Page 12 - aruba-today-20170807
P. 12

                   Monday 7 august 2017

                   Venezuela troops quash anti-Maduro attack on military base

            By JUAN CARLOS HERNAN-                                                                 night  watch  by  surprise,   Padrino  Lopez  charac-
            DEZ                                                                                    Maduro  said.  The  intrud-  terized  the  attackers  as
            Associated Press                                                                       ers managed to reach the     a  “paramilitary”  expedi-
            VALENCIA,       Venezuela                                                              base’s  weapons  depot       tion,  saying  the  intruders
            (AP) — Soldiers battled for                                                            before an alarm sounded,     were  civilians  dressed  in
            three  hours  Sunday  morn-                                                            alerting  troops  to  the  in-  uniforms.  He  did  not  iden-
            ing against a small band of                                                            cursion.  He  said  10  of  the   tify any of the participants,
            anti-government    fighters                                                            invaders  then  escaped,     but  said  they  included  a
            who snuck onto a Venezu-                                                               some  carrying  off  arms,   lieutenant who had aban-
            elan army base, apparent-                                                              while those left behind ex-  doned his post. He said the
            ly  intent  on  fomenting  an                                                          changed  gunfire  with  sol-  man  who  recorded  the
            uprising,  President  Nicolas                                                          diers until about 8 a.m. be-  video was a former officer
            Maduro said.                                                                           fore all were either killed or   dismissed  three  years  ago
            Troops killed two of the in-                                                           captured.                    after  being  charged  with
            truders,  wounded  another                                                             “Today  we  had  to  de-     rebellion  and  betraying
            and  captured  seven,  but                                                             feat terrorism with bullets,”   the homeland.
            10  others  got  away,  the                                                            Maduro said.                 In  2014,  Caguaripano  re-
            embattled     leader   an-                                                             Residents  who  live  near-  leased  a  12-minute  video
            nounced  in  his  weekly                                                               by  and  saw  the  dissident   denouncing  Maduro  dur-
            broadcast  on  state  televi-                                                          group’s video online gath-   ing  a  previous  wave  of
            sion.                        Residents shout slogans against Venezuela’s President Nicolas   ered  around  the  military   anti-government   unrest.
            “We  know  where  they       Maduro outside of Military base Paramacay in Valencia, Ven-  base   chanting   “Free-  He later reportedly sought
            are headed and all of our    ezuela, Sunday, Aug. 6, 2017. Venezuelan ruling party chief Di-  dom!”  Other  protests  also   exile  after  a  military  tribu-
            military and police force is   osdado Cabello said the military squashed a “terrorist” attack   emerged   spontaneously   nal  ordered  his  arrest,  ap-
            deployed,”  Maduro  said.    at the military base Sunday, shortly after a small group of men   around  Valencia  into  the   pearing in an interview on
            He  said  he  would  ask  for   dressed in military fatigues released a video declaring them-  afternoon.           CNN  en  Espanol  to  draw
            “the maximum penalty for     selves in rebellion.                                      Troops  dispersed  the  pro-  attention  to  what  he  said
            those  who  participated  in                          (AP Photo/Juan Carlos Hernandez)  testers  with  tear  gas  and   was  discontent  within  mili-
            this terrorist attack.”                                                                a  man  was  fatally  shot  at   tary ranks.
            The  incident  happened      in  military  fatigues,  some  ment and called on military   a  demonstration  less  than   He  returned  to  Venezuela
            during  the  early  morning   carrying  rifles,  began  cir-  units to declare themselves   a mile from the base, said   to  lead  Sunday’s  uprising,
            hours  at  the  Paramacay    culating  widely  on  social  in open rebellion.          Haydee  Franco,  coordi-     said  Giomar  Flores,  a  mu-
            base in the central city of   media around that time. In  “This is not a coup d’etat,”   nating  secretary  of  the   tinous naval officer now in
            Valencia.  Residents  who    the recording, a man who  the man said. “This is a civic   opposition  Progressive  Ad-  Bogota,  Colombia,  who
            live nearby said they heard   identified  himself  as  Capt.  and  military  action  to  re-  vance  party.  More  than   said he is a spokesman for
            repeated  bursts  of  gunfire   Juan  Caguaripano  said  establish  the  constitutional   120 people have been re-  the group.
            starting around 4:30 a.m.    the  men  were  members  order.”                          ported killed in unrest that   Padrino Lopez alleged the
            A  video  showing  more      of the military who oppose  Twenty  men  entered  the     began in early April.        attackers  were  recruited
            than a dozen men dressed     Maduro’s  socialist  govern-  base,  catching  soldiers  on   Defense  Minister  Vladimir   by   “right-wing   extrem-
                                                                                                                                ists”  working  with  unspeci-
              Brazil:                                                                                                           fied  foreign  governments.

                3,500 soldiers enter Rio slums amid violence spike                                                              Maduro  said  the  attack
                                                                                                                                was  “paid  for  by  Miami
                                                                                                                                and  Colombia”  —  cit-
                                                                                                                                ies  with  large  numbers  of
              SAO  PAULO  (AP)  —  More  Complexo  do  Lins  com-     Last  week  8,500  soldiers  tanks as they patrolled the   Venezuelans  who  oppose
              than  3,500  Brazilian  sol-  munities  and  neighboring  were  deployed  in  Rio  to  communities.               his  government.  Neither
              diers are occupying a se-   Camarista  Meier  in  the  fight   organized    crime  Mounting     violence    in    provided  specific  details
              ries of slum communities in  early  hours  of  Saturday.  gangs,   which   control  Rio  has  led  authorities  to   on how they had come to
              northern Rio de Janeiro as  Defense    Minister   Raul  many of the city’s slums.   acknowledge  in  recent       that conclusion.
              part of efforts to combat a  Jungmann  told  Globo  TV  Brazilian television showed  weeks  that  much  of  the   “Today’s  terrorist  attack  is
              spike in violence.          that the troops would stay  soldiers  armed  with  au-  city is out of their control.q  no more than a propagan-
              The troops moved into the  there as long as necessary.  tomatic  rifles  sitting  atop                            da  show,”  Padrino  Lopez
                                                                                                                                said. q
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