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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 7 august 2017

            Northwestern professor, Oxford staffer jailed in stabbing

                                                                      old Trenton James Cornell-   courthouse in Oakland.
                                                                      Duranleau  was  found  in  Supervisory  Deputy  U.S.
                                                                      Lathem’s  Chicago  apart-    Marshal  Frank  Conroy  told
                                                                      ment July 27.                The  Associated  Press  the
                                                                      Police  said  Lathem  had  a  telephone    negotiations
                                                                      relationship  with  Cornell-  began  late  Friday  after-
                                                                      Duranleau, who moved to  noon  and  by  evening,
                                                                      Chicago  from  the  Grand  Lathem  arrived  by  car  at
                                                                      Rapids, Michigan, area af-   the  courthouse.  No  guns
                                                                      ter  receiving  his  cosmetol-  were  drawn,  but  Lathem
                                                                      ogy  license.  Investigators  was  ordered  to  carefully
                                                                      have  not  elaborated  on  step out of the vehicle and
                                                                      how  Cornell-Duranleau  or  was  taken  into  custody  in
                                                                      Lathem knew Warren, or if  a  courtyard  area,  Conroy
                                                                      Warren knew them before  said.
            This  combination  of  photos  show  Andrew  Warren  (left),  and   he  arrived  in  the  United  According to Conroy, Lath-
            Wyndham  Lathem  (right).  Warren  and  Lathem  were  jailed  in
            the San Francisco area on Saturday after eight days as fugitives   States.             em  stated  that  he  would
            in the death of a young hairdresser in Chicago. Lathem faces   Chicago  police  said  War-  not  answer  questions  on
            a  Monday,  Aug.  7,  2017  court  appearance  in  the  city  of   ren was 56; he was booked  the advice of a lawyer, and
            Pleasanton, Calif.                                        into jail as age 49.         no questions were asked.
                                      (Chicago PD/Alameda SO via AP)  A deputy U.S. marshal said  Investigators  talked  with
                                                                      Lathem’s  surrender  came  Lathem’s friends during the
             By DAISY NGUYEN             in the crime he called “the   after  fast-paced  negotia-  week,  including  people
             Associated Press            worst  mistake  of  my  life,”   tions  through  an  attorney  from his graduate and un-
             SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —  according to investigators.     that led to the fugitive turn-  dergraduate  days,  along
             Far  from  their  prestigious  Lathem, 42, was being held   ing himself in at the federal  with his colleagues.q
             campuses, a Northwestern  without  bail  in  Alameda
             University  professor  and  County and faced a Mon-
             a  University  of  Oxford  fi-  day  court  appearance
             nance officer were jailed in  in  the  city  of  Pleasanton.
             the San Francisco area on  Lathem  was  under  inten-
             Saturday  after  eight  days  sive  observation  Saturday
             as  fugitives  in  the  death  in  jail,  Alameda  County
             of  a  young  hairdresser  in  Sheriff’s Sgt. Ray Kelly said.
             Chicago who was repeat-     The other suspect, Andrew
             edly stabbed until the knife  Warren,  a  treasury  assis-
             broke, police said.         tant  at  one  of  Oxford’s
             The  Northwestern  microbi-  residential colleges in Eng-
             ologist, Wyndham Lathem,  land, was being held at the
             had a personal relationship  county jail in San Francisco.
             with  the  victim,  although  Both men surrendered sep-
             the  nature  of  it  wasn’t  arately  and  peacefully  on
             clear.  While  on  the  run,  Friday  evening  in  the  Bay
             Lathem  had  sent  a  video  Area.
             to family and friends apolo-  They  had  been  fugitives
             gizing  for  his  involvement  since the body of 26-year-

            Barbados fugitive nabbed in

            South Carolina over fraud

            COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A  convince  elderly  people
            fugitive who’s been on the  to pay him money by say-
            run for months from Barba-   ing  he  was  a  needy  rela-
            dos authorities was arrest-  tive.  Authorities  believe
            ed  in  South  Carolina  on  Browne defrauded his vic-
            charges that he scammed  tims of $130,000.
            elderly victims out of more  Investigators  received  in-
            than  $100,000,  federal  of-  formation  that  he  had
            ficials said Sunday.         come  to  South  Carolina
            The  U.S.  Marshals  Service  late  last  year  after  flee-
            said in a news release that  ing Barbados and was at-
            Hainsley  DaCosta  Browne  tempting to run the same
            was  arrested  in  Fairfield  scams in the U.S. The Mar-
            County,  South  Carolina,  shals  Service  said  he  had
            hours  after  a  media  alert  been using multiple aliases
            was sent Friday asking for  and  also  went  by  the
            the public’s help.           nickname      “Barbados.”
            He was wanted in Barba-      Authorities  say  he  has  a
            dos  on  accusations  that  lengthy  criminal  history  in
            he  ran  a  phone  scam  to  Barbados.q
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