Page 30 - atoday sept 24
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PEOPLE & ARTSThursday 24 September
Cauley, survivor of
crash that killed
Redding, dies at 67
This July 18, 2013, file photo shows a group of kindergarten children singing Happy Birthday to In this Nov. 29, 2007, file photo, Booker T. Washington High
Nelson Mandela outside the Mediclinic Heart Hospital in Pretoria, South Africa. Ben Cauley, a member of the School in Memphis, his
Stax Records group the Bar- daughter said. When he
Associated Press Kays and the only survivor was a senior he would be
of the 1967 plane crash that picked up at high school
Federal judge rules ‘Happy killed most of his bandmates on a Friday, travel and play
Birthday’ song in public domain and Stax star Otis Redding, with Otis Redding on the
poses for a photo in his home weekends and then come
JOHN ROGERS Co.’s purported succes- use it in a commercial en- studio in Memphis, Tenn. back to school the next
Associated Press sors-in-interest, do not own terprise. week. She said some of the
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The a valid copyright in the “We are looking at the Associated Press band members needed
music publishing compa- Happy Birthday lyrics,” King court’s lengthy opinion and permission slips from their
ny that has been collect- concluded in his 43-page considering our options,” MEMPHIS, Tennessee (AP) parents to travel with the
ing royalties on the song ruling. Warner/Chappell said in a — Trumpeter Ben Cauley, band.
“Happy Birthday To You” The lawsuit also asked for statement following Tues- a member of the Stax Re-
for years does not hold a monetary damages and day’s ruling. cords group the Bar-Kays On Dec. 10, 1967, they
valid copyright on the lyr- restitution of more than $5 and the only survivor of the were traveling on Red-
ics to the tune that is one million in licensing fees it In his ruling King went into 1967 plane crash that killed ding’s new twin engine
of the mostly widely sung in said in 2013 that Warner/ great detail about the his- most of his bandmates and Beechcraft when it went
the world, a federal judge Chappell had collected tory of “Happy Birthday To Stax star Otis Redding, has into Lake Monona near
ruled Tuesday. from thousands of people You” and its derivation from died in Memphis. He was Madison, Wisconsin. Able
U.S. District Judge George and groups who’ve paid “Good Morning to All.” 67. to hold on to a seat cush-
H. King determined the to use the song over the That song was written by ion, Cauley was the only
song’s original copyright, years. sisters Mildred Hill and Patty Cauley’s eldest daughter, survivor. Another band
obtained by the Clayton F. Marshall Lamm, a spokes- Hill sometime before 1893, Chekita Cauley-Camp- member, bassist James Al-
Summy Co. from the song’s man for one of the plain- the judge said, adding bell, said her father died exander, was on a differ-
writers, only covered spe- tiffs’ lawyers, said that issue that the sisters assigned the late Monday at Methodist ent plane.
cific piano arrangements would be determined later. rights to it and other songs South Hospital. His death After the crash, the pair
of the song and not its lyr- In the meantime, one of the to Clayton F. Summy, who was first reported by The rebuilt the Bar-Kays and
ics. The basic tune of the suit’s co-plaintiffs, Ruypa copyrighted and published Commercial Appeal. backed Isaac Hayes on his
song, derived from another Marya of the music group them in a book titled “Song While he has long been landmark album, “Hot But-
popular children’s song, Ruypa & The April Fishes, Stories for the Kindergar- known as the sole survivor tered Soul,” according to
“Good Morning to All,” has praised Tuesday’s decision. ten.” of the crash that killed Red- the Memphis Music Hall of
long been in the public do- “I hope we can start rei- “The origins of the lyrics ding, Cauley was a survivor Fame’s website. The Bar-
main. magining copyright law to Happy Birthday (the in many other ways. Kays were inducted into
to do what it’s supposed ‘Happy Birthday lyrics’) He had struggled with the Hall of Fame in 2013.
King’s decision comes in a to do — protect the cre- are less clear,” the judge health issues for years, in- Cauley-Campbell said her
lawsuit filed two years ago ations of people who make continued, adding the first cluding a stroke he suf- father toured with Hayes,
by Good Morning To You stuff so that we can con- known reference to them fered in 1989, but he per- and also played with
Productions Corp., which is tinue to make more stuff,” appeared in a 1901 article severed through all of it Aretha Franklin, the Doobie
working on a documentary said Marya, who added in the Inland Educator and and continued to play his Brothers and many others.
film tentatively titled “Hap- she paid Warner/Chappell Indiana School Journal. trumpet. He was a well-known ses-
py Birthday.” The company $455 to include “Happy The full lyrics themselves, “He was just a real hum- sion musician, and Cauley-
challenged the copyright Birthday To You” on a live King said, didn’t appear in ble, debonair gentleman,” Campbell said she often
now held by Warner/Chap- album during which mem- print until 1911. Cauley-Campbell said. recognized the sound of
pell Music Inc., arguing that bers of her band and audi- Since then, they have be- “He really loved his music. his trumpet on records be-
the song should be “dedi- ence sang the song to her come the most famous lyr- His music was really his life. cause it was so different
cated to public use and in the night before her birth- ics in the English language, He breathed music.” from anyone else’s play-
the public domain.” day. according to Guinness Cauley was playing with ing.
“Because Summy Co. nev- Warner/Chappell has said World Records. The song is the Bar-Kays while still at-
er acquired the rights to it doesn’t try to collect roy- also sung in countless oth- tending high school at “No one could play like
the ‘Happy Birthday’ lyr- alties from just anyone sing- er languages around the him,” she said. “It was a
ics, defendants, as Summy ing the song but those who world.q very distinct sound. It was a
pitch above the roof.”
Besides Cauley-Camp-
bell, Cauley is survived
by daughters Shuronda
Cauley-Oliver, Miriam Cau-
ley-Crisp, Monica Cauley-
Johnson and Kimberly Gar-
rett; and sons Phalon Rich-
mond and Ben Wells. Plans
for a memorial service are