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            Eiffel Tower suspect says he was in touch with IS member

                                                                                                   tried  to  breach  security  at  phrase  for  “God  is  great,”
                                                                                                   the  Eiffel  Tower,  authorities  an  official  close  to  the  in-
                                                                                                   said Sunday.                 vestigation said. He quickly
                                                                                                   No  one  was  hurt  in  the  was surrounded by security
                                                                                                   incident   late   Saturday,  forces and surrendered, the
                                                                                                   though the tower was brief-  official  said.  A  Paris  police
                                                                                                   ly  evacuated,  according  official  said  no  shots  were
                                                                                                   to  a  statement  from  the  fired.  Both  officials  weren’t
                                                                                                   company  that  manages  authorized  to  be  publicly
                                                                                                   the  monument.  The  tower  named.
                                                                                                   reopened as usual Sunday  The  suspect  later  told  po-
                                                                                                   morning.                     lice that he had wanted to
                                                                                                   It is the latest of several at-  attack  a  soldier  and  had
                                                                                                   tempted  attacks  on  secu-  been in touch with a mem-
                                                                                                   rity  forces  guarding  promi-  ber  of  the  Islamic  State
                                                                                                   nent sites in France as part  group  who  encouraged
                                                                                                   of  heightened  protective  him to do so, according to
                                                                                                   measures  prompted  by  the  official  close  to  the  in-
                                                                                                   deadly attacks since 2015.  vestigation.
                                                                                                   Monuments  in  the  French  The  official  said  the  claim
                                                                                                   capital  are  occasionally  prompted  investigators  to
                                                                                                   evacuated for security rea-  upgrade the seriousness of
                                                                                                   sons as part of those mea-   the alleged offense, which
             In this Friday, June 10, 2016 photo, French riot police officers patrol under the Eiffel Tower, in Paris.   sures.  originally  they  classified
             A young French man is under investigation for glorifying terrorism after he tried to breach security   In  Saturday’s  incident,  the  as  a  common  crime  by
             at the Eiffel Tower, authorities said Sunday, Aug. 6, 2017.                           suspect  tried  to  force  his  someone  with  a  history  of
                                                                          (AP Photo/Kamil Zihnioglu)  way  into  the  secure  zone  psychiatric  problems.  As  a
            By ANGELA CHARLTON           French  man  who  recently  vestigation for an attempt-   beneath  the  tower,  held  result, the probe has been
            Associated Press             was discharged from a psy-   ed terrorist attack after he  out  a  knife  and  said  “Al-  handed  to  counterterror-
            PARIS  (AP)  —  A  young  chiatric hospital is under in-  brandished  a  knife  and  lahu  akbar,”  the  Arabic  ism prosecutors.q

            Milan police arrest man in kidnapping of British model

             ROME (AP) — A 30-year-old  identified  as  Lukasz  Pawel  police  headquarters  de-   woman  and  dropped  her  tacked  by  two  men,  ac-
             man  has  been  arrested  in  Herba, a Polish citizen with  tailed the woman’s ordeal.  off  at  the  British  consulate  cording  to  the  police  ac-
             the  alleged  kidnapping  of  British  residency.  He  was  “Attacked,    drugged,  in Milan, police said.         count.  “The  kidnappers
             a young British model who  jailed  for  investigation  of  handcuffed and closed in-  The woman had arrived in  loaded  the  suitcase  with
             thought  she  was  coming  suspected  kidnapping  for  side a suitcase, that’s how  Milan  on  July  10  and  was  the  girl  (inside)  into  a  car
             to Milan for a photo shoot,  extortion  purposes,  police  a 20-year-old English mod-  supposed  to  do  the  pho-  trunk” and drove to a rural
             but  instead  was  drugged,  said.                       el  was  kidnapped  on  July  tography  session  the  next  home  in  a  hamlet  outside
             hustled away in a suitcase  Police  official  Lorenzo  Bu-  11 in Milan to be sold to the  day, the statement said. A  Turin,  the  statement  said.
             and handcuffed in a house  cossi  told  reporters  the  best offer on pornography  photographer had booked  In  the  house,  “the  model
             in northern Italy before be-  20-year-old  woman  had  sites,”  on  the  internet,  the  the  session  through  the  was kept handcuffed to a
             ing  released,  Milan  police  come to Milan for what she  statement said.            model’s agent, but as soon  wooden  dresser  in  a  bed-
             said Saturday.              thought was a photo shoot  The  suspect  was  arrested  as  she  stepped  inside  the  room”  until  she  was  re-
             Police released a mugshot  and was abducted on July  on  July  18,  the  day  after  Milan  apartment  for  the  leased  on  July  17,  the  po-
             of  the  suspect  whom  they  11. A statement from Milan  he  allegedly  released  the  appointment,  she  was  at-  lice said.q
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