT 28 6:00PM ENCORE        MAR 16 6:00PM ENCORE
Bryant, whose April 17 de-     a two-run home run for the      Harang (6-15) pitched sev-
but was one of the most        Giants, who beat the Pa-        en innings, allowing two         TWAaGnNEnR häuser           MPUCCaINdI ama Butterfly
anticipated in years, hit a    dres to pull within six games   runs and seven hits.
two-run homer in the third     of first-place Los Angeles in   Darin Ruf homered and            OCT 31 12:00PM LIVE         APR 2 12:55PM LIVE
off Tyler Cravy (0-8) to       the NL West.                    Freddy Galvis had three          NOV 11 6:00PM ENCORE        APR 13 6:00PM ENCORE
give Chicago a 2-0 lead. It    Time’s running out for the      hits and drove in two runs
was Bryant’s 26th longball,    defending World Series          for the Phillies, who an-        LBERuGlu                    RDOoNIZbETeTrI to Devereux
besting Billy Williams’ mark   champion Giants, who            nounced before the game
in 1961. Bryant added a        have only 12 games left.        that Pete Mackanin would         NOV 21 1:30 PM LIVE         APR 16 12:55PM LIVE
run-scoring double in the      They trail the Chicago          be their manager for the         DEC 2 6:00PM ENCORE         ABR 27 6:00PM ENCORE
eighth.                        Cubs by 9 1-2 games for         2016 season, dropping the
PIRATES 6, ROCKIES 3           the second wild card spot.      interim title he had since       BIZET                       ESTRlAeUkSStra
DENVER (AP) — Starling         The Giants have beaten          taking over for Ryne Sand-
Marte drove in two runs        the Padres six straight times   berg on June 26.                 Les Pêcheurs de             APR 30 12:55PM LIVE
and the Pirates closed in      and eight of nine.              Marlins starter Tom Koehler      Perles (The Pearl Fishers)  MAY 11 6:00PM ENCORE
on their third straight play-  San Diego’s Tyson Ross (10-     (10-14) allowed four runs,
off berth by beating the       11) struck out 11 to tie his    three earned, in five in-        JAN 16 1:55PM LIVE
Rockies.                       career high. That gave him      nings.                           JAN 27 6:00PM ENCORE
The Pirates reduced their      a career-high 205 for the       Miguel Rojas hit a two-run
magic number to one for        season. His previous high       homer for the Marlins. Ro-       AT CARIBBEAN CINEMAS MEGAPLEX 8, PALM BEACH PLAZA
securing at least an NL wild   was 195 last year.              jas is hitting .343 (12 for 35)
card. A win Wednesday          Brown got the start after       over his last 11 games.          TICKETING INFORMATION
against the Rockies would      catcher Buster Posey was a      CARDINALS 3, REDS 1
clinch another trip to the     late scratch.                   ST. LOUIS (AP) — John Lack-      586 - 0074 - Monday to Friday - After 3:30 PM
postseason.                    DIAMONDBACKS 8, DODG-           ey pitched seven strong in-                                           - Saturday and Sunday - After 1:00 PM
Pittsburgh also kept pace      ERS 0                           nings, rookie Tommy Pham         AWG                   50,00  Adults   Per person, per function.
with NL Central leader St.     LOS ANGELES (AP) — Rob-         continued his productive         AWG                   45,00  Seniors  Tax included.
Louis. The Cardinals beat      bie Ray pitched six innings     hitting and the Cardinals
Cincinnati to maintain a       of three-hit ball, A.J. Pol-    beat the Reds.                                         Season passes available.
four-game lead over the        lock and Paul Goldschmidt       Lackey (13-9) allowed only
second-place Pirates.          hit back-to-back homers         a first-inning homer by Jay      ENCORE PRESENTATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Pittsburgh scored in each      in the seventh, and the         Bruce during his 16th quality
of the first four innings      Diamondbacks beat the           start in 16 outings at Busch         The Met: Live in HD series is made possible by a generous grant from its founding sponsor
against Chris Rusin to build   Dodgers.                        Stadium. The veteran right-      The Neubauer Family Foundation • Global corporate sponsorship of The Met Live in HD is provided
a 6-3 lead.                    The Dodgers lost their fourth   hander struck out seven,
BRAVES 6, METS 2               straight game, equaling         walked none and lowered                      by • The HD Broadcasts are supported by
NEW YORK (AP) — Rookie         their longest slide of the      his home ERA to 1.97.
right-hander Matt Wisler       season, but they remain six     St. Louis improved to an         Palm Beach Plaza | Aruba | 586-0074
stopped his nine-start win-    games ahead of the Giants       MLB-best 95-56 with its sec-
less drought and the Braves    in first place in the NL West.  ond straight low-scoring
stalled the Mets’ push to-     The Diamondbacks have           victory over Cincinnati.
ward the NL East title.        won the first two games of      Steve Cishek worked the
David Wright homered as        this four-game series after     ninth to earn his first save
the Mets lost for the fifth    losing their previous nine at   for St. Louis.q
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