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A8    world news
                   Monday 7 august 2017

            Open conflict triggers concern Poland might leave EU next

            By VANESSA GERA                                                                                                     and is going to be a lead-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing partner to other mem-
            WARSAW,      Poland    (AP)                                                                                         ber states within the struc-
            —  Since  British  voters  en-                                                                                      ture,”  Bochenek  told  The
            dorsed  leaving  the  Euro-                                                                                         Associated Press on Friday.
            pean Union, politicians and                                                                                         “We  have  got  many  am-
            pundits  have  ruminated                                                                                            bitious  projects  and  chal-
            on  which  of  the  bloc’s  re-                                                                                     lenges to realize in the EU.
            maining  27  nations  could                                                                                         We will cooperate with our
            be  next.  “Grexit”  and                                                                                            European partners.”
            “Frexit,”  for  Greece  and                                                                                         Law and Justice has never
            France,  were  two  sub-                                                                                            publicly  advocated  leav-
            jects  of  speculation.  Now,                                                                                       ing  the  bloc,  but  criticizes
            months  of  open  conflict                                                                                          what  it  views  as  unneces-
            between  Poland’s  conser-                                                                                          sary  EU  bureaucracy  and
            vative  nationalist  govern-                                                                                        infringements  on  the  au-
            ment  and  the  rest  of  the                                                                                       thority  of  member  coun-
            EU has some Poles wonder-                                                                                           tries  to  make  their  own
            ing if their leaders are put-                                                                                       decisions.  In  that  vein,
            ting the country on a path                                                                                          Poland’s  government  ag-
            that could take it out of the                                                                                       gressively  pushed  through
            union.                                                                                                              legislation to put the court
            “There  is  a  question  mark                                                                                       system  under  the  ruling
            over  Poland’s  European                                                                                            party’s  control.  The  EU’s
            future  today,”  European    President  of  the  European  Council  Donald  Tusk  speaks  to  the  media  outside  the  prosecutor’s   executive arm has said the
            Council  President  Donald   office in Warsaw, Poland, Thursday, Aug. 3, 2017. Months of conflict between Poland’s government   moves violate democratic
            Tusk,  a  former  Polish  prime   and the rest of the EU has some Poles wondering if their leaders are putting the country on a path   norms by reducing judicial
            minister  who  is  a  critic  of   that could take it out of the union.                                             independence.
            the  ruling  Law  and  Justice                                                         (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)  With  Warsaw  refusing  to
            party, said Thursday.        proval  stemming  from  the  tually  lead  to  a  parting  government has ordered in   give in to the bloc’s calls for
            The EU is widely popular in  economic boom and free-      of  ways.  They  point  to  the  a  primeval  forest  that  has   it to respect the separation
            Poland, so the idea of the  dom  of  travel  that  came  defiant  stance  Law  and  been  classified  as  a  UNES-  of  powers,  the  European
            country  abandoning  the  with membership in 2004.        Justice and its leader, Jaro-  CO world heritage site.    Commission  is    threaten-
            bloc  strikes  many  people  But members of the opposi-   slaw  Kaczynski,  adopted  Government       spokesman     ing  steps  that  could  lead
            here as farfetched. Several  tion  in  Poland  increasingly  when  the  EU  raised  con-  Rafal  Bochenek  insisted   to Poland losing its EU vot-
            surveys have shown public  are  voicing  fears  that  the  cerns  about  changes  to  that  Polish  leaders  intend   ing rights. The government
            support  for  the  EU  stand-  conflicts  between  Warsaw  Poland’s justice system and  to keep Poland in the bloc.  also has continued logging
            ing at over 70 percent, ap-  and  Brussels  could  even-  the  extensive  logging  the  “Poland is a member of EU   in  the  Bialowieza  Forest
                                                                                                                                even though the European
                                                                                                                                Court  of  Justice  in  Luxem-
            Irish PM:                                                                                                           bourg ordered it last week

            ‘Matter of time’ for North Ireland and gay marriage                                                                 to  stop  felling  trees  imme-
                                                                                                                                If it continues, Poland could
                                                                                                                                be hit with massive fines.
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Ireland’s  kar,  Ireland’s  first  openly  2015  voter  referendum  le-  The   Democratic   Union-  Katarzyna   Lubnauer,   a
            prime minister says it is “only  gay  leader,  made  the  galized them in the repub-   ists,  Northern  Ireland’s  big-  lawmaker with the opposi-
            a  matter  of  time”  before  comments  at  a  gay  pride  lic of Ireland.             gest British Protestant party   tion Modern party, said re-
            same-sex marriage is legal-  event  on  Saturday  in  Bel-  The issue has been one of  and  a  key  partner  to  Brit-  cently  that  because  Poles
            ized  in  Northern  Ireland  —  fast.                     the sticking points prevent-  ish  Prime  Minister  Theresa   are  such  “Euro-enthusi-
            the only part of the United  Northern  Ireland  remains  ing  the  restoration  of  the  May’s government, has op-  asts,”  nobody  in  the  rul-
            Kingdom  where  it  still  is  the  only  part  of  the  British  Catholic-Protestant   pow-  posed same-sex marriage.  ing  Law  and  Justice  party
            banned.                      Isles  where  same-sex  mar-  er-sharing  government  in  The  Catholic  nationalist   would  admit  that  leaving
            Prime  Minister  Leo  Varad-  riages  are  not  allowed.  A  Northern Ireland.         Sinn Fein supports it.q      the bloc is their aim.q
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