Page 25 - atoday sept 24
P. 25

                                                                                                                                 Thursday 24 September

Volkswagen clean-car image                                 Volkswagen CEO Winterkorn steps down

  dirtied by emissions scandal                             GEIR MOULSON                     new beginning.”                departing CEO’s “readiness
                                                           PAN PYLAS                        Huber said a successor will    to take responsibility in this
MAE ANDERSON                                               Associated Press                 be discussed at a board        difficult situation for Volk-
AP Business Writer                                         BERLIN (AP) — Volkswagen         meeting on Friday that         swagen.”
NEW YORK (AP) — German engineering may lose                CEO Martin Winterkorn re-        was originally intended to     Stephan Weil, the gover-
some marketing pop after Volkswagen’s stunning             signed Wednesday, days           approve extending Win-         nor of Lower Saxony state,
admission that it rigged emissions tests.                  after admitting that the         terkorn’s contract through     which holds a 20 percent
The revelation is particularly damaging since Volk-        world’s top-selling carmak-      2018.                          stake in Volkswagen, said
swagen has long pinned its reputation on its tech-         er had rigged diesel emis-       VW reversed its market slide,  VW is filing a criminal com-
nological prowess, with the tagline, “Isn’t it time for    sions to pass U.S. tests during  closing up 6.9 percent at      plaint, “because we have
German engineering?,” along with its focus on envi-        his tenure.                      118.90 euros. But VW’s share   the impression that crimi-
ronmental sustainability.                                  No replacement was an-           price has a long way to go     nally relevant actions may
“Brands are all about trust and it takes years and years   nounced, and VW still has        to recoup this week’s losses.  have played a role here.”
to develop,” says Nigel Currie, an independent U.K.-       no easy exit from a scandal      Nearly 25 billion euros        Weil, also a VW director,
based branding consultant. “But in the space of 24         that has suddenly dented         (around $28 billion) was       promised to “clear up these
hours, Volkswagen has gone from one people could           a reputation for trustworthi-    wiped out in the first two     events with all the possi-
trust to one people don’t know what to think of.”          ness that took decades to        days of trading after the      bilities we have inside the
The company apologized and the CEO stepped                 build. The smog-test trick-      U.S. Environmental Protec-     company and ensure that
down, but Volkswagen has yet to explain how the            ery has wiped out billions       tion Agency revealed that      those involved are pun-
cheating was allowed to occur. The company risks           in VW’s market value and         VW has been violating the      ished severely.” The pros-
alienating not only fans of the “People’s Car,” but        raised the specter of crimi-     Clean Air Act and could be     ecutors’ office in Braunsch-
dealers, the local face of the brand, who feel blind-
sided by the scandal.                                      Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn is seen in Berlin. Winterkorn resigned Wednesday, days after
“The most important thing is that VW comes out and
tells the public what happened, who was involved           admitting that the world’s top-selling carmaker had rigged diesel emissions to pass U.S. tests
and make sure that it doesn’t happen again” said
Jeremy Robinson-Leon, principal and chief operating        during his tenure.						                                        (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)
officer at New York-based corporate and crisis PR firm
Group Gordon.                                              nal investigations and bil- subject to fines of as much weig, near VW’s Wolfsburg
That communication needs to happen soon, says Mi-
chael Jackson, the CEO of AutoNation, the largest          lions more in fines.             as $18 billion.                headquarters, confirmed
auto dealership chain in the U.S. He says VW diesel
owners are angry and dealers don’t have enough             Winterkorn took responsi- Winterkorn, VW’s boss since that it is weighing an inves-
details to share with them. Jackson gives VW a week
to explain its actions or he feels the brand value will    bility for the “irregularities” 2007, had come under in- tigation of VW employees.
be damaged.
VW risks losing owners like Peggy Schaeffer, 64, a li-     found by U.S. inspectors in tense pressure since the Other governments from
brarian from Durham, North Carolina. For Schaeffer,
her 2010 diesel Jetta Sportswagen was the ideal car,       VW’s diesel engines, but EPA’s disclosure Friday that Europe to South Korea have
peppy but still environmentally friendly. Now, “I really
feel like I’ve been had. I’ve been hoodwinked. This is     insisted he had personally stealth software makes begun their own inquiries,
deliberate fraud and deceit,” she says. Schaeffer is
uncertain what she’ll do next.                             done nothing wrong.              VW’s 2009-2015 model cars and law firms have already
“I’ll watch and wait and see how the company be-
haves,” she says.                                          “I am doing this in the inter- powered by 2.0-liter diesel filed class-action suits on
Being an environmentally friendly company is in Volk-
swagen’s DNA. Back in the 1960s its first U.S. ads urged   ests of the company even engines run cleaner during behalf of customers.
people to “Think Small” in an era of gas-guzzling cars.
More recently, Volkswagen launched a global “Think         though I am not aware of emissions tests than in ac- There is no immediate way
Blue” campaign in 2010 with the aim to “become the
world’s most ecologically sustainable car manufac-         any wrongdoing on my tual driving.                              of restoring VW’s reputa-
turer” by 2018.
“They had a brand image that is very straightforward,      part,” his statement said. The EPA accused VW of tion, but only total transpar-
honest and in recent years dependent on being a
leader on environmental standards and pushing              “Volkswagen needs a fresh installing the so-called “de- ency can resolve the scan-
those,” said Kelly O’Keefe, professor of brand man-
agement at the VCU Brandcenter. “Now it appears            start ... I am clearing the feat device” in 482,000 cars dal and salvage its brand,
they’ve been cheating to get there, which is a dev-
astating revelation.”                                      way for this fresh start with sold in the U.S. VW later said Jeremy Robinson-Leon,
Recent ads have promoted its “clean diesel” tech-
nology, which provides high fuel economy, in its Pas-      my resignation.”                 acknowledged that similar chief operating officer at
sat, Jetta, and other cars. One campaign shows old-
er ladies in a Passat bickering about whether diesel       Winterkorn, 68, resigned software exists in 11 million Group Gordon, a New York-
fuel is “sluggish” or “stinky.” A Jetta ad says the car’s
engine is “painstakingly engineered without compro-        following a crisis meeting diesel cars worldwide and based corporate and crisis
The scandal broke Friday in the U.S., and the last         of the Volkswagen super- was setting aside 6.5 billion PR firm. “The most important
“Clean Diesel” ad ran Monday, according to iSpot.
tv, which tracks TV ads in real time. Volkswagen ap-       visory board’s executive euros to cover the costs of thing is that VW comes out
pears to have pulled the ads from its YouTube chan-
nel, although they remain on some dealer pages             committee. Its acting chair- the scandal.                       and tells the public what
and elsewhere on YouTube.q
                                                           man, Berthold Huber, said Huber said “Mr. Winterkorn happened, who was in-

                                                           company directors are “re- had no knowledge of the volved and make sure that

                                                           solved to embark with de- manipulation of emission it doesn’t happen again,”

                                                           termination on a credible values,” and praised the he said.q
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