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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 7 august 2017

            NYC’s long war on storefront porn reaches new tipping point

                                                                      lishments  around  the  city,  of its floor space to the sex  sections.
                                                                      with then-mayor Rudy Giu-    business.  Some  strip  clubs  The city argued that many
                                                                      liani helping rout them out.  divided themselves in two,  of  these  tweaks  were  a
                                                                      Times  Square,  where  porn  with  part  of  the  building  sham.
                                                                      parlors  and  strip  clubs  devoted to hosting private  In  2001,  the  City  Council
                                                                      thrived into the 1990s amid  events. One opened a su-     altered  zoning  regulations
                                                                      Broadway  theaters,  now  shi restaurant on one of its  to reduce the significance
                                                                      bears little resemblance to  floors. Adult DVD and book  of  the  60/40  test.  Those
                                                                      its old self.                stores  stocked  up  on  titles  changes, and others, were
                                                                      But  a  few  adult  establish-  that had nothing to do with  the subject of the court rul-
                                                                      ments remained, some be-     sex, and which often gath-   ing in June.
                                                                      cause  they  found  ways  to  ered  dust.  Others  did  less  Dubno  said  she  has  asked
                                                                      work around a rule defining  to  diversify,  offering  coat  the  state  appeals  court
                                                                      a business as adult if it de-  checks, pool tables or con-  to   reconsider   its   June
                                                                      voted  40  percent  or  more  doms  in  their  “non-adult”  decision.q

            In this Thursday, Aug. 3, 2017, photo, a man looks at a poster
            in the window of Show World Center, one of Times Square’s last
            surviving pornography businesses, in New York. The city’s two-
            decade  legal  war  on  storefront  businesses  like  this  one  may
            have reached a new tipping point.
                                              (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)
            By VERENA DOBNIK             most  tolerant  city  in  the
            Associated Press             country,  if  not  the  world,”
            NEW YORK (AP) — A dwin-      the  lawyer,  Erica  Dubno,
            dling  number  of  peep  said.  “And  unfortunately,
            shows, strip clubs and adult  freedom  of  expression  is
            DVD  stores  have  survived  being  restricted  and  small
            New  York  City’s  two-de-   businesses are in jeopardy.”
            cade  legal  war  on  smut  Several dozen of the adult
            and now, some of the sur-    establishments are still hing-
            vivors are worried a recent  ing  their  hopes  on  free-
            court  decision  could  put  dom-of-speech legal chal-
            them under for good.         lenges, she said.
            In  June,  New  York’s  Court  For now, there’s no urgen-
            of Appeals reinstated rules  cy  to  clear  out.  The  city  is
            dating to 2001 barring any  staying  enforcement  of
            establishment  with  “live  the  court  decision  pend-
            performances  character-     ing a resolution of the legal
            ized  by  an  emphasis  on  loose ends. In a statement,
            certain   specified   ana-   the New York City Law De-
            tomical  areas  or  specified  partment  said  it  believed
            sexual  activities”  as  well  the  city’s  approach  to
            as  sexually  explicit  videos  regulating  the  businesses
            from  all  but  carefully  se-  was “reasonable and law-
            lected city zones. It isn’t the  ful  to  protect  our  quality
            first time a court has sided  of life” and were intended
            with the city, only to have  to  stem  “the  widespread
            the  regulations  tweaked  circumvention  of  zoning
            or  overturned  by  another  regulations.”  New  York’s
            court  later.  But  a  lawyer  well-known efforts to clean
            who  represents  several  X-  up  its  once  booming  por-
            rated  shops  said  in  an  un-  nography  industry  began
            successful  petition  to  the  in the mid-1990s, with regu-
            U.S.  Supreme  Court  last  lations  barring  adult  busi-
            month that if the city went  nesses from operating near
            ahead  with  long-delayed  churches  or  schools  and
            enforcement,  it  could  put  in  most  commercial  and
            her clients out of business.  residential  neighborhoods.
            “New  York  has  the  tradi-  The rules shuttered many of
            tion of being the freest and  more than 170 such estab-
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