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                   Monday 7 august 2017
            Welcome boost from China to global pressure on North Korea

                                                                                                   gling sought to build on the  late  the  U.N.’s  decision  or
                                                                                                   sweeping new North Korea  provoke  international  soci-
                                                                                                   sanctions  passed  by  the  ety’s goodwill by conduct-
                                                                                                   U.N. Security Council a day  ing missile launching or nu-
                                                                                                   earlier — the strongest in a  clear  tests,”  Wang  said,  in
                                                                                                   generation, the U.S. said. As  an  unusually  direct  admo-
                                                                                                   diplomats  gathered  in  the  nition. Tillerson did not meet
                                                                                                   Philippines  for  an  annual  with  North  Korea’s  envoy,
                                                                                                   regional meeting, President  Ri Yong Ho.
                                                                                                   Donald  Trump  was  cheer-   In  fact,  on  his  first  day  in
                                                                                                   ing the move.                Manila,  Tillerson  appeared
                                                                                                   He  cited  the  “very  big  fi-  to  go  out  of  his  way  to
                                                                                                   nancial  impact”  of  the  avoid  crossing  paths  with
                                                                                                   sanctions  and  noted  opti-  Ri. Though Beijing repeated
                                                                                                   mistically  that  both  China  its call for the United States
                                                                                                   and  Russia  had  joined  in  and North Korea to resume
                                                                                                   the  unanimous  vote.  “It  talks, the U.S. said that was
                                                                                                   was a good outcome,” U.S.  still  premature,  and  reject-
                                                                                                   Secretary  of  State  Rex  Til-  ed yet again a Chinese call
                                                                                                   lerson  said  in  characteristi-  for  the  U.S.  to  freeze  joint
                                                                                                   cally understated fashion.   military exercises with South
                                                                                                   For  the  U.S.,  it  was  a  long-  Korea in exchange for the
            U.S. State Secretary Rex Tillerson, center, applauds after linking arms with ASEAN Foreign Ministers
            during the 10th Lower Mekong Initiative Ministerial Meeting part of the Association of Southeast   awaited  sign  of  progress  North  halting  nuclear  de-
            Asian Nations Regional Forum in Manila, Philippines, Sunday Aug. 6, 2017.              for  Trump’s  strategy  of  try-  velopment.  The  U.S.  also
                                                                         (Mohd Rasfan/Pool via AP)  ing  to  enlist  Beijing’s  help  warned it planned to rigor-
            By JOSH LEDERMAN             nomic  lifeline,  as  Beijing  closely  to  ensure  it  didn’t  to  squeeze  North  Korea  ously monitor China’s com-
            Associated Press             called  on  its  neighbor  to  ease  up  on  North  Korea  diplomatically  and  eco-   pliance with the new pen-
            MANILA,  Philippines  (AP)  halt  its  missile  and  nuclear  if  and  when  the  world’s  nomically. Chinese Foreign  alties.  Susan  Thornton,  the
            —  A  global  pressure  cam-  tests.The Trump administra-  attention  is  diverted  else-  Minister  Wang  Yi,  meeting  top  U.S.  diplomat  for  Asia,
            paign on North Korea pro-    tion  cautiously  embraced  where.  But  there  were  no  with North Korea’s top dip-  said Beijing had historically
            pelled  by  sharp  new  U.N.  China’s  apparent  new-     signs  the  U.S.  would  ac-  lomat during the gathering  cooperated with sanctions
            sanctions  received  a  wel-  found  cooperation,  while  quiesce  to  China’s  call  for  in Manila, urged the North  after flagrant North Korean
            come  boost  Sunday  from  putting  it  on  notice  that  a  quick  return  to  negotia-  to “maintain calm” despite  violations  but  then  slipped
            China,  the  North’s  eco-   the U.S. would be watching  tions. The diplomatic wran-   the U.N. vote. “Do not vio-  back over time.q

            Russia ready for more engagement with US, despite sanction

            By JOSH LEDERMAN                                                                                                    publicly disclose details.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Last month, the Kremlin said
            MANILA, Philippines (AP) —                                                                                          the  U.S.  must  cut  its  em-
            Russia’s  top  diplomat  said                                                                                       bassy  and  consulate  staff
            Sunday  his  country  was                                                                                           in  Russia  by  755  people,  a
            ready  for  more  engage-                                                                                           move  that  echoed  former
            ment with the United States                                                                                         President Barack Obama’s
            on  North  Korea,  Syria,                                                                                           action last year to kick out
            Ukraine and other pressing                                                                                          Russian diplomats in punish-
            matters,  even  as  Moscow                                                                                          ment  for  Moscow’s  med-
            braced  for  new  sanctions                                                                                         dling in the 2016 American
            from the Trump administra-                                                                                          election.  The  Russian  an-
            tion.Foreign Minister Sergey                                                                                        nouncement  has  caused
            Lavrov,  after  meeting  with                                                                                       confusion because the U.S.
            U.S. Secretary of State Rex                                                                                         is believed to have far few-
            Tillerson for the first since the                                                                                   er than 755 American em-
            U.S. imposed the additional                                                                                         ployees in the country.
            penalties, said Russian and                                                                                         Word that U.S. special rep-
            the U.S. had agreed to re-                                                                                          resentative   Kurt   Volker
            sume  a  suspended  high-                                                                                           plans  to  visit  the  Russian
            level  diplomatic  channel                                                                                          capital  was  the  latest  sign
            and  Washington  would                                                                                              that  Washington  is  giving
            send  its  Ukraine  envoy  to                                                                                       fresh  attention  to  resolving
            Moscow for negotiations.     Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks in Berlin, Germany, Thursday, July 13, 2017. Lavrov   the Ukraine conflict.
            Lavrov’s  upbeat  assess-    said Sunday his country was ready for more engagement with the United States, even as Moscow   The  U.S.  cut  military  ties  to
            ment came amid what the      braced for new sanctions from the Trump administration.                                Russia  over  Moscow’s  an-
            U.S. has called a diplomatic                                                               (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)  nexation  of  Crimea  and
            low point unseen since the  the  diplomats  discussed,  counterparts need to keep  expel  American  diplomats  accuses  the  Kremlin  of  fo-
            end of the Cold War.         and Tillerson didn’t respond  the dialogue open,” Lavrov  and  shutter  a  U.S.  recre-  menting  unrest  in  eastern
            It wasn’t immediately clear  to  shouted  questions  from  said.  “There’s  no  alterna-  ational  facility  on  the  out-  Ukraine by arming, support-
            whether  the  U.S.  shared  journalists allowed in briefly  tive to that.”             skirts  of  Moscow.  Lavrov  ing and even directing pro-
            Lavrov’s  rosy  view  of  the  for the start of the hour-plus  Lavrov  said  Tillerson  had  said  he  explained  to  Tiller-  Russian  separatists  there
            meeting.  The  U.S.  offered  meeting in the Philippines.  asked him for details about  son  how  Russia  will  carry  who  are  fighting  the  Kiev
            no  comment  about  what  “We felt that our American  Moscow’s  recent  move  to  out its response, but did not  government.q
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